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Void Fill Foam

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 9, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Void Fill Foam

Body - Void Fill FoamBeneath the seemingly solid surface of concrete slabs lurks a hidden threat that can compromise the integrity of an entire structure: voids in the supporting soil. Fortunately, polyurethane void fill foam offers an effective solution for identifying and repairing these issues, helping maintain the stability and safety of valuable property.

Detecting Potential Voids

Recognizing potential problems early is key to preventative maintenance. Watch for these telltale signs:

  • Cracks in the concrete surface
  • A hollow, drum-like sound when walking or tapping on the slab
  • Noticeable dips or uneven areas in the concrete

Catching these indicators early can save significant time and money. Swift action typically results in simpler repairs and prevents small issues from escalating. Moreover, addressing problems promptly helps maintain the structural integrity of the concrete. By staying vigilant, property owners can often avoid more extensive and costly interventions down the line.

How Void Fill Foam Works

Polyurethane void fill foam offers several benefits:

  • Adapts to various cavity shapes
  • Resists shrinkage and settling
  • Cures quickly, minimizing downtime

These versatile properties make polyurethane void fill foam an ideal solution for both residential and commercial applications, while also ensuring its effectiveness across a wide range of soil conditions and project requirements.

Risks of Ignoring Voids

Neglecting gaps beneath concrete slabs can lead to significant problems:

  • Structural instability
  • Increased accident risk
  • More extensive and costly repairs if left untreated

Therefore, addressing these issues promptly helps protect both property investments and the safety of those using the space.

The Application Process

Applying void fill foam is relatively straightforward when done by professionals. The process typically involves:

  1. Identifying problem areas through inspection
  2. Drilling small access holes in the concrete
  3. Injecting the foam beneath the slab
  4. Allowing the material to expand and cure

This method usually causes minimal disruption. As a result, the repaired area can often be used again within hours.

Ensuring Long-Term Slab Stability

In conclusion, void fill foam represents an important tool in concrete repair. Its ability to stabilize structures efficiently makes it valuable for property maintenance. Thus, by hiring a qualified contractor, owners can ensure the durability and safety of their concrete slabs for years to come.

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information on stabilizing soil with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil, Fill Voids

Concrete Foam Filler - Repair Dangerous Voids Beneath Slabs

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 18, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Concrete Foam Filler - Repair Dangerous Voids

Body - Concrete Foam Filler - Repair Dangerous VoidsConcrete slabs play a crucial role in many structures. However, over time, voids can develop beneath them. These gaps in the supporting soil create serious risks. This article explains how you can identify and repair voids using polyurethane concrete foam filler.

Signs You Might Have a Void

How can you tell if voids exist beneath your concrete? Keep an eye out for a few key indicators:

  • Cracks in the slab surface
  • A hollow sound when you tap the concrete
  • Sinking or sagging of the slab

If you notice any of these red flags, you must take action. Ignoring the issue will only allow it to get worse.

Using Concrete Foam Filler to Fix Voids

Luckily, repairing voids is usually a straightforward process. Polyurethane concrete foam filler offers an ideal solution in many cases. A qualified contractor injects this material into the gaps to fill them and stabilize the slab. Best of all, you can use the slab shortly after application.

Polyurethane vs. Cement Grout

Polyurethane foams provide significant benefits compared to traditional cement grouts for void filling:

  • Foam conforms more precisely to cavity shapes and sizes
  • Unlike cement, polyurethane will not shrink or settle over time

Concrete Foam Filler: A Smart Alternative to Geofoam Blocks

In situations where you need lightweight fill, polyurethane foam can serve as an alternative to geofoam blocks. Contractors sometimes use geofoam blocks when native soils are very soft or where buried utilities exist. However, polyurethane void fill foams offer these advantages:

  • Foam conforms to void shapes more accurately than square blocks, thus providing greater stability once installed
  • Foam requires lower shipping costs compared to bulky geofoam blocks (an expense that is usually passed along to the property owner)

Concrete Foam Filler: Your Key to Stable Slabs

In conclusion, concrete foam fillers play a vital role in repairing voids and stabilizing slabs. When soil issues threaten a structure, polyurethane foam often provides the fastest and most effective remedy. Therefore, if you suspect voids under your concrete, don't hesitate to explore this solution. 

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information on void filling and soil stabilization?

Download an Info-Packed Residential Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Fill Voids

Pressure Grouting with Polyurethane

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 4, 2024 10:00:00 AM

1. Banner - Pressure Grouting with Polyurethane

2. Body - Pressure Grouting with PolyurethanePressure grouting, also known as permeation grouting, stabilizes and strengthens weak or loose soil. This process involves injecting a fluid grout mixture under pressure into the ground. As a result, the grout fills voids, cracks, and spaces between soil particles. While cement grout is often associated with pressure grouting, polyurethane grout offers several advantages.

