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Case Study - Stormwater System Void Fill

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 23, 2024 10:00:00 AM

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Body - Stormwater System Void FillClearwater, Florida public works administrators faced a critical stormwater infrastructure issue. A junction box was leaking through multiple pipe penetrations, compromising system integrity. City officials invited infrastructure repair specialists Helicon to address the situation. This project showcases an innovative solution to a common urban infrastructure challenge, enhancing stormwater management capabilities for municipalities.

Powerful Polymers

Helicon chose AP Fill 700 as the primary repair material. This polymer offers several advantages for stormwater system repairs. Firstly, it's ideal for point grouting, allowing for precise application. Additionally, the polymer features a quick reaction time, enabling rapid repairs. Perhaps most importantly, AP Fill 700 excels at filling voids. These voids, created around the junction box due to ongoing leaks, needed to be addressed to ensure a comprehensive repair.


Painless Procedures

Injection rods were utilized to deliver the polymer solution. These rods were pushed down from the surface to the depth of the leak, ensuring targeted application. As the injections progressed, they served multiple purposes. The polymer filled existing voids, stabilized the surrounding roadbed, and effectively cut off the leaks. To ensure complete coverage, the injection rods were raised in stages. At each stage, additional injections were performed. This methodical approach guaranteed thorough treatment of the affected area.

Rapid Results

The repair operation proved remarkably efficient. In just two hours, the entire job was completed. More impressively, the leaks were sealed immediately upon application of the polymer. This rapid resolution minimized disruption to the city's infrastructure and daily operations. As a result of this swift and effective repair, city administrators expressed high satisfaction with the outcome. 

Want more information on infrastructural repair with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Infrastructure Leak Seal and Void Fill Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Municipal Resources

Reminder: Register for Alchatek 2024 Spring Training

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Apr 1, 2024 10:00:00 AM

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Body - Register for Alchatek Spring Training v5Essential Details


Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00
Public Works Infrastructure Repair: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00


Spray Foam Systems
1502 Airport Rd.
Greensboro, GA 30642
Click Here for Directions


Register for both classes and get a 25% discount

Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00

The concrete lifting master is an intensive opportunity to learn what it takes to start a concrete lifting business and then take it to the next level. The training you will receive will include Safety, Site Evaluation, Estimating, Product Selection, Sales, Equipment, Concrete Lifting Techniques, and Deep Lift / Deep Lock. You will also learn about taking your concrete lifting business to the next level. You will learn about other tools we have to help you land bigger jobs and how to engage the engineering community to gain access to unique markets. Join the industry’s top team of concrete lifting professionals for training, learning, and fun.

Public Works: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00

The public works course is two days dedicated to training and teaching Public Works professionals and specialty grouting contractors. You will learn how to utilize polyurethane technology to solve problems that municipalities and public works departments commonly face and how to do it at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. There will be a heavy emphasis on sealing underground infrastructure and stabilizing and lifting roads. We will cover the full spectrum of our product line including Leak Seal, Permeation, Soil Stabilization, and Slab Lifting. Join the industry’s top team of infrastructure specialists for training, learning, and fun.

Click Here to Register NOW!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Fill Voids, Deep Lock, Crack Injection, Training, Curtain Grouting, Municipal Resources, Events

Register for Alchatek 2024 Spring Training

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Mar 1, 2024 2:31:13 PM

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Body - Register for Alchatek Spring Training-1Essential Details


Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00
Public Works Infrastructure Repair: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00


Spray Foam Systems
1502 Airport Rd.
Greensboro, GA 30642
Click Here for Directions


Register for both classes and get a 25% discount

Slab Lifting Masterclass: April 15th & 16th, 2024 – $685.00

The concrete lifting master is an intensive opportunity to learn what it takes to start a concrete lifting business and then take it to the next level. The training you will receive will include Safety, Site Evaluation, Estimating, Product Selection, Sales, Equipment, Concrete Lifting Techniques, and Deep Lift / Deep Lock. You will also learn about taking your concrete lifting business to the next level. You will learn about other tools we have to help you land bigger jobs and how to engage the engineering community to gain access to unique markets. Join the industry’s top team of concrete lifting professionals for training, learning, and fun.

