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Case Study - Stormwater System Void Fill

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 23, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Stormwater System Void Fill

Body - Stormwater System Void FillClearwater, Florida public works administrators faced a critical stormwater infrastructure issue. A junction box was leaking through multiple pipe penetrations, compromising system integrity. City officials invited infrastructure repair specialists Helicon to address the situation. This project showcases an innovative solution to a common urban infrastructure challenge, enhancing stormwater management capabilities for municipalities.

Powerful Polymers

Helicon chose AP Fill 700 as the primary repair material. This polymer offers several advantages for stormwater system repairs. Firstly, it's ideal for point grouting, allowing for precise application. Additionally, the polymer features a quick reaction time, enabling rapid repairs. Perhaps most importantly, AP Fill 700 excels at filling voids. These voids, created around the junction box due to ongoing leaks, needed to be addressed to ensure a comprehensive repair.


Painless Procedures

Injection rods were utilized to deliver the polymer solution. These rods were pushed down from the surface to the depth of the leak, ensuring targeted application. As the injections progressed, they served multiple purposes. The polymer filled existing voids, stabilized the surrounding roadbed, and effectively cut off the leaks. To ensure complete coverage, the injection rods were raised in stages. At each stage, additional injections were performed. This methodical approach guaranteed thorough treatment of the affected area.

Rapid Results

The repair operation proved remarkably efficient. In just two hours, the entire job was completed. More impressively, the leaks were sealed immediately upon application of the polymer. This rapid resolution minimized disruption to the city's infrastructure and daily operations. As a result of this swift and effective repair, city administrators expressed high satisfaction with the outcome. 

Want more information on infrastructural repair with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Infrastructure Leak Seal and Void Fill Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Municipal Resources