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When to Use Polyurethanes vs Epoxies for Sealing Leaks (Guidance from the Grout Geek)

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Oct 14, 2021 10:00:00 AM

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Body - Polyurethanes vs EpoxiesCharlie Lerman, a.k.a. "The Grout Geek", is Alchemy-Spetec's Director of Technical Services - Leak Seal Division. The importance of waterproofing became critical to him while serving on nuclear submarines in the U.S. Navy. With decades of experience in construction and leak seal, Charlie commands unparalleled expertise in grouting techniques and water mitigation.

Cracks in Concrete Left Unchecked

Although it’s not unusual to find cracks in concrete, they could lead to detrimental structural issues in the future if not taken care of immediately. But why do concrete structures seem to crack so easily? This issue often occurs due to movement caused by thermal conditions and expansive soils.

And over time, you’ll typically see that these concrete cracks can widen and result in water infiltration, and corrosion of the reinforcing steel. The worst-case scenario we want to avoid is the structural integrity becoming compromised. These cracks are not only a bad look, but they can seriously threaten the lifespan of the structure if left unchecked.

A Quick Look at Polyurethanes vs. Epoxies

This naturally leads us to the next important question to answer: how can we fix it? As usual, there are a few methods used to tackle this problem. In this post, we will cover two popular but different methods: polyurethanes vs epoxies. The reality is that both products can work to address cracks in concrete but under very different conditions.

Due to high compressive strengths, Epoxy is used for cracks in need of structural repair. Often, epoxies even have higher strength ratings than the concrete being repaired. This is why they are the best choice for structural cracks.

Nonstructural cracks that are not leaking are rarely addressed for anything other than cosmetic repairs. This brings us to leaking nonstructural cracks. These cracks are often dynamic in nature. Repairing these moving cracks with epoxy can prove difficult and often results in mirror cracking (a process in which the structural movement causes the original crack pattern to reappear in the applied epoxy). Thus it is imperative to repair leaking nonstructural cracks with flexible polyurethane foam. Flexible polyurethane can move with the structure and still maintain a water-tight seal.

Leaking Cracks in a Parking Garage

A few years back I was asked by an engineer to look at a parking garage that had many leaking cracks. It turned out that it was previously "repaired" with epoxy, yet all the cracks and leaks had reappeared. This is a perfect example of why grouters should not use epoxy in leaking cracks. Another common mistake is to use a rigid (rather than flexible) polyurethane in a dynamic crack.

So the simple takeaway is to remember that epoxies are for structural repairs and polyurethanes are for waterproofing.

Want more information on sealing leaks with polyurethane?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks

Polyurethane Estimating Calculator & Leak Seal Material Selection Guide

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Oct 12, 2021 10:00:00 AM

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The Alchemy-Spetec app now includes a Leak Seal Material Selection Guide, along with the Polyurethane Estimating Calculator.  The Leak Seal Product Selection guide asks you a series of Yes/No questions about your job and then provides product recommendations.  The Polyurethane Estimating Calculator takes the guesswork out of estimating material for Leak Seal, Geotech, and Floor Repair jobs. Here's a step-by-step guide...

Download the Alchemy-Spetec App & Create an Account

1. Download the app.
Search Alchemy-Spetec in your Apple App Store or Google Play Store to install the app.


2. Create an account.
After installing the app, create an account by clicking "Sign Up" at the bottom and following the prompts.


Select a Leak Seal Product for Your Job

1. Tap the three lines in the top left corner to display the application options.  Choose Leak Seal Material Selection Guide.


2. Answer a series of Yes/No questions about your leak seal job.


3. Review the product recommendation screen (and/or click the Start Over button at the bottom to begin again). Call the Alchemy-Spetec support squad at 404-618-0438 for more guidance specific to your project.


NOTE: You can also access the Leak Seal Material Selection Guide via this red button in the top right corner of our website home page...

Estimate Material for Your Leak Seal, Geotech, or Floor Repair Job

1. Tap the three lines in the top left corner to display the application options. Choose Material Estimation Calculator, then choose Geotech (Slab Lifting & Void Fill), Leak Seal, or Floor Repair for your job type.


2. Select the measuring system you want to use.


3. The Slab Lifting calculator appears by default. You can switch to the Void Filling calculator by clicking the button at the bottom right. Choose your product and fill in the square feet of your slab, plus the inches it has settled (or inches of void if using the Void Filling calculator).

