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Case Study - Stormwater System Void Fill

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 23, 2024 10:00:00 AM

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Body - Stormwater System Void FillClearwater, Florida public works administrators faced a critical stormwater infrastructure issue. A junction box was leaking through multiple pipe penetrations, compromising system integrity. City officials invited infrastructure repair specialists Helicon to address the situation. This project showcases an innovative solution to a common urban infrastructure challenge, enhancing stormwater management capabilities for municipalities.

Powerful Polymers

Helicon chose AP Fill 700 as the primary repair material. This polymer offers several advantages for stormwater system repairs. Firstly, it's ideal for point grouting, allowing for precise application. Additionally, the polymer features a quick reaction time, enabling rapid repairs. Perhaps most importantly, AP Fill 700 excels at filling voids. These voids, created around the junction box due to ongoing leaks, needed to be addressed to ensure a comprehensive repair.


Painless Procedures

Injection rods were utilized to deliver the polymer solution. These rods were pushed down from the surface to the depth of the leak, ensuring targeted application. As the injections progressed, they served multiple purposes. The polymer filled existing voids, stabilized the surrounding roadbed, and effectively cut off the leaks. To ensure complete coverage, the injection rods were raised in stages. At each stage, additional injections were performed. This methodical approach guaranteed thorough treatment of the affected area.

Rapid Results

The repair operation proved remarkably efficient. In just two hours, the entire job was completed. More impressively, the leaks were sealed immediately upon application of the polymer. This rapid resolution minimized disruption to the city's infrastructure and daily operations. As a result of this swift and effective repair, city administrators expressed high satisfaction with the outcome. 

Want more information on infrastructural repair with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Infrastructure Leak Seal and Void Fill Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Municipal Resources

Case Study - Apartment High-Rise Basement Stabilization & Leak Seal

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 11, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Apartment High-Rise Basement Stabilization & Leak Seal

Body - Apartment High-Rise Basement Stabilization & Leak SealThe Bowline is an iconic 16-story apartment development located in the Wickham suburb of Newcastle, Australia. There is a secant pile constructed wall system in the basement of this new building. However, an issue arose during the drilling process, where the overlaps were not interlocked correctly, resulting in voids and substantial leaks. This situation posed a risk of sinkhole formation under the main road, the light rail system, and neighboring properties. Furthermore, it led to the accumulation of a substantial water pool within the construction site, impeding further excavation efforts. Geotech contractors The Injection Experts AU were called in to solve the problem.

Powerful Polymers

The following materials were chosen for the project: AP Fill 720 was selected for full curtain injection behind the secant pile wall system to stabilize and seal the voids and leaks. Oakum was chosen to plug large voids and gushing leaks due to its ability to quickly stop high-flow water intrusion when soaked in resin. Spetec AG200 was chosen for injecting minor leaks because of its ability to penetrate and seal hairline cracks.

Painless Procedures

AP Fill 720 was pumped through an Alchatek PolyShark pump into 1.1m x 13mm injection rods. This was done to fill the voids left by escaping sand and water and to create a waterproof barrier on the back side of the secant piles. Oakum, soaked in resin, was packed into voids and large holes. This measure aimed to slow down the ingress of sand and water into the basement while excavation and injection processes were ongoing. Spetec AG200 was injected through 13mm packers to seal any fine hairline cracks and to provide touch-up sealing around the injection rods.

Rapid Results

The repair efforts were ultimately a success. Through the strategic use of polyurethane grouting methods, the voids and leaks in the secant pile wall system were effectively sealed. This meticulous process not only waterproofed the basement area but also mitigated the risk of sinkholes forming under the nearby road, light rail, and neighboring lots. As a result, the project was able to proceed safely without further excavation issues, marking a triumphant conclusion to a challenging endeavor.

Want more information on stabilizing soil and sealing leaks?

Download an Info-Packed Infrastructure Leak Seal and Void Fill Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil

A Polyurethane Grout Manufacturer You Can Trust

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 27, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - A Polyurethane Grout Manufacturer You Can Trust

Body - A Polyurethane Grout Manufacturer You Can TrustAlchatek is a leading polyurethane grout manufacturer specializing in solutions for lifting slabs, stabilizing soil, and sealing leaks. Additionally, we offer expert technical support with decades of industry experience. Consequently, this helps clients build their businesses and complete crucial jobs successfully.