Understanding the Pressure Grouting Process 

The grout used in this process is typically a low-viscosity, flowable mixture. This allows it to penetrate and fill the void spaces effectively. The injection starts at the lowest elevation, allowing the grout to set before moving to higher elevations. Consequently, this compacts the soil layer by layer.

Essential Tools

Specialized equipment is crucial for effective pressure grouting. For instance, operators use grout pumps, injection pipes, and packers to control the pressure and flow of the grout mixture. This ensures that the grout reaches the targeted areas effectively.

Polyurethane: An Alternative to Cement Grout 

While cement grout is a common choice for pressure grouting, polyurethane grout offers several advantages. Polyurethane is more lightweight than cement, making it less likely to sink after curing. Additionally, polyurethane resists erosion, ensuring long-lasting stability. Furthermore, polyurethane cures faster than cement grout, allowing for quicker project completion.

The Bottom Line

In summary, pressure grouting with polyurethane provides a versatile and effective solution for soil stabilization. While cement grout is often associated with this technique, polyurethane offers several advantages, including lighter weight, reduced erosion susceptibility, and faster curing times. Low-viscosity polyurethane grout under pressure fills voids, consolidates loose soils, and strengthens foundations. With the right equipment and expertise, this method delivers long-lasting solutions for various soil-related challenges.

Fill out this form or call 404-618-0438 for a contractor referral today!

Want more information about stabilizing soil with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Residential Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil, Fill Voids

Reminder: Register for Alchatek 2024 Spring Training

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Apr 1, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Register for Alchatek Spring Training v5

Body - Register for Alchatek Spring Training v5Essential Details


Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00
Public Works Infrastructure Repair: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00


Spray Foam Systems
1502 Airport Rd.
Greensboro, GA 30642
Click Here for Directions


Register for both classes and get a 25% discount

Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00

The concrete lifting master is an intensive opportunity to learn what it takes to start a concrete lifting business and then take it to the next level. The training you will receive will include Safety, Site Evaluation, Estimating, Product Selection, Sales, Equipment, Concrete Lifting Techniques, and Deep Lift / Deep Lock. You will also learn about taking your concrete lifting business to the next level. You will learn about other tools we have to help you land bigger jobs and how to engage the engineering community to gain access to unique markets. Join the industry’s top team of concrete lifting professionals for training, learning, and fun.

Public Works: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00

The public works course is two days dedicated to training and teaching Public Works professionals and specialty grouting contractors. You will learn how to utilize polyurethane technology to solve problems that municipalities and public works departments commonly face and how to do it at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. There will be a heavy emphasis on sealing underground infrastructure and stabilizing and lifting roads. We will cover the full spectrum of our product line including Leak Seal, Permeation, Soil Stabilization, and Slab Lifting. Join the industry’s top team of infrastructure specialists for training, learning, and fun.

Click Here to Register NOW!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Fill Voids, Deep Lock, Crack Injection, Training, Curtain Grouting, Municipal Resources, Events

Case Study - Port Sulphur Siphon System Void Fill

Posted by Andy Powell on Mar 19, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Port Sulphur Siphon System Void Fill

Body - Port Sulphur Siphon System Void FillThe Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) builds and manages numerous projects along the rivers and waterways of the United States. On our mightiest river, the Mississippi, the ACOE was tasked with upgrading the large siphon systems that are used to draw down the river level during flood events. To prevent catastrophic flood damage, these siphons kick on if the river is going to crest over the top of the levees.

The first thing you see when you visit the site is a massive concrete bulkhead about 30 feet tall, 8 feet thick, and over 100 feet wide. Penetrating through the bulkhead are eight 84” ductile iron pipes through which the river water is ejected if the siphon kicks on. It is at these penetrations that the ACOE was looking for some ideas.

When the bulkhead was constructed, eight large square holes were formed across the face before pouring the concrete. It is through these large square holes that the 84” diameter pipes are placed. The ACOE was looking for solutions to fill the annular space between the round pipe and the square hole.

Powerful Polymers

After consulting with New Orleans-based contractor KMH Coatings and the ACOE, it was decided that a high-density polyurethane foam would be perfect for the application. NSF-approved AP Lift 430 was selected as the go-to product. Its combination of excellent strength, yield, and bond is ideal for these kinds of structural void fill applications, but most importantly it is watertight.

AP Lift 430 Data

Painless Procedures

KMH mobilized their polyurethane spray rig and the AP Lift 430 was sprayed into the annular space around each of the 8 pipes. AP Lift 430 is most commonly known as a first-class concrete lifting polymer but a large percentage of applications are void fills. Once the void was filled, they attempted to cut off the overspray but it proved to be too dense to cut. Instead, a disc grinder was used to sand down the polymer foam flush with the face of the concrete bulkhead.

