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Case Study - Apartment Complex Slope Stabilization

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 25, 2024 10:00:00 AM


Body-Graphic-Apartment-Complex-Slope-StabilizationThe owner of an apartment complex overlooking Stephen Foster Creek in Gainesville, Florida, faced a critical issue. The embankment below showed signs of erosion, creeping dangerously close to the structures. With each passing day, the unstable ground crept ever closer to the foundations of the residential structures, posing a significant threat to both the buildings and the safety of their inhabitants. The situation demanded immediate attention and a robust, long-term solution to safeguard the property and ensure the well-being of its residents. The predominantly sandy composition of the local soil posed a challenge for stabilization. Consequently, the geotech firm Stable Soils was called in to address this pressing concern.

Powerful Polymers

After conducting a thorough site assessment and carefully evaluating various potential solutions, the team at Stable Soils identified AP Soil 600 as the optimal polymer for this challenging project. This choice was strategic. AP Soil 600 features low viscosity, a crucial characteristic that allows it to effectively penetrate and permeate sandy soil. Moreover, its impressive strength after curing promised long-lasting stability for the embankment.

Painless Procedures

Injection points were established in a zigzag pattern, spaced 18 inches apart. The team drilled 10 feet below grade to reach the optimal depth for soil reinforcement. Low-pressure injection was key to the operation’s success. This approach prevented the chemical from fracturing the soil or moving in unintended directions. The injection rod was slowly extracted, allowing for precise distribution of the polymer. One gallon was applied every five minutes and every vertical foot. In total, a 240-foot row of soil stabilization resin was installed.

Rapid Results

The impact of this intervention was immediately apparent. During a subsequent heavy rain event, surrounding areas suffered minor washouts while the stabilized soil remained completely unaffected. The stark contrast in performance served as a powerful testament to the effectiveness of the AP Soil 600 polymer and the precision of its application. The apartment buildings, once precariously positioned near the eroding embankment, now stand secure and protected, their foundations no longer at risk from the relentless forces of erosion.

Want more information on soil stabilization with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil

Case Study - Miami High-Rise Deep Foundation Stabilization

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 18, 2024 10:00:00 AM


Body-Miami-High-Rise-Deep-Foundation-StabilizationA developer in Miami Beach faced a significant challenge during the construction of a high-rise. Water began seeping into the foundation excavation, threatening the project's progress. The situation demanded swift action and expert intervention. Florida Foundation Systems was called in to address this critical issue. Traditional sheet pile shoring wasn't feasible due to the proximity of neighboring properties. The risk of damage from sheet pile installation vibrations ruled out conventional methods. The project involved multiple sections of 15x15 foot caisson foundations, crucial for areas with unsuitable soil conditions for shallow foundations. The primary objective was clear: mitigate water intrusion effectively.

Powerful Polymers

Florida Foundation Systems turned to an innovative solution: AP Fill 700. This polymer boasts unique properties that make it ideal for the task at hand. Its low viscosity allows for easy application, while controllable set times with a catalyst provide flexibility in use. Furthermore, the high expansion capabilities of AP Fill 700 make it exceptionally effective in filling voids and creating robust barriers.


Painless Procedures

The team targeted a specific zone for injection: 14 to 20 feet deep into a limestone base. First, they drilled holes and inserted pipes. Next, injections began at the 20-foot mark, creating a plug at the limestone base to block water intrusion. The process continued in a precise grid pattern across the entire area. Accuracy was paramount in this operation. One gallon of polymer was used per vertical foot. As the rods were slowly extracted, the team continued pumping at this rate. Consequently, the resin filled all the limestone fissures, ensuring comprehensive coverage and maximum effectiveness.

Rapid Results

The entire repair process was completed in less than a week. In that short time, all water intrusion was completely mitigated. Both the developer and general contractor expressed full satisfaction with the results. This swift resolution allowed the high-rise project to proceed without further delays. The success of this innovative approach not only solved the immediate problem but also prevented potential future issues, demonstrating the power of specialized expertise in complex construction projects.