Public Works: April 18th & 19th, 2024 – $685.00

The public works course is two days dedicated to training and teaching Public Works professionals and specialty grouting contractors. You will learn how to utilize polyurethane technology to solve problems that municipalities and public works departments commonly face and how to do it at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. There will be a heavy emphasis on sealing underground infrastructure and stabilizing and lifting roads. We will cover the full spectrum of our product line including Leak Seal, Permeation, Soil Stabilization, and Slab Lifting. Join the industry’s top team of infrastructure specialists for training, learning, and fun.

Click Here to Register NOW!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Fill Voids, Deep Lock, Crack Injection, Training, Curtain Grouting, Municipal Resources, Events

Road Pavement Bird Bath Repair Series - 3. Contact Alchatek for Assistance

Posted by Jacob Bryant on Feb 7, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Banner - Road Pavement Bird Bath Repair Series - 3. Contact Alchatek for Assistance

Body - Road Pavement Bird Bath Repair Series - 3. Contact Alchatek for AssistanceBefore embarking on any bird bath repair project using the Deep Lock® process, it's crucial to consult with industry specialists. The Alchatek support team, with extensive experience in advanced pavement repair techniques, offers invaluable insights for assessing site conditions, choosing appropriate materials, and implementing effective repair strategies.

In addition, Alchatek has established connections with skilled contractors proficient in the Deep Lock® process. Ask for referrals to trusted professionals who ensure the safe and efficient execution of your pavement repair projects.

Partner for Success

Don't leave the durability and safety of your roads to chance. Partner with Alchatek to harness the full potential of the Deep Lock® process for your bird bath repair needs. Our expertise in advanced road repair techniques makes us the ideal ally in ensuring long-lasting and effective solutions.

Reach Out Today

To learn more about how Alchatek can assist in your road repair projects or to get connected with experienced contractors, contact Alchatek.

Call 404-618-0438 or fill out this form to contact Alchatek today!

Download an Info-Packed Deep Lock Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil, Deep Lock, Municipal Resources, Commercial Property Resources

Road Pavement Bird Bath Repair Series - 2. Deep Lock® Repair

Posted by Jacob Bryant on Feb 7, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Road Pavement Bird Bath Repair Series - 2. Deep Lock® Repair

Body - Road Pavement Bird Bath Repair Series - 2. Deep Lock® RepairIn the previous post, the causes and consequences of bird baths in road pavement were explored. Now, attention will turn to an innovative solution for repairing these issues: the Deep Lock® process.

The Deep Lock® Process Explained

The Deep Lock® process is a unique method for stabilizing and repairing bird baths in roadways. Here's how it works:

  1. Site Evaluation: It starts with a comprehensive site evaluation, including soil borings, Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) testing, and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) as necessary.
  2. Preparing the Area: Potential binding issues are addressed with saw cutting, clearing joints, and removing old grout.
  3. Grid Spacing and Injection Depths: Based on the soil data, specialists calculate grid spacing and injection depths.
  4. Injection Process: Specialized grout rods are driven to the correct depths and locations.
  5. Polymer Injection: Structural polymers are injected in a predetermined sequence. During this, lift is monitored to determine when sufficient compaction has been achieved.
  6. Adjusting Injection Depths: The grout plan is followed, adjusting injection depths and locations as the soil stabilizes beneath the structure.

Equipment and Materials

The process utilizes high-quality structural polymers, including AP Deep Lift 420, AP Lift 430, AP Lift 440, and AP Lift 475. These materials are chosen for their strength, environmental safety, and their NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certification for contact with drinking water. This means they can be used without negatively impacting water quality.

