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Geotech Accessories

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Jun 7, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Geotech Accessories

Geotech AccessoriesAlchemy-Spetec offers a variety of accessories for use with the geotech product line.  In this post, we'll take a brief tour.  If you have any questions about these products, don't hesitate to call us at 404-618-0438.

Slab Lifting Gun & Stand Up Attachment

Two-component resin injection gun manufactured specifically for lifting concrete slabs, designed to handle back-pressure. As the essential piece of foam jacking equipment for Alchemy-Spetec’s expanding polyurethane foams, the resin injection gun provides highly-efficient concrete leveling. The attachment allows the user to stand while operating the gun.

Download an Info-Packed MixMaster Pro Brochure!

PolyBadger Lifting System

The Alchemy-Spetec PolyBadger lifting system is tough and compact. This system is an affordable entry-level option for new contractors, as well as an extremely portable addition to the experienced contractor’s arsenal. The PolyBadger is a lot less expensive than your standard 20 foot trailer rig. The set up is simple and requires minimal equipment. The entire system can easily fit in the back of a pickup truck!. The genius of the PolyBadger is the auto calibrator. It keeps the flow of A and B on ratio, eliminating the possibility of a crossover in the gun or the whip hose. 

Download an Info-Packed PolyBadger System Brochure!

Slab Lifting Pumps

As the essential piece of concrete leveling equipment, the PMC plural component hydraulic proportioner is used to inject AP two-component structural polyurethane foams for Slab Lifting, Filling Voids and Soil Stabilization.  Rugged and dependable, this line of concrete leveling equipment utilizes relays and circuit breakers instead of circuit boards, vastly increasing reliability and preventing maintenance problems.  Read more here...

AP Flush 121

Reusable, biodegradable, high performance pump flush that is friendly to the environment and does an excellent job flushing out pumps.

AP Flush 125

Water based gun flush specifically used for flushing out the MixMaster impingement gun. Also used to protect concrete from resin stains.

AP Soak 130

AP Soak 130 is a reusable, non-flammable solvent for cleaning cured resin from metal components. 

AP Lube 190

AP Lube 190 is a lubricant for preventing isocyanate from setting up inside pumps or hoses.

Spetec Gel Reinforcing Agent

Spetec Gel Reinforcing Agent is an acrylic latex additive used to increase the strength and flexibility of our AG series of acrylic gels.

Want more information on Alchemy-Spetec geotech products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Deep Lift

The Jack & Beam System

Posted by Jim Spiegel on May 24, 2019 11:17:42 AM

The Jack & Beam System

The Jack & Beam SystemNote: This product is no longer available.
Please see:
Jack Attack System.

The Jack & Beam System provides mechanical leverage for guiding the lift direction of slabs or holding them in place while filling voids beneath.


Improves accuracy of final slab position.
Helps prevent over-lifting.
Works with a variety of concrete anchors.
Cuts down on wasted foam.

System Components

Two steel structural beams.
Four mechanical jacks.
Accessories kit with chains, hooks and clevices.

Want more information on Alchemy-Spetec Geotech products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Deep Lift

The Sidewinder Scuff Guard

Posted by Jim Spiegel on May 22, 2019 10:08:20 AM

The Sidewinder Scuff Guard

The Sidewinder Scuff Guard

When your reputation is on the line, we’ve got you covered.
Sidewinder Scuff Guard incorporates the most advanced
insulation and abrasion-resistant materials to enhance application
and provide higher yields when pushing foam.

Available in both insulated and non-insulated versions, Sidewinder installs in minutes and offers unmatched hose protection from heavy abrasion, moisture, and temperature energy loss.

Forget the duct tape and nylon sock! Bundle up with Sidewinder’s “all-season” Scuff Guard from Alchemy-Spetec.

  • RUGGED SIMPLICITY. Sidewinder’s sleek, low-profile design makes dragging hose a breeze.

  • OPTIMIZED FOR SPF. Sidewinder’s specialized cover provides added protection in wet, high UV applications and remains extremely flexible in temperatures from -60°F to 250°F.

  • UP TO 60% ENERGY SAVINGS. Insulated sleeve can reduce temperature loss by up to 60%.