4. View the recommended material quantities. Call the Alchemy-Spetec support squad at 404-618-0438 for more guidance specific to your project.

Alchemy-Spetec Estimator App Results

Want more information on Alchemy-Spetec products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Business Tips, Floor Repair, Fill Voids

Warehouse Floor Repair

Posted by Brian Dalinghaus on Oct 7, 2021 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Warehouse Floor Repair

Body - Warehouse Floor RepairThis post is part of the Alchemy-Spetec Contractor Lens series, featuring views, news & case studies written by our customers. This article, written by Brian Dalinghaus of Dalinghaus Construction, is an overview of warehouse floor repair with polyurethane foam. If you're an Alchemy-Spetec customer and you'd like to discuss writing content for our blog, please send an email to marketing@alchemy-spetec.com today!

You hide it well, but we know the truth – you’re obsessed with warehouse floors.

You eat, sleep, and breathe warehouse life: the melodic beeping of the forklift, the acrid welding haze that tastes like metal, and the unmitigated triple-digit heat because air-conditioning is for wussies. And don’t forget about your well-adjusted mechanic who swears so fluently it sounds like poetry while they blast AC/DC out of a busted ‘98 JVC stereo.

Welcome to #warehouselife.

Ok, so really, most people don’t give warehouse floors much thought. On occasion, you may have to sweep or mop, but that’s about the average extension of warehouse floor TLC. However, your forklift operators and warehouse crew may begrudge your lack of warehouse floor maintenance. Warehouse floors that are uneven, cracked, or sinking can create tripping hazards and other OSHA concerns.

Busted warehouse floors directly translate into a less efficient workspace, creating bumpy forklift track that can result in trouble moving loads around the sunken concrete. The truth is: if you take care of your warehouse floor, it will take care of you.

Causes Of Warehouse Floor Problems

There are several causes that may make repairs to the concrete warehouse floor necessary.

  • Incorrect Curing
  • Soil Erosion
  • Insufficient Soil Preparation
  • Shrinking and Expanding Soil

Voids can occur underneath the warehouse floor slab. Heavy equipment, like forklifts or electric pallet jacks, can cause the slabs to tilt and shift into uneven positions. This precarious situation can cause a forklift operator to lose a heavy load or get their equipment stuck.

Uneven floors jeopardize the safety of your warehouse crew and the safety of your product. In short, it can lead to serious injury and/or damage to equipment and materials.

Solutions For Uneven Warehouse Floors

Luckily, there is a solution to uneven warehouse floors. It’s imperative to protect your employees, equipment, and inventory by making sure the warehouse floors are even and stable.

Here at Dalinghaus Construction, Inc., we utilize Alchemy-Spectec or slab leveling to ensure that concrete slabs are level, secure, and strong.

During the Alchemy-Spectec process, polyurethane foam is injected through small holes underneath the slabs. The foam expands, filling the void under the slab and simultaneously lifting the slab back into place.

The polyurethane installation process allows us to move the slab within a tenth of an inch of the desired height. That is truly remarkable precision. The polyurethane foam is waterproof, environmentally inert, and won’t wash away.

Polyurethane Foam is utilized to:
  • Repair Cracked Concrete Slabs
  • Repair Settling/Sinking Concrete Slabs
  • Repair Settling/Sinking Foundations
  • Repair Void Fill
  • Permeate and Densify Soil

Polyurethane cures quickly, solidifying up to 90% full strength in only 15 minutes. The polyurethane foam seals at the bottom of the warehouse floor slab, closing off any crack that may exist in the concrete.

If needed, a joint fill material is utilized to help prevent any serious gaps between slabs.

Once the warehouse floor has been leveled, this allows heavy equipment to run smoothly over the joints, considerably lessening the damage to wheels or edges of the concrete. These gaps allow the slabs to expand and contract without cracking or moving out of place.

The great news is the Alchemy-Spectec process does not need a lot of heavy, specialized equipment – meaning you won’t have to make a lot of room for us to work. Also, as mentioned above, polyurethane foam only takes 15 minutes to cure to 90%.

This directly translates into getting back to work ASAP. The Alchemy-Spectec process is less expensive and time-consuming than tearing up and replacing a concrete slab and will take care of any underlying problems that were causing the concrete to sink.