Securing Repair Contracts

For contractors looking to secure bird bath repair jobs:

  • Reach out to Departments of Transportation (DOTs), cities, and municipalities.
  • Network with neighborhood and Homeowners' Association (HOA) associations.
  • Emphasize your ability to provide a quick, environmentally safe solution with minimal disruption.

Deep Lock® Repair for Bird Baths

The Deep Lock® process offers a revolutionary approach to repairing bird baths in road pavement. With its quick application, minimal environmental impact, and long-lasting results, it stands as a preferred choice for modern road maintenance. If you're facing bird bath issues on your roadways, consider consulting a professional who specializes in the Deep Lock® process for effective, durable repairs.

Want more information on the Deep Lock® process?

Download an Info-Packed Deep Lock Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil, Deep Lock, Municipal Resources, Commercial Property Resources

Road Pavement Bird Bath Repair Series - 1. Introduction

Posted by Jacob Bryant on Feb 6, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Banner - Road Pavement Bird Bath Repair Series - 1. Introduction

Body - Road Pavement Bird Bath Repair Series - 1. IntroductionHave you ever noticed shallow, pond-like formations on the surface of roads, particularly in private neighborhoods, subdivisions, or parking lots? These are known as "bird baths" in the road surface, and they're more than just a quirk of the road. They signify deeper issues in road maintenance and safety that are crucial to address.

What are Bird Baths in Road Pavement?

Bird baths are small depressions in the road surface where water accumulates. Unlike potholes, bird baths are shallower and often wider, resembling a natural birdbath. They typically form in areas where the pavement has sunk or where water is unable to drain properly. These features are commonly seen in areas with lower traffic, like private neighborhoods and parking lots, where regular maintenance may not be as common.

Causes and Consequences

The primary causes of bird baths in pavement include tire ruts from repetitive vehicle traffic and insufficient soil compaction during road construction. Over time, the weight of vehicles passing over the same spot causes the pavement to deform, creating these depressions. Additionally, if the underlying soil was not compacted properly, it can settle unevenly, leading to surface irregularities.

The presence of bird baths is not merely a cosmetic issue. They can pose significant trip hazards for pedestrians, especially when hidden by water or ice. For vehicles, these depressions can lead to uncomfortable rides and, in some cases, damage to the vehicle itself. In winter, bird baths can be particularly dangerous as they form ice patches, posing a risk for both vehicles and pedestrians. Furthermore, they can also cause problems for snowplows, leading to inefficient snow removal and additional road wear.

Road Pavement Birth Baths

Understanding the causes and effects of bird baths in road pavement is crucial for effective road maintenance and safety. Addressing these issues not only improves the longevity of the pavement but also ensures a safer environment for all road users. The next part of the series will delve into bird bath repair methods, focusing on innovative techniques offering long-lasting solutions, such as the Deep Lock ® process.

Want more information about the Deep Lock® process?

Download an Info-Packed Deep Lock Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil, Deep Lock, Municipal Resources, Commercial Property Resources

Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 3. Contact Alchatek for Assistance

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Feb 6, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 3. Contact Alchatek for Assistance

Body - Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 3. Contact Alchatek for AssistanceAddressing the complexities of coating failure requires more than just a superficial understanding of the issue. It necessitates a deep dive into the technical aspects and an experienced partner to guide the process. 

For Contractors: Guidance and Product Access

Guidance from experienced specialists provides major advantages when dealing with coating failures. The right partner will have deep knowledge of leading repair products and solutions to accurately diagnose issues and devise effective repair strategies. Contractors can benefit from Alchatek's expertise and facilitate access to high-quality products like Spetec PUR HighFoamer through their distribution network. This thoughtful approach saves contractors time in devising solutions while ensuring access to optimal materials.

For Property Owners & Managers: Guidance and Contractor Referrals

Property owners seeking solutions for coating failure damage need a partner who can provide expert technical guidance and connect them with qualified repair contractors. Partnering with Alchatek for coating failure projects provides comprehensive support beyond just an immediate fix. 