Rapid Result

The ACOE was extremely impressed by the toughness of the product and with the minimal time that it took to install it; two days from start to finish. 

Want more information on geotechnical polyurethane products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Fill Voids

Register for Alchatek 2024 Spring Training

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Mar 1, 2024 2:31:13 PM

Banner - Register for Alchatek Spring Training-1

Body - Register for Alchatek Spring Training-1Essential Details


Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00
Public Works Infrastructure Repair: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00


Spray Foam Systems
1502 Airport Rd.
Greensboro, GA 30642
Click Here for Directions


Register for both classes and get a 25% discount

Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00

The concrete lifting master is an intensive opportunity to learn what it takes to start a concrete lifting business and then take it to the next level. The training you will receive will include Safety, Site Evaluation, Estimating, Product Selection, Sales, Equipment, Concrete Lifting Techniques, and Deep Lift / Deep Lock. You will also learn about taking your concrete lifting business to the next level. You will learn about other tools we have to help you land bigger jobs and how to engage the engineering community to gain access to unique markets. Join the industry’s top team of concrete lifting professionals for training, learning, and fun.

Public Works: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00

The public works course is two days dedicated to training and teaching Public Works professionals and specialty grouting contractors. You will learn how to utilize polyurethane technology to solve problems that municipalities and public works departments commonly face and how to do it at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. There will be a heavy emphasis on sealing underground infrastructure and stabilizing and lifting roads. We will cover the full spectrum of our product line including Leak Seal, Permeation, Soil Stabilization, and Slab Lifting. Join the industry’s top team of infrastructure specialists for training, learning, and fun.

Click Here to Register NOW!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Fill Voids, Deep Lock, Crack Injection, Training, Curtain Grouting, Municipal Resources, Events

Precision in Polyurethane Grouting: A Look at Modern Injection Equipment

Posted by Jacob Bryant on Sep 14, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Precision in Grouting A Look at Modern Injection Equipment

Body - Precision in Grouting A Look at Modern Injection EquipmentPolyurethane grouting is an essential process in construction and infrastructure projects with the need to lift structures, fill voids, and stabilize soil. While polyurethane grouting has been utilized for decades, advancements in technology and technique have enabled a new level of precision and control in modern grouting applications. Innovations in polyurethane injection methods and equipment allow design and construction teams to achieve highly accurate, consistent injections for maximum strength and longevity. 

Precision is critical in polyurethane grouting applications. Inadequate filling of voids or inconsistent distribution of grout can lead to structural instability, settlement, and even collapse. Precise injections ensure that soil is saturated, voids are filled, and slabs are leveled accurately. This provides uniform load distribution and protection against shifting, vibration, and erosion. Precision also prevents wasted materials and rework due to incorrect amounts or placement of grout. 

Modern polyurethane grouting equipment and techniques enable accurate monitoring and adjustment of grout injection rates, depths, pressures, and consistency. Some examples of modern technology include: 

  • Hydraulic and Electric Pumps: Modern polyurethane injection equipment includes hydraulic or electric pumps. These pumps provide precise control over pressure and flow, ensuring a more uniform injection of grout material.
  • High-Pressure Injection: Modern equipment can handle high-pressure injection, making it suitable for stabilizing deep structures and addressing challenging soil conditions. High-pressure injection ensures better penetration of the polyurethane grout.
  • Remote Monitoring and Data Logging: Advanced systems come with remote monitoring and data logging capabilities when necessary. Operators can monitor the injection process remotely and collect data on pressure, flow, and other parameters for quality control and documentation.
  • Compact and Portable Systems: Some advanced injection grouting systems are designed to be compact and portable, making them easier to transport to job sites and set up quickly.
  • Safety Features: Modern equipment includes safety features such as shut-off valves and pressure relief mechanisms to protect both operators and the equipment itself.

Modern polyurethane grouting equipment has revolutionized construction and infrastructure project challenges, offering engineers and design teams an array of precision-driven advantages. The evolution of polyurethane injection equipment, including hydraulic pumps, pneumatic pumps, and computerized control systems has empowered design teams and application technicians to achieve precise outcomes.

For more information...

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Fill Voids, Engineer Resources

Case Study - Abandoned Pipe Grouting at Carrington Woods Lake Dam

Posted by Colt Hullander on Aug 22, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Abandoned Pipe Grouting at Carrington Woods Lake Dam

Body - Abandoned Pipe Grouting Carrington Woods Lake DamCarrington Woods Lake Dam is located in Baldwin County, Georgia. A consulting firm collaborating with a general contractor called in geotech specialists Atlas Structural to stabilize an abandoned below-grade culvert pipe that had deteriorated over time. The pipe ran underneath a spillway. With supporting soil migrating into it, its unstable condition threatened the integrity of the structure.

