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Alchatek Blog

Introducing the Deep Lift Process

Posted by Stephen C. Barton on Feb 14, 2018 10:00:00 AM

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deep lift-blog-1.pngPoor compaction, water erosion, broken pipes, and organic material in the soil can all lead to settling of a foundation or a roadway. Traditional slab lifting can bring concrete and structures back into place but it doesn’t necessarily address the underlying issue or guarantee a long term fix. Other methods of addressing deep soil issues require heavy equipment, extended down time, and collateral property damage. These situations create problems for property owners as well as opportunities for the elite contractors that know how to fix them.

Introducing the Deep Lift™ process! Alchemy-Spetec offers a unique combination of high quality structural lifting foams along with the equipment and training needed to address deep soil issues. Now you can achieve soil densification and lifting on large projects with the smallest footprint and least amount of heavy equipment required. The Deep Lift™ process is powerful, painless, and rapid. Deep Lift™ gets to the root of the problems in the soil, it brings the structure back to level, and accomplishes this with minimal imposition or downtime to the property owner.

Want more info on the Deep Lift process?

Download an Info-Packed Deep Lift Brochure!

Topics: Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Deep Lift

The PolyBadger: Tough and Compact Slab Lifting System

Posted by Andy Powell on Feb 12, 2018 10:00:00 AM

The PolyBadger: Tough and Compact Slab Lifting System

The PolyBadger_ Tough & Compact Slab Lifting System- blogThe Alchemy-Spetec PolyBadger lifting system is tough and compact. This system is an affordable entry-level slab lifting option for new contractors, as well as an extremely portable addition to the experienced contractor’s arsenal. The PolyBadger is a lot less expensive than your standard 20 foot trailer rig. The set up is simple and requires minimal equipment. The entire system can easily fit in the back of a pickup truck!

The genius of the PolyBadger is the auto calibrator. It keeps the flow of A-side and B-side slab lifting material on ratio, eliminating the possibility of crossover clogging in the gun or the whip hose. The two low-pressure transfer pumps and auto calibrator are literally the only moving parts in the whole system. That means less downtime, less maintenance, and more productivity on the job. This system is easier to use and a more affordable than many options on the market.

Want more photos and a detailed breakdown vs. other systems?

Download an Info-Packed PolyBadger System Brochure!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, Lift Slabs

Conference Room: World of Concrete People

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Feb 7, 2018 11:43:21 AM

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conference room 1-blog (6).png“If you don’t love something, you’re not going to go the extra mile, work the extra weekend, challenge the status quo as much.” – Steve Jobs

Who is Colt Hullander? Even if you're an experienced concrete repair industry professional, you still may not know this man by name. He started his grouting career on the contractor side directly out of high school. For the next several years, he developed key skills in the chemical grouting space with countless hours in the field lifting slabs and stabilizing soils. During these years, Colt gained priceless experience in an extremely technical process: mixing and pumping single and dual component polymer grouts through expensive multi-component proportioning equipment at high volumes to stabilize and lift very large structures in both the public and private sector. Some would say these are some of the most important skills one could have in our industry. But his commitment to his team is far more impressive.

Fast forward to Christmas weekend, 2017. Over the next four weeks, including all weekends, a typical week for Colt involved servicing field technical support, welding several custom made structures up to 10’ tall (some in aluminum!), building custom-made wood demo models with masonry block faces, designing and fabricating a custom cart for a several hundred-pound piece of equipment, and much more. Most of us would see this is a lot of work. However, the job had yet to begin.

Two weeks ago, on a Wednesday afternoon, Colt loaded up an F-350 with a 20’ trailer full of all of the above-mentioned items, and more, and left Atlanta, GA. He drove for 4 days until he reached Las Vegas on Saturday. Once there, Colt worked the entire weekend assembling an entire show display prepared for the 70,000 people that were about to come through the doors. As the Sales and Management team poured into company meetings on Monday, Colt excused himself only to return to the lot for last-minute setup well into the night-time hours. On Tuesday morning, Colt assumed his position in the booth as a live demo operator conducting live applications every 2 hours, all week long. On Friday of last week, Colt packed up all of the remaining gear and set out from Las Vegas, making the drive back to Atlanta. Three days later, Colt would be back in Atlanta, coming to work the very next day. I spoke to Colt today, and to little surprise, he was on a job-site. Colt Hullander is an Alchemy-Spetec Technical Field Services Representative, and we are very proud to have him on our team.