Want more information on stabilizing soil with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil

Case Study - Shipyard Soil Stabilization

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 16, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Shipyard Soil Stabilization

Body - Shipyard Soil StabilizationExecutives at a prominent shipbuilding company discovered a significant problem at one of their largest shipyards. Soil was migrating from the landward side of the bulkheads into the water, resulting in erosion and compromising the stability of the dock slabs. The shipbuilding company enlisted Helms PolyFoam, a local specialist in soil stabilization and concrete repair, to address the issue. Helms PolyFoam collaborated with Alchatek to develop a comprehensive repair plan. Their strategy focused on two key solutions: joint sealing and slab stabilization, designed to reinforce the bulkheads and fill voids beneath the concrete slabs.

Powerful Polymers

For soil erosion prevention and stabilization, the contractor selected AP Fill 720, a highly expansive geotechnical polyurethane foam known for its effectiveness in sealing leaks and reinforcing loose soil. To address the large voids beneath the slabs and ensure their stability, they opted for AP Lift 475, a high-density geotechnical polyurethane foam designed for concrete leveling, void filling, and soil stabilization.

Painless Procedures

To combat soil loss, AP Fill 720 was injected at 24-inch intervals along the wall. This spacing allowed the material to flow and connect between injection points, forming a grout wall that stabilized the loose soil. The process created a water-impermeable barrier, securing existing soil and mitigating loose soil along an 8-10 foot test section of the wall. At each point, a 1/2-inch steel tube was inserted to a depth of approximately 30 feet.

For slab stabilization and void filling, AP Lift 475 was injected beneath the concrete in a zigzag pattern. Using 3/8-inch holes and 1/2-inch steel tubes, the resin was introduced into the soil. As it expanded, it compressed the soil, filled voids, and generated positive pressure on the slab.

Rapid Results

The joint sealing and slab stabilization methods yielded excellent results. They effectively reinforced the wall, stopped soil erosion, and halted void formation. The structural polyurethane resins used proved to be a durable and efficient fix.

Want more information about stabilizing soil with structural polymers?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil

Case Study - Apartment High-Rise Basement Stabilization & Leak Seal

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 11, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Apartment High-Rise Basement Stabilization & Leak Seal

Body - Apartment High-Rise Basement Stabilization & Leak SealThe Bowline is an iconic 16-story apartment development located in the Wickham suburb of Newcastle, Australia. There is a secant pile constructed wall system in the basement of this new building. However, an issue arose during the drilling process, where the overlaps were not interlocked correctly, resulting in voids and substantial leaks. This situation posed a risk of sinkhole formation under the main road, the light rail system, and neighboring properties. Furthermore, it led to the accumulation of a substantial water pool within the construction site, impeding further excavation efforts. Geotech contractors The Injection Experts AU were called in to solve the problem.

Powerful Polymers

The following materials were chosen for the project: AP Fill 720 was selected for full curtain injection behind the secant pile wall system to stabilize and seal the voids and leaks. Oakum was chosen to plug large voids and gushing leaks due to its ability to quickly stop high-flow water intrusion when soaked in resin. Spetec AG200 was chosen for injecting minor leaks because of its ability to penetrate and seal hairline cracks.

Painless Procedures

AP Fill 720 was pumped through an Alchatek PolyShark pump into 1.1m x 13mm injection rods. This was done to fill the voids left by escaping sand and water and to create a waterproof barrier on the back side of the secant piles. Oakum, soaked in resin, was packed into voids and large holes. This measure aimed to slow down the ingress of sand and water into the basement while excavation and injection processes were ongoing. Spetec AG200 was injected through 13mm packers to seal any fine hairline cracks and to provide touch-up sealing around the injection rods.

Rapid Results

The repair efforts were ultimately a success. Through the strategic use of polyurethane grouting methods, the voids and leaks in the secant pile wall system were effectively sealed. This meticulous process not only waterproofed the basement area but also mitigated the risk of sinkholes forming under the nearby road, light rail, and neighboring lots. As a result, the project was able to proceed safely without further excavation issues, marking a triumphant conclusion to a challenging endeavor.

Want more information on stabilizing soil and sealing leaks?