Powerful Polymer

The technicians chose single-component AP FIll 720 for the job. The deteriorating pipe was 100 feet long, and due to the circumstances at the site, grouting could only be done from one end. Getting a two-component foam 100 feet up a pipe before it cured would have been impossible. AP Fill 720, featuring a very flexible set time adjustment range with the catalyst, allows technicians to pump the material for great distances before it starts to react and cure.

AP Fill 720

Painless Procedure

AP Fill 720 does not have to be heated and only needs moisture for reaction. The crew had two electric injection pumps, one pumping AP Fill 720 with an accelerator and the other pumping water. They had 150-foot lines on each pump. Both pump lines were run through a 100-foot PVC tube. The technicians used a video camera, mounted five feet back from the end of the PVC tube, to monitor the fill. The crew pumped both water and poly in unison for a good reaction. As the pipe filled up, they slowly withdrew the PVC and continued pumping until the pipe was full. The process basically consisted of pumping, extracting the tube a foot, and repeating - until the entire 18" x 100' pipe was filled.

Rapid Result

The deteriorated pipe was completely filled and stabilized. Soil migration was stopped and the threat to the structure of the spillway above was eliminated. This job was completed in only three hours. Complete removal or filling with concrete would have taken days. In addition, concrete does not expand, so a 100% fill would have been impossible. AP Fill 720 expanded to fill 100% of the pipe. The consulting engineer and general contractor were very happy with this result.

Want more information on geotech products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Fill Voids

Polyurethane Estimating Calculator & Leak Seal Material Selection Guide

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 25, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Polyurethane Estimating Calculator & Leak Seal Material Selection Guide

The Alchatek app includes a Leak Seal Material Selection Guide and a Polyurethane Estimating Calculator.  The Leak Seal Product Selection guide asks you a series of Yes/No questions about your job and then provides product recommendations.  The Polyurethane Estimating Calculator takes the guesswork out of estimating material for Geotech and Leak Seal jobs. Here's a step-by-step guide...

Install the Alchatek App and Create an Account

1. Search the name Alchatek in your Apple App Store or Google Play Store to install the app. 


2. After installing the app, create an account by clicking "Sign Up" at the bottom and following the prompts.


Polyurethane Estimating Calculator (Estimate Material Quantities for Your Job)

1. Tap the three lines in the top left corner to display the application options. Choose Material Estimation Calculator, then choose Geotech (Slab Lifting & Void Fill) or Leak Seal for your job type.


2. Select the measuring system you want to use.


3. Fill out the required fields.


4. View the recommended material quantities.


Leak Seal Material Selection Guide (Choose a Leak Seal Product for Your Job)

1. Tap the three lines in the top left corner to display the application options. Choose Leak Seal Material Selection Guide.


2. Answer a series of Yes/No questions about your leak seal job.


3. Review the product recommendation screen (and/or click the Start Over button at the bottom to begin again).


Want more information on Alchatek products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Business Tips, Fill Voids

Alchatek Specialty Geotech Pumps

Posted by Kreg Thornley on May 9, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Alchatek Specialty Geotech Pumps

Body - Alchatek Specialty Geotech PumpsAlchatek offers world-class custom-built pump systems for both slab lifting and soil stabilization applications. If you're looking for a full-sized trailer rig system, click here to read more on that subject. In this blog post, we'll take a look at two propriety systems designed by the professionals at Alchatek. 

The PolyBadger: Compact Lifting System on Wheels

The wheel-mounted PolyBadger two-component pump system is an extremely valuable addition to any slab lifter's arsenal. It is perfect for new contractors looking to make an initial investment and for experienced contractors looking to add a portable option for those hard-to-reach locations. Small enough to fit in the back of a pickup truck, this simple system requires minimal equipment.

  • Lower Initial Investment
  • Less Equipment Needed
  • Easily Fitted to a Truck, Trailer, or Cart

The PolyShark: Skid-Mounted Soil Stabilization System

The skid-mounted PolyShark single-component pump system is essential for large-scale soil stabilization and void-fill projects. The PolyShark system includes a gas-powered high-pressure injection pump, two hose reels, and flow meters. The entire skid-mounted system can easily be fitted to a flatbed truck for efficient transport.

  • Ideal for Large-Scale Jobs
  • Complete System (Pump, Hose Reels, Flow Meters)
  • Easily Fitted to Flatbed Truck

Want more info on Alchatek geotech products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Fill Voids, Deep Lock