It’s appropriate to thank our entire team for all of their work last week at World of Concrete. Colt is certainly not the only one on our team who deserves a blog notice. And undoubtedly, many of you reading this have those teammates who went the extra mile as well. But true to the format of this People section, it was an easy choice to share the story of Colt Hullander. Well done Colt! And well done to all of those who make World of Concrete such a productive week for all attendees.

Want more information on Alchemy-Spetec products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: Lift Slabs, Business Tips

Alchemy-Spetec Poly Estimating App Now Available

Posted by Diamond Purvis on Feb 5, 2018 10:31:23 AM
We have launched our new application!

Finally, a polyurethane estimating calculator for slab lifting and void fill jobs.

This app is a simple, fast, and reliable way to take the guesswork out of estimating Alchemy-Spetec polyurethane slab lifting and void filling materials while prepping for a job.

Follow these steps to download and operate this app:

1. Download App
Search Alchemy-Spetec in your Apple App Store or Google Play Store to install the Poly Estimating App.



2. Create an Account for the App
After installing the app, create an account by clicking "Sign Up" at the bottom and following the prompts.


3. Click the Slab Lifting Material Estimator or Void Filling Material Estimator button at the bottom.


4. Select Your Product: 430, 440 or 475
Watch for the expansion rate to appear at the bottom once you've selected the product.


5. Input Data
Enter the square footage of the slab and number of inches the slab has settled, then press enter.

application6-1.png6. End Result
The final screen displays the amount of resin needed for your specific job. You will see options for slabs in which 1 side is settled, 2 sides are settled, and all sides are settled. 


Want more information on Alchemy-Spetec products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips

Polyurethane Soil Stabilization Explained

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jan 31, 2018 12:03:33 PM

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If you're not familiar with polyurethane soil stabilization, here's a basic overview excerpted from the brochure you can download at the bottom of this blog post:

Unstable soil can be defined as soil that will not stay in place on its own, and therefore requires extra support. It should be noted that unstable soil can threaten the stability, security, and safety of infrastructure and can damage, degrade, and even destroy a number of structures, such as buildings, bridges, and roads. There are a variety of factors that can cause unstable soil including erosion, poor compaction, freeze/thaw cycles and decomposition.

Soil can be stabilized with AP Soil 600, Spetec PUR H40, Spetec AG100 and Spetec AG200. Once the bearing capacity of the soil has been increased with this process, then the structure can be lifted if necessary.

For a detailed explanation of the process in a variety of settings, watch the animated video below...

Want more informaton on Alchemy-Spetec soil stabilization products?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: Repair Seawalls, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil

MixMaster Pro Series Part 4

Posted by Andy Powell on Jan 19, 2018 3:30:24 PM

MixMaster Pro Series Part 4

Alchemy-Spetec….We've Got Your Back!

Announcing the MixMaster Pro Stand Up Attachment

On our website, catalogs, and marketing materials we use a catch phrase “We've got your back”.  We try to live that every day and that focus has helped us become known for consistent product performance backed by superior support.

For the 2018 World of Concrete show, we want our slab lifting contractors and prospects to know that we not only have their backs, but that we also want to help their backs.  This year we are introducing our patent pending MixMaster Pro Stand Up Attachment.  No longer do you need to be on your hands and knees in order to level concrete with AP Lift polyurethanes.

MixMaster Pro Series Part 4The MixMaster Pro is already the fastest slab lifting production gun on the market, with the lowest operating cost.  But we just had to take it to the next level by designing an ergonomically friendly, back pain reducing standup system to go with it.  Sorry Advil and Aleve, we are going to be cutting into some of your business with this development.