Download an Info-Packed Infrastructure Leak Seal and Void Fill Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil

Void Fill Foam

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 9, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Void Fill Foam

Body - Void Fill FoamBeneath the seemingly solid surface of concrete slabs lurks a hidden threat that can compromise the integrity of an entire structure: voids in the supporting soil. Fortunately, polyurethane void fill foam offers an effective solution for identifying and repairing these issues, helping maintain the stability and safety of valuable property.

Detecting Potential Voids

Recognizing potential problems early is key to preventative maintenance. Watch for these telltale signs:

  • Cracks in the concrete surface
  • A hollow, drum-like sound when walking or tapping on the slab
  • Noticeable dips or uneven areas in the concrete

Catching these indicators early can save significant time and money. Swift action typically results in simpler repairs and prevents small issues from escalating. Moreover, addressing problems promptly helps maintain the structural integrity of the concrete. By staying vigilant, property owners can often avoid more extensive and costly interventions down the line.

How Void Fill Foam Works

Polyurethane void fill foam offers several benefits:

  • Adapts to various cavity shapes
  • Resists shrinkage and settling
  • Cures quickly, minimizing downtime

These versatile properties make polyurethane void fill foam an ideal solution for both residential and commercial applications, while also ensuring its effectiveness across a wide range of soil conditions and project requirements.

Risks of Ignoring Voids

Neglecting gaps beneath concrete slabs can lead to significant problems:

  • Structural instability
  • Increased accident risk
  • More extensive and costly repairs if left untreated

Therefore, addressing these issues promptly helps protect both property investments and the safety of those using the space.

The Application Process

Applying void fill foam is relatively straightforward when done by professionals. The process typically involves:

  1. Identifying problem areas through inspection
  2. Drilling small access holes in the concrete
  3. Injecting the foam beneath the slab
  4. Allowing the material to expand and cure

This method usually causes minimal disruption. As a result, the repaired area can often be used again within hours.

Ensuring Long-Term Slab Stability

In conclusion, void fill foam represents an important tool in concrete repair. Its ability to stabilize structures efficiently makes it valuable for property maintenance. Thus, by hiring a qualified contractor, owners can ensure the durability and safety of their concrete slabs for years to come.

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information on stabilizing soil with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil, Fill Voids

Engineering Soil with Polyurethane

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 2, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Engineering Soil with Polyurethane

Body - Engineering Soil with PolyurethaneEngineering soil with polyurethane, an innovative and increasingly popular approach, encompasses both soil stabilization and concrete leveling techniques that offer minimally invasive solutions for a wide range of geotechnical and construction applications. These techniques involve injecting expandable polyurethane foam into problematic soils to fill voids, compact loose particles, and create a stable foundation, addressing instability and enhancing structural support. Engineers and property owners now have access to a solution known for its efficiency, versatility, and long-lasting results.

Engineering Soil: Stabilization with Polyurethane

Various factors can cause soil instability, including erosion from poor drainage, inadequately compacted fill dirt, freezing and thawing cycles, and the decay of buried organic material. If left unaddressed, these issues can lead to foundation settling, cracking, and other structural problems that compromise a building's integrity and safety. However, the polyurethane injection process fills voids, permeates and binds loose soil particles, and creates a stable, solid base for structures.

Engineering Soil: Concrete Leveling with Polyurethane

Moreover, polyurethane concrete leveling is an effective method for lifting sunken slabs. When concrete settles due to unstable soil conditions, technicians inject expandable polyurethane beneath the affected area. First, they drill small, strategically placed holes in the slab. Then, they inject the polyurethane. As the foam expands, it fills voids beneath the slab and lifts it to the desired elevation. Additionally, it compresses the surrounding soil, providing a stable base for the newly leveled slab.

Advantages of Polyurethane

Furthermore, polyurethane offers several advantages compared to other soil stabilization materials. For instance, the application process is minimally invasive, requiring only small injection holes. Additionally, the material expands and cures quickly, resulting in fast, long-lasting repairs. Moreover, polyurethane foams feature high compressive strengths, making them suitable for supporting a wide variety of structures.

Consult an Experienced Professional

To ensure successful soil stabilization, collaborating with experienced professionals who specialize in polyurethane injection is essential. For property owners, working with skilled contractors who possess the knowledge, equipment, and expertise to execute the stabilization process effectively is crucial. By partnering with a reputable contractor, property owners can achieve lasting soil stability and protect their structures.

Similarly, engineers may require the assistance of an experienced consultant when designing specifications for geotechnical projects. Alchatek's consultants provide valuable insights into material selection, injection techniques, and quality control measures. By engaging with a knowledgeable consultant, engineers can ensure that projects are designed and executed to the highest standards, thus maximizing the benefits of polyurethane applications.

In conclusion, Alchatek, a leading manufacturer of polyurethane repair materials, offers innovative solutions and technical support for property owners and engineers alike.

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information on soil stabilization and slab lifting?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

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Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil

A Polyurethane Grout Manufacturer You Can Trust

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 27, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - A Polyurethane Grout Manufacturer You Can Trust

Body - A Polyurethane Grout Manufacturer You Can TrustAlchatek is a leading polyurethane grout manufacturer specializing in solutions for lifting slabs, stabilizing soil, and sealing leaks. Additionally, we offer expert technical support with decades of industry experience. Consequently, this helps clients build their businesses and complete crucial jobs successfully.

Cutting-Edge Products and Solutions

We take pride in providing advanced construction technologies that meet clients' needs and exceed expectations. Furthermore, Alchatek is a customer-oriented company manufacturing products in the USA, with a growing network of sales and service resources. We offer a wide range of polyurethane grout products and solutions as a trusted partner.

Specialized Divisions for Specific Needs

Our company is organized into three specialized divisions in order to better serve customers:

  • Leak Seal Division: This division offers a complete line of products for sealing hairline leaks, gushing leaks, and multi-leak surfaces. These solutions prevent water ingress through concrete infrastructure like parking garages, culverts, basements, foundations, and sewer manholes.
  • Geotechnical Division: This division offers a complete line of single-component products for soil stabilization and two-component products for concrete lifting, void filling, and infrastructure stabilization.
  • Seawall Repair Network®: We operate the only national network of certified contractors for waterfront barrier repair, preservation, and protection. Seawall Repair Network® proprietary methods employ environmentally friendly, marine-safe materials, providing a non-destructive seawall repair solution at 80% less cost than replacement.

Unparalleled Technical and Marketing Support

Our industry-leading technical support team averages decades of experience and is incredibly responsive. Moreover, our marketing department supports qualified customers with product illustrations, customized brochures, truck graphics, educational videos, and guidance on strategies like online lead capture and internet advertising.

A Polyurethane Grout Manufacturer Focused on Customer Success

At Alchatek, commitment to customer success is deeply ingrained in our company culture. Likewise, our entire team understands the relationship between your success and ours. Therefore, we go to great lengths to assist customers and ensure their polyurethane grout projects succeed.

Want more information on polyurethane grouts?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips

In Situ Soil Stabilization

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 20, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - In-Situ-Soil-Stabilization-with-Polyurethane

Body - In-Situ-Soil-Stabilization-with-PolyurethaneWhen it comes to construction and infrastructure development, the stability of soil is paramount. Property owners, managers, and builders must ensure that the ground beneath structures is solid and dependable. In situ soil stabilization with polyurethane foam offers an innovative solution to this challenge.

Understanding In Situ Soil Stabilization

In the context of soil stabilization, "in situ" refers to the process of stabilizing soil directly at the site where it is found, without excavating or removing it. This method is particularly effective when dealing with unstable, eroded, or loose soil around infrastructure. By permeating the soil with ultra-low viscosity polyurethane foam, contractors can fill voids, consolidate soil, and halt water migration.

Polyurethane Foam: A Versatile Solution

One of the key advantages of polyurethane foam is its ability to significantly improve load-bearing capacity. Whether it's a residential driveway or a massive commercial structure, this foam offers a dependable way to reinforce the ground. Moreover, polyurethane foam's versatility extends beyond soil. It can also stabilize rock and gravel substrates, making it a comprehensive solution for various terrains.

Environmentally Friendly Soil Stabilization

In today's environmentally conscious world, sustainability is a top priority. NSF-approved polyurethane foam offers an eco-friendly option for soil stabilization. NSF certification involves rigorous testing and inspection of manufacturing processes. Furthermore, compliance with these standards, aligned with the Safe Water Drinking Act (SDWA), helps prevent water contamination.

Selecting a Qualified Contractor

The success of your soil stabilization project largely depends on the contractor you choose. Look for expertise and experience in polyurethane applications. Also, ensure the contractor uses high-grade materials for effective and durable stabilization. Additionally, review client testimonials and request detailed estimates to gauge reliability and work quality.

A Solid Foundation for Your Future

In situ soil stabilization with polyurethane foam offers a durable solution for unstable soil conditions. Whether it's a residential property, commercial building, or critical infrastructure, polyurethane soil stabilization provides a solid foundation for lasting stability.

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information on stabilizing soil with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil

Slope Stabilization - Ensuring Safe and Stable Landscapes

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 6, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Slope Stabilization - Ensuring Safe and Stable Landscapes

Body - Slope Stabilization - Ensuring Safe and Stable LandscapesEnsuring the stability of your property's slopes is crucial. After all, unstable slopes can cause erosion, damage foundations, and create safety hazards. Fortunately, polyurethane injection is an effective and minimally invasive method for slope stabilization. This article explains how contractors use polyurethane to stabilize slopes.

What Is Polyurethane Slope Stabilization?

Contractors inject expanding polyurethane foam into the soil. As a result, the material fills voids, cracks, and fissures, increasing the soil's density and strength. Once cured, the slope is fortified with a cohesive mass highly resistant to erosion and failure.

Benefits for Homeowners

  1. Minimally Invasive: Polyurethane is injected through very narrow holes in the soil. Consequently, this solution causes minimal disruption and allows for quick installation.

  2. Versatile Application: Polyurethane can be used to stabilize slopes of different angles and heights, making it suitable for many types of properties and landscapes.

  3. Durable and Long-Lasting: Polyurethane resists water and temperature changes. Therefore, once injected and cured, it provides long-lasting stability, reducing the need for frequent maintenance or repairs.

  4. Cost-Effective: Polyurethane injection is generally less expensive than other methods like retaining wall construction or extensive excavation. 

Consult with Slope Stabilization Experts

If you're considering polyurethane slope stabilization for your property, Alchatek can connect you with expert soil stabilization contractors. Don't let unstable slopes compromise your home's safety and value. Contact Alchatek today to learn more about polyurethane slope stabilization. 

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information on stabilizing soil with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil

Pressure Grouting with Polyurethane

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 4, 2024 10:00:00 AM

1. Banner - Pressure Grouting with Polyurethane

2. Body - Pressure Grouting with PolyurethanePressure grouting, also known as permeation grouting, stabilizes and strengthens weak or loose soil. This process involves injecting a fluid grout mixture under pressure into the ground. As a result, the grout fills voids, cracks, and spaces between soil particles. While cement grout is often associated with pressure grouting, polyurethane grout offers several advantages.

Understanding the Pressure Grouting Process 

The grout used in this process is typically a low-viscosity, flowable mixture. This allows it to penetrate and fill the void spaces effectively. The injection starts at the lowest elevation, allowing the grout to set before moving to higher elevations. Consequently, this compacts the soil layer by layer.

Essential Tools

Specialized equipment is crucial for effective pressure grouting. For instance, operators use grout pumps, injection pipes, and packers to control the pressure and flow of the grout mixture. This ensures that the grout reaches the targeted areas effectively.

Polyurethane: An Alternative to Cement Grout 

While cement grout is a common choice for pressure grouting, polyurethane grout offers several advantages. Polyurethane is more lightweight than cement, making it less likely to sink after curing. Additionally, polyurethane resists erosion, ensuring long-lasting stability. Furthermore, polyurethane cures faster than cement grout, allowing for quicker project completion.

The Bottom Line

In summary, pressure grouting with polyurethane provides a versatile and effective solution for soil stabilization. While cement grout is often associated with this technique, polyurethane offers several advantages, including lighter weight, reduced erosion susceptibility, and faster curing times. Low-viscosity polyurethane grout under pressure fills voids, consolidates loose soils, and strengthens foundations. With the right equipment and expertise, this method delivers long-lasting solutions for various soil-related challenges.

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information about stabilizing soil with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Residential Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil, Fill Voids