Contact Alchatek for Assistance

Whether you’re a contractor seeking to accurately diagnose and repair issues or a property manager aiming to preserve real estate assets, guidance from industry experts proves invaluable. Technical mastery combined with access to optimal materials paves the path to effective long-term solutions.

Call 404-618-0438 or fill out this form to contact Alchatek today!

Want more information on sealing leaks with polyurethane grout?

Download an Info-Packed Crack Injection Brochure!

Download an Info-Packed Curtain Wall Grouting Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Municipal Resources, Commercial Property Resources

Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 2. Curtain Grouting with Polyurethane

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Feb 5, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Banner - Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 2. Curtain Grouting with Polyurethane

Body - Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 2. Curtain Grouting with PolyurethaneIn the field of coating failure solutions, curtain grouting with polyurethane is very effective, especially in scenarios where water intrusion is a primary concern. Curtain grouting is an effective method that not only addresses existing coating failures but also acts as a preventive measure.

Curtain Grouting for General Coating Failure

  • Historical Context: Originating in the 1960s, curtain grouting has evolved into a reliable method for strengthening and waterproofing structures. Its application has been crucial in extending the lifespan of countless structures.
  • Process Overview: The procedure involves strategically drilling holes and injecting a specialized grout, forming a barrier that prevents water from penetrating the structure. This barrier is instrumental in preserving the integrity of coatings, protecting them from the harmful effects of moisture.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Curtain Grouting

  1. Drilling Pattern: Holes are drilled in a grid pattern.
  2. Grout Injection: Starting from the lowest point, grout is injected and gradually worked upwards, ensuring complete coverage.
  3. Overlap Technique: Each subsequent layer of grout overlaps the previous one, creating a comprehensive barrier against moisture.

Curtain Grouting for Precast Concrete Manholes

  • Historical Overview: Introduced in the mid-1950s, precast concrete manholes became the standard by 1970. Now, many of these structures are hitting or have surpassed their 50-year design life.
  • Urgency of Maintenance: Given the age of these manholes, many may be nearing the end of their structural life, particularly considering the damage factors like hydrogen sulfide corrosion can inflict over time.

The Hidden Threat of Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion

  • EPA Report Findings: An Environmental Protection Agency technical report highlighted the alarming rate of concrete degradation due to hydrogen sulfide, potentially eroding an inch of concrete every decade.
  • Implications for Maintenance: This rate of erosion is a clarion call for municipalities and communities to proactively inspect and maintain their manhole structures, especially as they approach or exceed 50 years.

Epoxy Coating and Curtain Grouting

  • Popularity and Effectiveness: Epoxy coatings are widely used to protect manhole interiors from corrosion and water intrusion.
  • Importance of Proper Application: Before applying an epoxy coating, it is critical to address any water leaks to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the coating.
  • The Role of Curtain Grouting: To ensure the success of epoxy coatings, it's essential to first halt any water intrusion. Curtain grouting stands out as a highly effective method for this.

Curtain Grouting with Spetec PUR HighFoamer

  • Product Application: Alchatek's Spetec PUR HighFoamer is particularly effective in curtain grouting applications. Its properties make it suitable for creating durable, water-resistant barriers that are essential for preventing and repairing coating failures.
  • Versatility: This product is compatible with a variety of structural materials, reinforcing its usefulness in diverse scenarios where coating integrity is compromised due to water intrusion.

Want more information on sealing leaks with polyurethane grout?

Download an Info-Packed Crack Injection Brochure!

Download an Info-Packed Curtain Wall Grouting Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Curtain Grouting, Municipal Resources, Commercial Property Resources

Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 1. Causes of Coating Failure

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Feb 5, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 1. Causes of Coating Failure

Body - Coating Failure Prevention & Repair Series - 1. Causes of Coating FailureCoatings are more than just a cosmetic layer on a structure; they play a vital role in protecting buildings from various environmental factors. Essentially, a coating is a layer of material applied to the surface of an object, intended to protect, decorate, or add functionality. In terms of structural integrity, coatings serve as a barrier against moisture, chemicals, UV radiation, and mechanical wear. They prevent corrosion, enhance durability, and ensure that the underlying material, such as concrete, metal, or wood, remains unharmed by external elements.