For the most part slab lifting is not a physically demanding business.  Many of our customers are amazed at how easy it is and how rapidly you can achieve results by letting the equipment and the AP Lift 430 or AP Lift 475 do all the heavy lifting.  There has, however, always been that issue of having to squat down and standup so many times on the job.  If it’s a big warehouse job, that can be particularly grueling.

The MixMaster Standup Attachment takes that out of the equation.  Certainly there will be times when you cannot substitute getting down on a knee and having a close look at a crack or a joint.  But there’s no reason to do that on every injection.  Made of lightweight forged aluminum, the standup system operates the MixMaster while the operator stands comfortably.  For a stabilization job, like in a warehouse; you can rapidly inject points without wasting time kneeling and standing back up.  And when the job is complete, there’s no longer that aching lower back issue.

Come see us at our World of Concrete booth (Silver Lot #O40551) and have a look at the MixMaster Pro Standup Attachment.  You’ll see that We've Got Your Back in more ways than one.  You also won’t have to worry about being on a knee if someone happens to play the national anthem while you’re working.  Now the MixMaster Pro is also the most patriotic slab lifting gun on the market. 

Want more information on the MixMaster Pro & Stand Up Attachment?

Download an Info-Packed MixMaster Pro Brochure!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs

MixMaster Pro Series Part 3

Posted by Andy Powell on Jan 17, 2018 2:57:17 PM

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Easy to Clean and Easy on the Wallet

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Today’s blog is part 3 of a 4 part series on the MixMaster Pro Slab Lifting Gun.  The big news is coming on Friday when Part 4 arrives just in time for the 2018 World of Concrete.  But that’s Friday so you have to wait.

In Part 1 and Part 2 we covered the advantages of the Mixmaster as it pertains to job safety and production maximization.  In part 3 I want to address the “Painless Procedures” part of maintaining the MixMaster Pro. 

When I first started in this business, I worked with a lot of contractors that used traditional spray foam guns that had been adapted to slab lifting.  We had the MixMaster gun at the time but we still had to penetrate the market with it.  My first contractors were skeptical of our system; a gun designed just for slab lifting.  But I remember watching them struggle with cleaning guns, dealing with crossovers, and ordering long lists of parts.

Now 5 years later, the MixMaster Pro is even more refined and we have well over a hundred out in the market.  Slab lifting contractors rave about how it takes less than 10 minutes to clean at the end of the day.  Getting the hang of operating it is very easy and it’s nice that clean up procedures are just as smooth. 

How about the spare parts?  Those of you who own all of the other types of slab lifting guns out there may not want to hear this; it’s going to hurt.  I have seen the orders that you guys are placing for gun parts.  It’s thousands of dollars per year.  I have one contractor who says they averaged from $1000 - 2000 per month on gun parts, to maintain one rig with two guns.  That is nuts.  They have been converted to MixMasters for about 4 months now and they just finally called to order a few spare parts.  It wasn’t because they needed them either; they just wanted to have a few things on hand just in case.

In my capacity I deal with a majority of the slab lifting customers we have.  In 2017 I would guess we have sold less than $5000 total in spare parts…for all of the MixMaster guns that we have in the field.  It’s time to stop beating your head against the wall with the other slab lifting guns. 

The MixMaster Pro has what you need:

  • Lowest new gun price on the market at $1495.00
  • Port travels with the gun – no tripping over ports, no wasting a port on every hole
  • 10 Minutes to clean at the end of the day
  • Lowest operating cost – It’s not even close
  • Easily adaptable to Deep Lift accessories

On Friday we are going to roll out something really cool.  Make sure not to miss part 4 of the series.

Want more information on the MixMaster Pro?

Download an Info-Packed MixMaster Pro Brochure!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs

MixMaster Pro Series Part 2

Posted by Andy Powell on Jan 8, 2018 10:45:52 AM
slab lifting gun mixmaster pro alchemy-spetec

MixMaster Pro – The Production Beast!

In part one of our MixMaster series leading up to the World of Concrete, we highlighted the fact that contractors don’t have to worry about tripping over pre-positioned injection ports when using this gun.  With the MixMaster Pro system, the port travels with the gun and isn’t left in the hole.  So there's less to trip over or have your hoses and cords get caught on.