Make Your Warehouse Safer with Dalinghaus

The safety and efficiency of your employees (along with keeping your equipment and product in good shape) are invaluable. Dalinghaus Construction Inc. is here to help you by making sure your warehouse floors are strong, stable, and straight.

Our concrete lifting process provides long-lasting results, ensuring your warehouse floor is level and safe. With over 100 years of combined experience and 4.9 stars out of 299 reviews – we are here to ensure that you never settle.

If you live in SoCal or Arizona and would like a FREE foundation inspection, click the link below –

Dalinghaus Evaluation

Want more information on warehouse floor repair?

Download an Info-Packed Warehouse & Industrial Slab Repair Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil, Floor Repair

The Trouble with Voids

Posted by J.R. Crowell on Oct 5, 2021 10:00:00 AM

Banner - The Trouble with Voids

Body - The Trouble with VoidsThis post is part of the Alchemy-Spetec Contractor Lens series, featuring views, news & case studies written by our customers.  This article, written by J.R. Crowell of Helms Polyfoam, is an overview of void filling with polyurethane foam.  If you're an Alchemy-Spetec customer and you'd like to discuss writing content for our blog, please send an email to marketing@alchemy-spetec.com today!

In the chemical grouting world, a void is defined as an area beneath a house/building, slab, or structure where soil was once present and is now absent. Voids are a sign of soil loss typically brought on by drainage issues and/or poor soil compaction. If voids are not addressed properly, they will continue to get bigger, and the structure’s integrity will be at stake.

Your first thought may be to fill the void with field dirt or topsoil in hopes of fixing the issue. In most cases, this method will only temporarily fix the problem visually, NOT structurally. The soil will not be properly compacted, and the structure will not have the necessary support. Also, the water paths have already been created, and water will continue to drain to this area and pull soil from beneath the structure.

Long-lasting polyurethane repair for this common problem will help you forget the void ever existed. The space will be filled with our expanding polyurethane resins by way of injection. This is a high-density, low-weight structural foam that can support thousands of pounds per square foot. Polyurethane resins enter as a liquid to chase all the water paths and fill the void space that was created. It then expands into a solid to displace all loose, weak soil and gives the structure/slab the support that it needs. This is all done in a day’s work with no headache, no stress, and no more floating slabs that serve as a ticking time bomb. 

If you're located in the Mississippi area, give Helms Polyfoam a call today at (601) 966-7821 or fill out their contact form to learn more about fixing your soil stabilization issues. 

Want more information about Alchemy-Spetec geotech products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Reminder! Geotech Training: Oct 26th - 28th, 2021

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Sep 30, 2021 10:00:00 AM

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Sign Up to Get Notified for Future Training Events

Alchemy-Spetec HQ in Tucker, GA
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 12th

AS-Training-Program---Fall-2021$695 Registration Fee
$615 for each additional participant from
the same company.

Get ready for a thorough education in Slab Lifting, Soil Stabilization, the Alchemy-Spetec Deep Lift® process, equipment, and applications. You’ll get hands-on training from a technical staff with decades of on-the-job experience.

Tuesday, October 26th

  • Geotech Product Line Overview
  • Geotech Applications & Case Studies
  • PolyBadger® Demo & Training
  • Estimating & Quoting Jobs

Wednesday, October 27th

  • PMC Pump Demo & Training
  • Leak Seal Issues on Geotech Jobs
  • Ground Penetrating Radar Demo & Training
  • Slab Lift Rig Demo & Training
  • Competing Geotech Techniques

Thursday, October 28th

  • PolyShark® / Soil Stabilization Demo & Training (On-Site)
  • Deep Lift® Demo & Training (On-Site)

Your Instructors:

Andy Powell (Southeastern Regional Manager), Erik Prinzing (Midwest Regional Manager), Colt Hullander (Director of Technical Services - Geotech), Patrick Zito (Eastern Regional Manager), Joel Bryant (Western Regional Manager).

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Deep Lift, Fill Voids

Chemical Grout Durability

Posted by John Ziebell on Sep 28, 2021 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Chemical Grout Durability

Body - Chemical Grout DurabilityFor most of my 36 years in the chemical grout industry, I have listened to people refer to chemical grouts as temporary leak repair in the same manner they mention a band-aid in stopping bleeding. Many of these same persons also say that stopping water leaks with chemical grouts is like “smoke and mirrors”, implying some sort of black magic. I must state that they are wrong on both counts.  