Water Intrusion: A Major Cause of Coating Failures

Water intrusion is a common cause of coating failures. When water seeps into a structure, it can compromise the coating's adhesion to the substrate, leading to various forms of deterioration. The presence of water can cause blistering, and peeling, or even promote microbial growth, which accelerates the degradation process. Understanding the dynamics of water intrusion and its impact on different types of coatings is critical in diagnosing and addressing these failures effectively.

The Importance of Early Detection and Repair

The early detection and repair of coating failures are paramount in maintaining the structural health of a building. Regular inspections and maintenance can identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. Understanding the signs of coating failure and the conditions that promote it is crucial for any maintenance or engineering team.

Causes of Coating Failure

Understanding why coatings fail enables architects, contractors, and facilities managers to mitigate risks during design, construction, and maintenance.

  • Osmotic Blistering: Osmotic blistering occurs when water permeates through a coating, creating a difference in osmotic pressure which leads to blister formation. These blisters can lead to coating detachment and expose the underlying substrate to further damage.
  • Microbially Induced Corrosion (MIC): MIC happens when microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, interact with coatings and the substrate, leading to accelerated corrosion. This can weaken structural integrity and lead to costly repairs or replacements.
  • Poor Surface Preparation: Inadequate surface preparation can result in poor adhesion, leading to peeling, blistering, and delamination.
  • Poor Coating Application: Common mistakes include uneven application, incorrect thickness, and improper curing.
  • Adhesion Failure: Adhesion failure can occur due to incompatibility between the coating and substrate, and the presence of contaminants, or moisture.
  • Cracking and Peeling: Cracking and peeling often occur due to environmental factors, movement in the substrate, or aging of the coating.

The Curtain Grouting Solution

Curtain grouting is a specialized construction technique used to prevent water intrusion in structures by creating a waterproof barrier. The process involves drilling a pattern of holes into a wall and then injecting a grout material, which usually forms a resin-soil mixture, to seal off water pathways. The next post will explore the curtain grouting process more deeply. Stay tuned for insights into leveraging curtain grouting to maintain structural integrity and longevity in the face of coating failures.

Want more information on sealing leaks with polyurethane grout?

Download an Info-Packed Crack Injection Brochure!

Download an Info-Packed Curtain Wall Grouting Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Municipal Resources, Commercial Property Resources

Geotech Solutions for New Construction Series - 5. Contact Alchatek for Assistance

Posted by Andy Powell on Feb 2, 2024 2:00:00 PM

1. Banner - Geotech Solutions for New Construction Series - 5. Contact Alchatek for Assistance

2. Body - Geotech Solutions for New Construction Series - 5. Contact Alchatek for AssistancePolyurethane foam can be used in a variety of new construction projects, from road widening to zero lot line excavation projects to a variety of complex excavation and foundation support scenarios. The use of polyurethane stabilization techniques provides clear advantages like cost-effectiveness, strength, and versatility across a wide range of situations. However, properly implementing them requires extensive technical expertise in assessing site conditions, selecting the right materials, and creating effective injection plans.

Technical Guidance and Contractor Referrals

Before hiring a contractor to do any polyurethane injection work, consultation with industry specialists is highly recommended. With decades of experience in chemical grouting, the Alchatek support team possesses in-depth knowledge for assessing site conditions and challenges. 

In addition, Alchatek maintains strong relationships with experienced polyurethane foam application contractors. Referrals are available to reputable construction experts who can safely and effectively execute projects.

A Partner for Success

Don't leave the success of your new construction endeavor to chance. Connect with the specialists at Alchatek to leverage the full benefits of polyurethane foam for upcoming projects. Reach out today!

Call 404-618-0438 or fill out this form to contact Alchatek today!

Want more information on soil stabilization with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil, Municipal Resources, Commercial Property Resources