  • GETTING HEATED? Sidewinder Scuff Guard helps control viscosity & reduces wear to proportioners eliminating these headaches:
    • Inability to maintain ideal temperatures under varying conditions
    • Hours spent repairing heavy hose sock & replacing tattered duct tape
    • Replacing costly FTS cables, FTS sensors & defective whips
    • Loss of yield, cutting into profits

Want more information on Alchemy-Spetec Geotech products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Deep Lift

Alchemy-Spetec Releases 4 New Products

Posted by Jim Spiegel on May 20, 2019 1:33:36 PM

Alchemy-Spetec Releases 4 New Products

Alchemy-Spetec has added 4 new items to our product line!

Slab-Lift-Equipment-JackAndBeamJack & Beam System

The Jack & Beam System provides mechanical leverage for guiding the lift direction of slabs or holding them in place while filling voids beneath. This invaluable tool provides polyurethane slab lifters with a distinct advantage in precision slab placement.

The system includes 2 beams, 4 jacks and all the necessary hardware.

Slab-Lift-Equipment-Sidewinder-Scuff-GuardSidewinder Scuff Guard

The Sidewinder Scuff Guard incorporates the most advanced insulation and abrasion-resistant materials to enhance application and provide higher yields when pushing foam. Available in both insulated and non-insulated versions, the Sidewinder installs in minutes and offers unmatched hose protection from heavy abrasion, moisture, and temperature energy loss.

Spetec Gel Reinforcing Agent

Spetec Gel Reinforcing Agent is an acrylic latex additive used to increase the strength and flexibility of our AG series of acrylic gels.

AP Lube 190

AP Lube 190 is a multi-purpose lubricant for use with both electric injection pumps and proportioner/reactor pumps.

Want more information on Alchemy-Spetec products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog! 

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks

Alchemy-Spetec Geotech Resources

Posted by Andy Powell on May 17, 2019 3:25:43 PM

Alchemy-Spetec Geotech Resources

Alchemy-Spetec Geotech ResourcesSinking slabs and soil issues can cause both safety and property value problems. Alchemy-Spetec offers solutions for unlevel concrete and unstable soil.

Concrete Leveling

A structure is only as good as the foundation it’s built on. And regardless of how well-constructed a structure may be, most foundations settle. That’s just a fact of life. Erosion, shifting soil, compaction, and many other environmental conditions tend to cause settling. Sometimes structures settle gradually, and in other cases they’re swallowed up in minutes. These situations create problems for property owners and opportunities for the contractors who know how to fix them.

Alchemy-Spetec manufactures high-strength polyurethane lifting foams for slab jacking. Among the most dependable products for jacking and leveling concrete slabs, these two-component, high-strength, hydro-insensitive structural foams serve as an extremely effective solution for contractors.

Deep Lift Structure Leveling

Poor compaction, water erosion, broken pipes, and organic material in the soil can all lead to
settling of a foundation or a roadway. Traditional slab lifting can bring concrete and structures
back into place but it doesn’t necessarily address the underlying issue or guarantee a long
term fix. Other methods of addressing deep soil issues require heavy equipment, extended
down time, and collateral property damage. These situations create problems for property
owners as well as opportunities for the elite contractors that know how to fix them.

Alchemy-Spetec offers a unique combination of high-strength polyurethane structural lifting foams along with the equipment and training needed to address deep soil issues. Now you can achieve soil densification and lifting on large projects with the smallest footprint and least amount of heavy equipment required.  The Deep Lift™ process is powerful, painless, and rapid. Deep Lift™ gets to the root of the problems in the soil, it brings the structure back to level, and accomplishes this with minimal imposition or downtime to the property owner.

Soil Stabilization

Unstable soil can be defined as soil that will not stay in place on its own, and therefore requires
extra support. It should be noted that unstable soil can threaten the stability, security,
and safety of infrastructure and can damage, degrade, and even destroy a number of structures,
such as buildings, bridges, and roads. There are a variety of factors that can cause unstable
soil including erosion, poor compaction, freeze/thaw cycles and decomposition.