Cutting-Edge Products and Solutions

We take pride in providing advanced construction technologies that meet clients' needs and exceed expectations. Furthermore, Alchatek is a customer-oriented company manufacturing products in the USA, with a growing network of sales and service resources. We offer a wide range of polyurethane grout products and solutions as a trusted partner.

Specialized Divisions for Specific Needs

Our company is organized into three specialized divisions in order to better serve customers:

  • Leak Seal Division: This division offers a complete line of products for sealing hairline leaks, gushing leaks, and multi-leak surfaces. These solutions prevent water ingress through concrete infrastructure like parking garages, culverts, basements, foundations, and sewer manholes.
  • Geotechnical Division: This division offers a complete line of single-component products for soil stabilization and two-component products for concrete lifting, void filling, and infrastructure stabilization.
  • Seawall Repair Network®: We operate the only national network of certified contractors for waterfront barrier repair, preservation, and protection. Seawall Repair Network® proprietary methods employ environmentally friendly, marine-safe materials, providing a non-destructive seawall repair solution at 80% less cost than replacement.

Unparalleled Technical and Marketing Support

Our industry-leading technical support team averages decades of experience and is incredibly responsive. Moreover, our marketing department supports qualified customers with product illustrations, customized brochures, truck graphics, educational videos, and guidance on strategies like online lead capture and internet advertising.

A Polyurethane Grout Manufacturer Focused on Customer Success

At Alchatek, commitment to customer success is deeply ingrained in our company culture. Likewise, our entire team understands the relationship between your success and ours. Therefore, we go to great lengths to assist customers and ensure their polyurethane grout projects succeed.

Want more information on polyurethane grouts?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips

Basement Floor Repair - Sealing Leaks and Leveling Slabs

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 13, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Basement Floor Repair

Body - Basement Floor RepairDoes leaking or sunken concrete plague your basement floor? These issues can be more than just a nuisance; they can lead to serious structural problems if left untreated. In this article, we'll explore two effective methods for basement floor repair: curtain grouting for leaks and slab lifting for sunken concrete. With an understanding of these techniques, you'll be equipped to find the right repair professionals to restore a safe, dry, and level basement floor.

Sealing Slab Leaks with Curtain Grouting

As a homeowner, discovering a leak in your basement's concrete slab can be stressful and frustrating. However, contractors trained in curtain grouting offer a highly effective solution. This process involves injecting a water-reactive polyurethane foam underneath the concrete slab in a grid pattern. The material reacts with water, forming a solid seal that prevents further water infiltration.

The curtain grouting process begins by drilling small holes through the concrete slab in a diamond grid pattern. Next, technicians inject the polyurethane through each hole, with new injections overlapping the previous ones, a technique called stage grouting. As the foam reacts with the water from the leak, it expands and forms a watertight seal.

Benefits of curtain grouting with polyurethane:

  • It addresses multiple leaks simultaneously, providing a comprehensive repair.
  • The water-reactive resin forms a durable, flexible seal that lasts.
  • It is minimally invasive, requiring less equipment and causing minimal disruption.
  • The products used are NSF-certified for contact with drinking water, ensuring a safe and eco-friendly solution.

Leveling Uneven Basement Floors with Slab Lifting

In addition to sealing leaks, basement floor repair often involves leveling uneven or sunken concrete slabs. Uneven floors can be a tripping hazard and may indicate underlying structural issues. To level a basement floor, professionals commonly use a process called slab lifting.

Slab lifting involves pumping a polyurethane foam beneath the sunken portion of the slab. The foam expands, filling the void and lifting the slab back to its original position. This process is relatively quick and cost-effective compared to replacing the entire slab.

The polyurethane slab lifting process typically includes the following steps:

  1. Technicians drill small holes through the concrete slab to access the void beneath.
  2. They pump the polyurethane foam through the holes, filling the void and lifting the slab.
  3. They patch the holes and smooth the surface, restoring the basement floor to a level and even condition.