The mechanism by which chemical grouts stop leaks is based upon basic textbook polyurethane and acrylic chemistry. It may seem a little mysterious because most of the reaction takes place out of sight within or behind the concrete structure, but the reactions can be duplicated in the laboratory for doubters to see. As for durability and permanence, the oldest of the chemical grout manufacturers have documented case histories that are now 50 years old. I would call these permanent repairs when compared to some leak seal alternatives.

It is true, however, that for every success story I offer, someone will bring up an instance where chemical grouting did not work. Upon careful examination, these failures are almost always due to the products being incorrectly specified or installed. The biggest problem I have encountered that leads to premature failures occurs when the contractor fails to pump grout into a crack or joint until total rejection occurs. That is the point where the crack will accept no more grout. Correct product selection and installation in consultation with the manufacturer are essential to a successful long-lasting leak sealing project.

Want more info on leak seal products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks

Stopping Groundwater Infiltration in Manholes

Posted by David Park on Sep 23, 2021 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Stopping Groundwater Infiltration in Manholes

Body - Stopping Groundwater Infiltration in ManholesInfiltration is Draining Your Budget

In Sealing Water Infiltration in Leaking Joints, Inverts and Manholes, we identified strain and efficiency issues treatment plants undergo when groundwater infiltrates city collection systems. These common issues lead to large expenses that accumulate over time if left unchecked. A plan to minimize the damages must address the specific scale of the problems, the age and condition of your overall infrastructure, and your budget. A trusted, experienced team of consultants will prove invaluable as you navigate these uncharted waters.

Effective Manhole Infiltration Repair

According to the EPA, there are over 20 million manholes in the US. Water is infiltrating this aging infrastructure on a daily basis. If you're a municipal administrator or manager, you may already have sent in crews to eliminate the leaking with common waterproofing techniques such as applying hydraulic cement or epoxy coating. But these methods are not always 100% effective in the long term.

One of the most comprehensive ways to completely eliminate all groundwater infiltration in manholes is to encapsulate the structure using curtain grouting techniques. Specialty subcontractors utilize this technique by drilling through to the outside of the wall and injecting highly expansive polyurethane foam into the voids and soils behind it. The expansive chemical grout permeates the soils thanks to its low viscosity and creates a permanent water barrier that can fully encapsulate the manhole if necessary.

When to use Curtain Grouting

We've discussed sealing joint and penetration leaks in previous blog posts, but what if you have numerous leaks, are concerned about voids in the soil, or are repairing a brick manhole? Curtain grouting is especially useful for brick or block manholes that are made up of hundreds of joints and seams where water has many opportunities to penetrate the structure. Encapsulating the structure will polyurethane not only stops infiltration but also fills soil voids. Curtain grouting is just one technique among a handful of methods specially designed for eliminating groundwater infiltration. We recommend getting in touch with our Leak Seal Director of Technical Services, Charlie Lerman, for a free consultation to determine what leak seal methods are best for your infrastructure. Call him today at 404-618-0438. 

Want more information on curtain grouting?

Download an Info-Packed Curtain Wall Grouting Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks

Top Three Alchemy-Spetec Blog Posts

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Sep 21, 2021 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Top Three Alchemy-Spetec Blog Posts

Body - Top Three Alchemy-Spetec Blog PostsAs of today, the top three most viewed Alchemy-Spetec blog posts are:

  1. Slab Void Fill with Polyurethane Foam
  2. So You’re Thinking About Starting a Slab Lifting Company: Key Considerations
  3. Hydrophobic vs Hydrophilic: Polyurethanes

Given the amount of interest in these subjects, it's worth reviewing them again. In this article, we'll feature some intro text from each of these blog posts, along with a link to the full version.

Slab Void Fill with Polyurethane Foam

Voids beneath concrete slabs can be filled with two-component polymer foam designed to work in wet or dry conditions. AP Lift 430 foam can support up to 7,200 lbs per square foot and will cure to 90% full strength in 15 minutes.  (Of the most resilient concrete slab jacking foams, AP Lift 430 is proven to lift concrete slabs under harsh conditions. This two-component, high-strength, high-density, hydro-insensitive structural polyurethane foam is the top slab jacking solution for concrete slab foundation repair, soil stabilization, and compaction grouting. AP Lift 430 weighs 2.75 – 3.25 pounds per cubic foot.) Polyurethane foam conforms to void shape more accurately than cement grout, and - unlike cement - it doesn't shrink or sink over time. Read more...

So You’re Thinking About Starting a Slab Lifting Company: Key Considerations

If you want to corner the market in this potentially profitable business, begin by scoping out a specialized area, such as residential, commercial, or civic/municipal. Next, make a simple short written list of the assets you absolutely must have to get started. Do you need a full-sized slab lifting rig to get rolling? Or maybe just the portable PolyBadger lifting system? Are there any special licenses or certifications required for operation? Do you have a good relationship with an equipment and materials supplier? Having the right slab lifting equipment, top-of-line materials, vendor support, and deep expertise in this unique industry are the first keys to success for startup companies. Read more...

Hydrophobic vs Hydrophilic: Polyurethanes

The terms hydrophobic and hydrophilic may not mean anything to the average person. But, to a contractor, these terms can mean a world of a difference. Hydro means water while phobic means “to fear” and philic means “to love”.  Alchemy-Spetec offers both hydrophobic and hydrophilic polyurethanes, so it is important to be aware of the differences between the two types.  Read more...

Want more information about Alchemy-Spetec products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Fill Voids

Remedial Waterproofing for Tilt-Up Panels

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Sep 16, 2021 10:00:00 AM

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Body - AS Remedial Waterproofing for Tilt-Up PanelsIn the United States, tilt-up construction is very common and the resulting joints are typically caulked. The vast majority of the time that is totally sufficient. But what about the joint you find yourself recaulking every six months to a year? While not the norm, they can be a real hassle and a thorn in your side. Enter Spetec PUR F400 and welcome to this blog post!

Spetec PUR F400 is a flexible hydrophobic polyurethane grout. Oakum is a fibrous jute rope that we soak the F400 in and then use to pack the wetted joint from the bottom up. This is a messy but simple process that leaves you with a full-depth seal/bond as opposed to the typical ¼” bond that is standard when caulking. The excess foam can be cut back and caulked to match the existing joints. Caulking is also required on the exterior as F400 is not UV stable, so the caulk protects the F400 from UV and makes the joint cosmetically match the other joints.

The same grout/oakum procedure described above can also be done for joints that are in constant submersion. Standard urethane caulk is not designed for constant submergence and while polysulfides are, they still can have problems with it. F400 is unaffected by wet, dry, wet/dry, or constant submerged environments.

These repair procedures can be applied to pipe penetrations as well. The "oakum soakum" method, as it's commonly known, is a tried and true methodology. But it is also one of the simplest methods for polyurethane chemical grout installation. I equate it to fingerpainting with chemical grouts.

Every grouting job has its unique challenges. Alchemy-Spetec's industry-leading tech support team is here to help! Call 404-618-0438 for assistance with your leak seal job today!

Want more info on leak seal products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks

Geotech Training: Oct 26th - 28th, 2021

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Sep 14, 2021 10:00:00 AM

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Sign Up to Get Notified for Future Training Events

Alchemy-Spetec HQ in Tucker, GA
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 12th

AS-Training-Program---Fall-2021$695 Registration Fee
$615 for each additional participant from
the same company.

Get ready for a thorough education in Slab Lifting, Soil Stabilization, the Alchemy-Spetec Deep Lift® process, equipment, and applications. You’ll get hands-on training from a technical staff with decades of on-the-job experience.

Tuesday, October 26th

  • Geotech Product Line Overview
  • Geotech Applications & Case Studies
  • PolyBadger® Demo & Training
  • Estimating & Quoting Jobs

Wednesday, October 27th

  • PMC Pump Demo & Training
  • Leak Seal Issues on Geotech Jobs
  • Ground Penetrating Radar Demo & Training
  • Slab Lift Rig Demo & Training
  • Competing Geotech Techniques

Thursday, October 28th

  • PolyShark® / Soil Stabilization Demo & Training (On-Site)
  • Deep Lift® Demo & Training (On-Site)

Your Instructors:

Andy Powell (Southeastern Regional Manager), Erik Prinzing (Midwest Regional Manager), Colt Hullander (Director of Technical Services - Geotech), Patrick Zito (Eastern Regional Manager), Joel Bryant (Western Regional Manager).

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Deep Lift, Fill Voids