Soil can be stabilized high strength polyurethane stabilization foams.  Once the bearing capacity of the
soil has been increased with this process, then the structure can be lifted if necessary.

Want more geotech resources?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Download an Info-Packed Deep Lift Brochure!

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Deep Lift

Why Slab Lifting Contractors are Switching to Alchemy-Spetec

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Apr 30, 2019 1:45:01 PM

Why Slab Lifting Contractors are Switching to Alchemy-Spetec

Why Slab Lifting Contractors are Switching to Alchemy-SpetecThe Never-Ending Story

Over the last few years I have heard different versions of this story over and over again. It is usually shared at our weekly company-wide meeting. "So and so switched from the competition because they couldn't get the technical support they needed. A contractor I am working with had too many call-backs on his jobs because the foam from their previous supplier wasn't holding up after installation. My new customer said the equipment they bought from Company X is unreliable and frustrating to use." The list goes on.

Investment Brings Profit

The one thing all these new Alchemy-Spetec customers tend to have in common is that they started out trying to cut corners on material and equipment costs. They initially tried buying from the low price leaders in the industry, only to discover the hard way that you get what you pay for. Finally motivated to pay for quality, they are now enjoying maximum efficiency on the job with reliable equipment and durable high-strength polyurethane foam. Many new customers also express appreciation for the continued tech support and marketing assistance they recieve from Alchemy-Spetec. It's a big contrast from the "thanks for the check, we'll see ya' later" approach that many manufacturers have. The irony in all this is that the added value of top quality foam, equipment, tech support and marketing assistance more than makes up for the price difference. These new customers are turbo-charging their business with a new level of efficiency and productivity. It's actually fun to watch and gratifying to hear the feedback.

If you're one of those reformed bargain seekers checking out our site because you initially "got what you paid for", call us today at 404-618-0438 and let's discuss turbo-charging YOUR business!

Want more info on Alchemy-Spetec slab lifting products?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Business Tips

Essential Tips for Starting a Polyurethane Slab Lifting Business

Posted by Andy Powell on Apr 24, 2019 2:13:18 PM

Essential Tips for Starting a Polyurethane Slab Lifting Business

Pursuing the dream of starting your own polyurethane slab lifting business is a big leap. But it's not nearly so intimidating when you're armed with the right information. In this post I'll cover available slab lifting markets, marketing strategies for your lifting business, and estimating materials for a job.

Essential Tips for Starting a Polyurethane Slab Lifting Business

Polyurethane Slab Lifting Markets

Residential Slab Jacking

The residential market offers tremendous opportunities for the slab lifting contractor. Obviously there are driveways, foundations, patios, pools, and porches. Don’t think residential only includes houses. There are countless opportunities in the apartment and condo sectors as well.

Commercial-Industrial Slab Jacking

Because scenarios for slab lifting are infinite in the non-residential category, we list commercial and industrial together. Concrete parking lots, showroom floors, industrial park walkways and an endless supply of huge warehouse floors are just the tip of the iceberg in this potentially lucrative market.

Slab Jacking for the Transportation Sector

Last but not least, there's the transportation sector. The world is covered with miles and miles of concrete roads, highways, bridge approach slabs, and railroad support slabs.  A large percentage of them have settled in one spot or another (and the rest are vulnerable to future settling). Read more in the post Identifying Common Markets for Slab Jacking with Polyurethane.

There will NEVER be enough slab lifting contractors out there to address ALL of these current and future slab lifting needs.  Your fortune awaits...(IF you know what you’re doing).

Marketing Your Slab Lifting Business

Maintaining A Well Designed, Search Engine Optimized Website

Professional design, photography and content will help you stay competitive and either depict you as a confident, articulate leader in your field or just the opposite (if it's not well designed). It is also imperative to make sure that your website is Search Engine Optimized. Designing a search friendly site for your industry niche and market location will make a world of difference in the amount of leads you capture via your online presence.

Attracting Leads with a Blog

Posting blog articles regularly allows you to cast a wide net with lots of SEO friendly post pages. It's also a great way to share your knowledge and build trust in the market as an industry expert. If you offer more value (such as an info-packed brochure) in exchange for contact info, you can increase your leads dramatically. Blogs are a gift that keeps on giving, because the posts stay up and attract new leads forever. Read all about this extremely effective marketing technique in our blog post How to Promote Your Contracting Business with a Blog.