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If you have a system where you are clamping the gun to the port, then frankly, I am sorry for you.  I have seen first-hand how tedious it is to keep that connection clean and how much fun it is (NOT) to scrape cured foam off the vise grips and mixing module face of the gun.  This is a time waster for sure.  With the MixMaster Pro, you are able to move quickly from point to point, which saves time and money.

When I train installers in the field and we switch them from their spray foam style guns to a gun designed just for slab lifting, you can see their eyes light up once they realize how much easier it’s going to be.  The elimination of a port required for every hole not only eliminates a tripping hazard, but also maximizes production and reduces the cost of consumables.

On a typical job with traditional impingement guns, you have to place an injection port in every hole.  It’s a 5/8” hole to start with as opposed to a 3/8” hole with the MixMaster gun system.  3/8” holes take less time to drill, include less expensive drill bits, and reduce the percentages of hitting rebar or wire when drilling through a slab because of the drill bits having a smaller diameter.

Once our 3/8” holes are drilled it’s as simple as inject, monitor, and move to the next point when it’s time.  The other systems require: drilling 5/8” holes, hammering in the port and tightening with a wrench to anchor it into the slab, connecting the gun to the port with an overpriced, modified vise grip, then injecting until it’s time to move.  I have been on many jobs where this system is implemented and it is a LOT slower.

Increasing production is a way for you to realize the most savings, but you also can’t discount the savings on the consumables like the ports themselves.  MixMaster ports are 3/8” diameter and they cost less than larger 5/8” diameter sleeved ports.  So even if you used the same number of ports, the MixMaster system would be more cost effective.  Now factor in that you can do a typical residential job with one or two ports compared to 10-20 for the other guys, and those numbers will add up over time.  I consulted with one of our customers on a residential stabilization job a few weeks ago and the guys drilled a grid pattern with at least 50 holes.  They used two ports with our MixMaster Pro system.  A week earlier they would have used 50 ports.  That saved them over $50 on materials for that job; not a huge number but it adds up over a week, or a year.  That’s the cherry on top of all the money you can save on labor with our system.

Stay tuned for part 3 of 4 coming in a few days, in which I will continue to illustrate the low operating cost of the MixMaster Pro slab lifting system. If you are currently struggling with the cost of cleaning, maintaining, and buying parts for your impingement guns, you will want to read this next one.

I look forward to seeing you all at the World of Concrete, booth O40551.  Click here for an automatic discount on World of Concrete registration!

Want more information on the MixMaster Pro?

Download an Info-Packed MixMaster Pro Brochure!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs

MixMaster Pro Series Part 1

Posted by Andy Powell on Jan 3, 2018 1:47:12 PM
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At Alchemy-Spetec we manufacture first class polyurethane and acrylic resins for Sealing Leaks, Stabilizing Soil, and Lifting Slabs. We also provide the delivery systems and training for using our products in the field.  Although I enjoy talking about all of our products and working with them in the field, I find that lifting concrete slabs and structures is the most rewarding and interesting to me.

One of the greatest public safety benefits a slab lifting contractor can provide for their workers is the elimination of tripping hazards on the job. I give talks to different building management associations like BOMA and IFMA, pointing out eye opening statistics about the costs of neglecting tripping hazards. A lost time accident for one of your workers is one of the most expensive costs to bear.

Last week I was training some slab lifting technicians on using our MixMaster Pro slab lifting gun. They really liked it and pointed out a number of advantages over the air and mechanical purge guns they were used to. I have heard these points made many times, but when the tech said he liked it because they weren't tripping over ports, I was caught off guard.

When I asked him to explain, he said that their old system required them to set injection ports in every hole. When they would then move back and forth injecting various holes to bring the slabs up, they would invariably trip over the pre-positioned ports. He mentioned that they were getting orange colored ports at one time in order to help address the problem.

A week prior, I experienced this myself on a curtain wall grouting job under a containment area. We had the same problem, and there were a LOT of ports to watch out for. At the end of the day,  we had to put up safety tape around the area to keep other workers from entering and possibly tripping over an injection port. To have that same situation brought up the following week, on a slab lifting job, was eye opening.