Benefits of slab lifting with polyurethane:

  • It is lightweight, reducing the risk of further soil compression.
  • The foam expands quickly, allowing for fast lifting and leveling of the slab.
  • Polyurethane foam is water-resistant, helping to prevent future moisture-related issues.
  • The process is less invasive and more cost-effective than replacing the entire slab.

When to Contact a Professional for Basement Floor Repair

If you notice leaking or uneven concrete floors in your basement, address these issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure your home's structural integrity. Qualified professionals can restore your basement floor to a safe, stable, and dry condition, protecting your home for years to come.

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more info on curtain grouting and concrete leveling?

Download an Info-Packed Curtain Wall Grouting Brochure!

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Curtain Grouting

Concrete Leak Repair for Below-Grade Spaces

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 11, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Concrete Leak Repair for Below-Grade Spaces

Body - Concrete Leak Repair for Below-Grade SpacesConcrete leak repair is crucial for homeowners with leaks in basements or other below-grade spaces. Concrete can deteriorate over time due to imperfect construction, weather, wear, and unstable soil. However, effective solutions are available. This article explains how polyurethane leak seal grouts offer a cost-effective, durable fix for waterproofing your home.

The Problem with Standard Concrete Leak Repair Methods

Many homeowners initially try using sump pumps or hydraulic cement to remedy leaks. While these may provide a band-aid, they don't get to the root of the problem. Sump pumps only remove leaking water after it has already infiltrated. Hydraulic cement may temporarily stop the leak, but it is a rigid negative side bandied and thus prone to cracking as a structure shifts and settles.

The Benefits of Polyurethane Concrete Leak Repair

In contrast, experienced leak seal specialists rely on polyurethane grouts to stop leaks at their source. They inject this material into leaking cracks and joints. The grouts then react with water to form a flexible, watertight seal. Even as a structure naturally moves, the seal stays intact. Furthermore, polyurethane grouts provide industrial-grade strength while remaining safe for residential use.

The Importance of Professional Application

While injecting polyurethane grouts may sound simple, skilled professionals should handle it. Contractors undergo training to properly drill injection holes, prepare the components, and apply the product for maximum effectiveness. An expert will ensure the grout fully penetrates the leaks and forms a reliable, long-term seal.

Environmentally-Friendly Leak Repair

When selecting a contractor, look for one that uses NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certified products. For example, most of Alchatek's leak seal grouts are NSF-certified to meet strict environmental standards. NSF certification involves both initial and ongoing testing, so you can trust these products always to be eco-friendly.

Key Takeaways

Concrete leak repair doesn't have to be a daunting task. Armed with the right products and expertise, a skilled contractor can provide an effective, long-lasting solution. When you choose a professional specializing in polyurethane leak seal grouts, you'll gain an ally in protecting your home against water intrusion.

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information on polyurethane concrete leak repair?

Download an Info-Packed Residential Leak Seal Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Crack Injection, Curtain Grouting

Positive Side Waterproofing - What Property Owners Should Know

Posted by Kreg Thornley on May 28, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Positive Side Waterproofing

Body - Positive Side WaterproofingConstruction and building maintenance rely on effective waterproofing to ensure longevity and structural integrity. In fact, waterproofing protects against water damage and moisture-related structural issues in residential homes, commercial buildings, and infrastructure projects. Positive side waterproofing and negative side waterproofing are two different methods that are used based on factors like construction design, budget, and water exposure.

Positive Side Waterproofing

Positive side waterproofing applies the material to the exterior or positive side of the building structure—the side exposed to the elements and potential water ingress. As a result, this method creates an outer surface barrier that prevents water penetration. Positive side waterproofing offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides effective protection by preventing water intrusion from entering the structure, as the externally applied material acts as a barrier. Secondly, water pressure actually assists in the process by pushing the cured material against the building, which helps to maintain a watertight seal. Finally, since the waterproofing layer is applied externally, it allows for various aesthetic finishes to be applied on the interior surface without compromising the functionality of the waterproofing system.

Negative Side Waterproofing

On the other hand, negative side waterproofing treats the interior surfaces of the building. Consequently, this method prevents water infiltration from the inside surface. While negative side waterproofing can be more cost-effective in the short term, it comes with several disadvantages. One major drawback is the limited protection it provides, as it does not protect against external water pressure. Additionally, negative side waterproofing fails to prevent the corrosion of reinforcing steel, as water can still reach it. Interior waterproofing may also impact the design and finishing of interior spaces. Furthermore, water pressure constantly pushes waterproofing material away from the surface, significantly reducing its service life compared to positive side waterproofing.

Choosing the Right Method

Various factors, including building design, site conditions, budget, and water exposure influence the choice between the positive side and negative side waterproofing. Additionally, it's important to understand that chemical grouting allows for positive side waterproofing application from the negative side without excavation. The decision should be based on a thorough assessment of the building's needs in consultation with an experienced contractor. 

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information on waterproofing?

Download an Info-Packed Crack Injection Brochure!

Download an Info-Packed Curtain Wall Grouting Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Crack Injection, Curtain Grouting

Home Leak Repair with Polyurethane Grout

Posted by Kreg Thornley on May 2, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Home Leak Repair with Polyurethane Grout

Body - Home Leak Repair with Polyurethane GroutIf you're a homeowner dealing with concrete leaks in your basement or below-grade living spaces, it's essential to hire an expert who specializes in polyurethane leak seal grouts. These advanced products offer a cost-effective, durable solution for waterproofing your home. Moreover, a skilled contractor will ensure that your home leak repair job is done right.

Why Standard Methods Fall Short

Professionals often find homeowners who have tried to fix leaks with sump pumps or hydraulic cement. While these methods may provide temporary relief, they don't address the root cause. Sump pumps only remove leaking water. Furthermore, hydraulic cement can crack due to its rigidity and inability to withstand structural movement.

Advantages of Polyurethane Grouts

Contractors choose polyurethane leak seal grouts for their superior performance and durability. These products stop leaks at their source. Additionally, they remain flexible after curing, allowing them to withstand structural shifts without failing. Polyurethane grouts offer strength and safety for residential and even industrial use.

Leave the Application Process to the Pros

Although the application process for polyurethane leak seal grouts may seem straightforward, experienced contractors should handle it. They know how to properly drill holes, attach static mixers, and inject the product effectively. Moreover, a skilled professional will ensure that the grout forms a flexible, watertight seal, stopping leaks for good.

Understanding the Causes of Concrete Leaks

Experts understand the various factors that cause leaks in concrete, such as imperfect construction, weather, wear, and unstable soil. Additionally, they can assess the situation and determine if your home needs follow-up leak seal treatments or if there are underlying issues like unstable soil.

Environmentally Safe Solutions

When you hire a contractor who uses Alchatek products like Spetec PUR F400 and Spetec PUR HighFoamer, you can trust that the solutions are NSF-certified to strict environmental standards. To maintain NSF certification, companies must undergo periodic inspections of their manufacturing plants and have their products frequently retested. This ongoing process ensures that the products consistently adhere to the stringent standards set forth by NSF, rather than simply meeting the requirements once to gain initial certification.

How to Find a Home Leak Repair Professional

In summary, dealing with leaks in your below-grade living spaces can be stressful. It's crucial to hire a professional who specializes in polyurethane leak seal grouts for a reliable, long-lasting solution. With their expertise and access to high-quality, environmentally safe products, these specialists are your best ally against home concrete leaks.

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information on residential leak seal solutions?

Download an Info-Packed Residential Leak Seal Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks

Reminder: Register for Alchatek 2024 Spring Training

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Apr 1, 2024 10:00:00 AM

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Body - Register for Alchatek Spring Training v5Essential Details


Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00
Public Works Infrastructure Repair: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00


Spray Foam Systems
1502 Airport Rd.
Greensboro, GA 30642
Click Here for Directions


Register for both classes and get a 25% discount

Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00

The concrete lifting master is an intensive opportunity to learn what it takes to start a concrete lifting business and then take it to the next level. The training you will receive will include Safety, Site Evaluation, Estimating, Product Selection, Sales, Equipment, Concrete Lifting Techniques, and Deep Lift / Deep Lock. You will also learn about taking your concrete lifting business to the next level. You will learn about other tools we have to help you land bigger jobs and how to engage the engineering community to gain access to unique markets. Join the industry’s top team of concrete lifting professionals for training, learning, and fun.

Public Works: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00

The public works course is two days dedicated to training and teaching Public Works professionals and specialty grouting contractors. You will learn how to utilize polyurethane technology to solve problems that municipalities and public works departments commonly face and how to do it at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. There will be a heavy emphasis on sealing underground infrastructure and stabilizing and lifting roads. We will cover the full spectrum of our product line including Leak Seal, Permeation, Soil Stabilization, and Slab Lifting. Join the industry’s top team of infrastructure specialists for training, learning, and fun.

Click Here to Register NOW!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Fill Voids, Deep Lock, Crack Injection, Training, Curtain Grouting, Municipal Resources, Events

Register for Alchatek 2024 Spring Training

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Mar 1, 2024 2:31:13 PM

Banner - Register for Alchatek Spring Training-1

Body - Register for Alchatek Spring Training-1Essential Details


Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00
Public Works Infrastructure Repair: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00


Spray Foam Systems
1502 Airport Rd.
Greensboro, GA 30642
Click Here for Directions


Register for both classes and get a 25% discount

Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00

The concrete lifting master is an intensive opportunity to learn what it takes to start a concrete lifting business and then take it to the next level. The training you will receive will include Safety, Site Evaluation, Estimating, Product Selection, Sales, Equipment, Concrete Lifting Techniques, and Deep Lift / Deep Lock. You will also learn about taking your concrete lifting business to the next level. You will learn about other tools we have to help you land bigger jobs and how to engage the engineering community to gain access to unique markets. Join the industry’s top team of concrete lifting professionals for training, learning, and fun.

Public Works: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00

The public works course is two days dedicated to training and teaching Public Works professionals and specialty grouting contractors. You will learn how to utilize polyurethane technology to solve problems that municipalities and public works departments commonly face and how to do it at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. There will be a heavy emphasis on sealing underground infrastructure and stabilizing and lifting roads. We will cover the full spectrum of our product line including Leak Seal, Permeation, Soil Stabilization, and Slab Lifting. Join the industry’s top team of infrastructure specialists for training, learning, and fun.

Click Here to Register NOW!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Fill Voids, Deep Lock, Crack Injection, Training, Curtain Grouting, Municipal Resources, Events

Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 3. Contact Alchatek for Assistance

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Feb 6, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 3. Contact Alchatek for Assistance

Body - Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 3. Contact Alchatek for AssistanceAddressing the complexities of coating failure requires more than just a superficial understanding of the issue. It necessitates a deep dive into the technical aspects and an experienced partner to guide the process. 

For Contractors: Guidance and Product Access

Guidance from experienced specialists provides major advantages when dealing with coating failures. The right partner will have deep knowledge of leading repair products and solutions to accurately diagnose issues and devise effective repair strategies. Contractors can benefit from Alchatek's expertise and facilitate access to high-quality products like Spetec PUR HighFoamer through their distribution network. This thoughtful approach saves contractors time in devising solutions while ensuring access to optimal materials.

For Property Owners & Managers: Guidance and Contractor Referrals

Property owners seeking solutions for coating failure damage need a partner who can provide expert technical guidance and connect them with qualified repair contractors. Partnering with Alchatek for coating failure projects provides comprehensive support beyond just an immediate fix. 

Contact Alchatek for Assistance

Whether you’re a contractor seeking to accurately diagnose and repair issues or a property manager aiming to preserve real estate assets, guidance from industry experts proves invaluable. Technical mastery combined with access to optimal materials paves the path to effective long-term solutions.

Call 404-618-0438 or fill out this form to contact Alchatek today!

Want more information on sealing leaks with polyurethane grout?

Download an Info-Packed Crack Injection Brochure!

Download an Info-Packed Curtain Wall Grouting Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Municipal Resources, Commercial Property Resources