Targeted Local Advertisements

Setting up a Google Ads account to target your market and placing ads in local publications are effective ways of getting the word out in your local market. If you’re aware of a specific problem occurring in your area, such as sinkholes, you can even highlight that issue in your advertising. Read more marketing tips in the post Marketing Your Slab Lifting Business.

Advertising on Contractor Referral Sites

Because you’re putting yourself in front of customers who are actively seeking your services, you can increase your marketing ROI compared to other methods such as cold calling, print advertising, etc. In addition, referred customers are typically less price sensitive than cold call prospects. Referral sites are also a great way to build your reputation by accumulating positive reviews from customers. Read more about this approach in our blog post How to Market Your Contracting Business with Referral Sites.

Exhibiting at Home Shows

Home shows are a great place to meet potential customers and even affiliate partners. Contractors tell us over and over again that home shows are a GREAT source for leads. Take a look at our blog post on marketing at home shows

Presenting at Professional Associations

Giving presentations at local chapters of professional associations is a great way to network, meet potential customers and lead sources. Look into organizations serving property maintenance professionals, building managers, property owners, real estate professionals, etc. Establish yourself as a local expert and people will come to you when they have slab settlement problems. 

Estimating Materials for Jobs

Material Calculation

Through a combination of easy calculations, product information, and some site considerations, you should be able to estimate your slab lifting materials without too much trouble. Fortunately, Alchemy-Spetec has a simple estimating app that allows you to calculate the lifting material you'll need in a few easy steps. Read the blog post on our estimating app for more info.

Specific Considerations

Beyond the geometry required to estimate lifting the slab, you must take into account some job specific considerations. This is where it becomes critical to qualify the volume of material included in your proposal. And just as important, this is where you need to make sure you have included enough so you get the job done right and don’t have to go back to the customer asking for more money. Sometimes that’s unavoidable if you encounter surprises; but by keeping a few considerations in mind this can often be avoided. For help on specific considerations, contact your tech support rep at 404-618-0438 today.

Include Contingency Material

Typically for a lifting job without other considerations besides the lifting volume, we recommend adding an additional 10- 15% onto your material estimate to cover yourself. Just make sure you do a thorough evaluation of the conditions and possibilities so you don’t underestimate the job and have to go back to the property owner with your hand out. Read more in the post Estimating Materials for Slab Jacking.

Want more information on slab lifting?

 Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Business Tips

How NOT to Repair a Tripping Hazard (Come On Man!)

Posted by Andy Powell on Apr 19, 2019 5:12:36 PM

How NOT to Repair a Tripping Hazard (Come On Man!)

One of my favorite segments on TV is when the sports analysts stand around and watch film of the previous week’s boneheaded plays.  These are the “C’mon man” awards.  See a guy fumbling or running the wrong way and these analysts are like, “Come on man, what are you thinking!”  It’s a really funny segment.

As someone in the concrete lifting industry, it’s impossible not to miss obvious tripping hazards and the methods different municipalities and businesses use to address them.  I have frustrated contractors talk to me regularly, letting me know about this job or that job where they didn’t get the sale and some other method was used (or NO method was used) to deal with the problem.  So in honor of those methods, here are a few of my How NOT to Repair a Tripping Hazard “Come on Man!” Awards.  Names of the perpetrators will be withheld cause I'm a nice guy.

1. Look at these before and after pictures...

How NOT to Repair a Tripping Hazard 1.jpegHow NOT to Repair a Tripping Hazard 2.jpeg

A certain city had their tripping hazard painted with orange spray paint. Our slab lifting contractor offered to do this for free as a demo for the city.  What did they do?  They sent a crew of four guys out and an asphalt truck and slapped a makeshift asphalt ramp together to bridge the slabs.  This is certainly not ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant and it’s also ugly as hell. Most importantly - it will NOT last.  COME ON MAN!