Indeed the MixMaster Pro gun does eliminate those types of tripping hazards for the crew. A port in every injection hole is a place to trip or have a hose or extension cord hang up. With the MixMaster Pro system, the injection port moves with the gun, leaving the area free of ports while your crew works. In fact it's not uncommon to use only one or two ports over the course of an entire residential job. 

Give us a call at Alchemy-Spetec and let one of our sales experts or field techs explain the advantages of the MixMaster Pro. If you want to start a business fixing tripping hazards by lifting slabs, we can help you out. If you already lift slabs, there may be different kind of tripping hazard we can help you resolve.

Stay tuned for part 2 of 4 coming in a few days and I look forward to seeing you all at the World of Concrete, booth O40551.  Click here for an automatic discount on World of Concrete registration!

Want more information on the MixMaster Pro?

Download an Info-Packed MixMaster Pro Brochure!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs

Starting a Slab Lifting Business

Posted by Andy Powell on Dec 13, 2017 11:28:59 AM


Pursuing the Dream

You can make a lot of money in the slab lifting business. There are many markets to take advantage of, including Residential, Commercial-Industrial and Transportation. Let’s take a quick look at all three...

Starting-a-Slab-Lifting-Business---Body.pngResidential Slab Jacking

The residential market offers tremendous opportunities for the slab lifting contractor. Obviously there are driveways, foundations, patios, pools, and porches. Don’t think residential only includes houses. There are countless opportunities in the apartment and condo sectors as well.

Commercial-Industrial Slab Jacking

Because scenarios for slab lifting are infinite in the non-residential category, let’s lump Commercial and Industrial together. Concrete parking lots, showroom floors, industrial park walkways and an endless supply of huge warehouse floors are just the tip of the iceberg in this extremely lucrative field of opportunity.

Slab Jacking for the Transportation Sector

Last but not least, take a look in the transportation sector. The world is covered with miles and miles of concrete roads, highways, bridge approach slabs, and railroad support slabs. A large percentage of them have settled in one spot or another (and the rest are vulnerable to future settling). There will NEVER be enough slab lifting contractors out there to address ALL of these current and future slab lifting needs. Your fortune awaits...IF you know what you’re doing.

Avoiding the Nightmares

It would be irresponsible to paint a completely rosy picture of the business and neglect to warn you of the pitfalls. Risk is an underlying factor in any new endeavor, and slab lifting is no different. Threats of failure can arise from problems with your Equipment, your Lifting Material and your Technical Knowldege.

Equipment Problems

You don’t want to wing it when you put your lifting rig together. Seek the advice of an experienced technician to make sure you have all the equipment you need, reliable machinery, and a trailer rig that was built to haul it all around. The last thing you need is a hose bursting, a generator failing or (and this has happened) a trailer axle breaking on the day of your first job!

Lifting Material Problems

How would you like to spend your time working on jobs that actually pay? Using reliable polymers will cut way back on the chances you’ll have to load up your rig and waste a day re-doing a job you were paid for long ago.

Technical Problems

Here’s where it’s critical to partner with a knowledgable polymer supplier that cares about your success. Some who have gone before you failed at their new venture because they weren’t prepared to overcome common challenges that arise on slab lifting jobs. How do you deal with a slab that has fused to a wall or another slab and stubbornly refuses to lift? What about very small structures that easily leak polymer from underneath all sides without raising an inch? Then there’s the fun surprise of realizing the wrong side of your slab is lifting. You can also accidentally crack slabs, damage your customer’s proprty and - in the the biggest nightmare of them all - permanently overlift the slab.

A Realistic Guide to Slab Lifting Success

We can start you on the journey of total preparation for success in slab lifting. Our experienced technical consultants can educate you on the causes of settled slabs, the process of repairing them, and critical facts about the polymer material on which your jobs will rely. You'll learn about trailer rig options, the MixMaster slab lifting gun, pump options and accessory equipment. We also offer tips on markering your business, estimating materials for jobs, and essential techniques for avoiding on-the-job problems. To get started, call us today at 404-618-0438.

Want info Alchemy-Spetec slab lifting products?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Business Tips