2. Look below how tripping hazards were addressed at a rest area...

How NOT to Repair a Tripping Hazard 3.jpgHow NOT to Repair a Tripping Hazard 4.jpg

These slab transitions were ground down to remove the tripping hazards.  At least they didn’t just slap some asphalt on it.  Grinding the concrete exposes the aggregates, and it leaves ugly patterns that will stay visible for years.  Not to mention the fact that it doesn't address the underlying sinking problem, so a tripping hazard is likely to appear again.  Last time I drove by there the rest area was closed.  COME ON MAN!  They should have had those slabs adjusted with polyurethane technology.

3. Some places just opt for the paint job...

How NOT to Repair a Tripping Hazard 5.jpg

Maybe if they paint this tripping hazard yellow, people will see it and not trip and fall down.  How well does that work at night (or if someone is distracted while walking)?  This was on a hotel property and there is certainly pedestrian traffic in the evenings along these walkways (not to mention millennials walking around staring at their phones).  COME ON MAN!  Do they realize that by painting the tripping hazard they are proving prior knowledge of an the issue they didn’t do anything about?  Prior knowledge is a key component in tripping hazard lawsuits.

4. Then of course, there are property owners that don’t do anything at all...

How NOT to Repair a Tripping Hazard 6.jpg


That’s it for this special edition awards blog. And remember, if you’re a property owner faced with a tripping hazard…COME ON MAN!  Repair it correctly.  Don’t be that guy!

Want in-depth info on leveling sunken slabs?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs

Advantages of AP Lift 430 and AP Lift 475

Posted by Andy Powell on Apr 17, 2019 2:37:31 PM

Advantages of AP Lift 430 and AP Lift 475

Advantages of AP Lift 430 and AP Lift 475Everyone claims their lifting foam is "the best" on the market (unless they're claiming theirs is the cheapest - which is a red flag to look into the quality ASAP).  As a quality leader in the industry, we provide more than vague statements and marketing slogans on this issue.

Here's a detailed list of the advantages you'll enjoy with Alchemy-Spetec's AP Lift 430 and AP Lift 475 lifting foams:

No Recycled Materials

The products are made of virgin raw materials only. They are consistent and clean, with no particulates floating around.

Water Blown Formula

Your drum set of material will be consistent from top to bottom. Whether you pump it all in one day or all in one month. No mixing will be required.

Lower Exotherm

You'll be able to fill voids, stabilize soil and lift slabs faster.  In addition, unlike some other foams out there, these foams have no history of smoke or charring.

Cured Foam is Safe for Contact with Drinking Water

These foams are certified To NSF 61-5.  That means that the cured foam is safe for contact with potable water.  Most of the time your foam won't ever come into contact with drinking water, but this certification assures your customers that once the foam cures it will not pose any kind of environmental or health hazard.

Consistent Quality

You won't have to worry about your foam setting up one way this month and another way next month.  The NSF certification and the ISO 9001 certification require the exact same formula for every single drum set.  We have both certifications.

DOT Grade Polyurethane Foam

DOT grade foams cure faster, work in wet conditions, and are traffic ready in 45 minutes.  Use less material and get less call-backs with foams that meet the standards for Department of Transportation work.  

Want more information on Alchemy-Spetec products and procedures?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, NSF Certification, Stabilize Soil

Polyurethane Vs. Cement Grout in a Nutshell

Posted by Andy Powell on Apr 15, 2019 2:57:17 PM

Polyurethane Vs. Cement Grout in a Nutshell

Polyurethane Vs. Cement Grout in a NutshellThe Quick Answer

One question we get from both property owners and potential new slab lifters is about the difference between polyurethane vs. cement grout. The quick answer is that our AP Lift Foam weighs less, has a quicker set time, doesn't shrink, requires less equipment, and can be installed in any climate.

The table included in this post provides further specifics for each claim.

More Details

If you want even more details on this subject, check out one of my earlier blog posts Polyurethane vs. Cement for Slab Jacking. In that article, I delve a little deeper into the importance of using a lightweight yet strong material, why polyurethane creates less mess than concrete grout, and the importance of using a material with a quicker set time (or cure time) than cement grout.

Want in-depth info on the slab lifting process?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs