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Andy Powell

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Concrete Leveling with Polyurethane Foam - How Strong is Strong Enough?

Posted by Andy Powell on Aug 1, 2023 10:00:00 AM

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Body - Concrete Leveling with Polyurethane Foam - How Strong is Strong EnoughRaising Concrete with Confidence

When pumping a lightweight material beneath a slab, you need the confidence that it is strong enough for the application. How strong is strong enough? This is a commonly asked question by contractors that are new to slab jacking with polyurethane. Alchemy-Spetec structural foams only need to be as strong as dirt, but they're actually stronger than crystalline bedrock.

The Right Strengths for Concrete Lifting

Slab lifting foams are rated on density (weight per cubic feet) and compressive strength. This testing and rating are based on the foam in a free-rise state; the parts A and B are mixed together and allowed to expand freely. Our AP Lift 430 and AP Lift 475 structural lifting foams, for example, weigh 2.75 – 3.25 lbs (AP Lift 430) to 4.75 – 5 lbs (AP Lift 475) per cubic foot. But they have compressive strengths of 50 psi and 100 psi in a free-rise state. That's the equivalent of 7,200 to 14,000 lbs per square ft of support, just in a free-rise state.

Polyurethane Slab Jacking Compared to Clay and Bedrock

To put that into perspective, the National Home Builders Association and the International Building Code list stiff clay at 4,000 psf and crystalline bedrock as having 12,000 psf of load-bearing capacity. Consider the job site conditions where the foam will be injected into a confined area. Testing data in the lab shows that our lifting foams will increase in compressive strength: In a space confined 25% by volume there will be an increase of 31% in psi and in a space confined by 75% there will be a 79% increase in the psi.

Concrete Leveling for Any Job with the Right Foam

Today polyurethane concrete lifting foams are used to level airport slabs supporting jumbo jets, equipment and building slabs supporting tremendous loads, and even railway sleepers that support the heaviest freight trains. So don't let the word “foam” fool you. These resins cure to strengths beyond what is needed to support any structure.

Want in-depth info on slab lifting procedures and products?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs

Re-Engaging Customers

Posted by Andy Powell on Jan 26, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Re-Engaging Customers

Body - Re-Engaging CustomersWhether your focus is on soil stabilization, leak seal, or slab lifting, it’s a known fact that growing your contracting business is hard work. As an experienced consultant and advisor, I am aware that many contractors focus so much time on generating new leads that they may overlook another great source of new revenue: re-engaging past customers.

It costs about five times more money to attract a new customer than to sell to an existing customer. And it's 50% easier to sell to an existing customer than to a new customer. It has also been said that 80% of most business revenue comes from just 20% of its existing customers. (Source: Forbes Magazine's "Five Customer Retention Tips for Entrepreneurs".)

Owners and managers of these types of properties are likely to provide repeat business...

  • Commercial properties
  • Multi-unit residential properties
  • Schools, universities, education departments/districts
  • Municipalities/government agencies

If you put your mind to it, I'm sure you can think of a few more. You can also reach out to previous individual residential and small business customers occasionally.

Customer Retention Tips

Remember, customers do not owe you their loyalty, it has to be earned. You may be the most qualified and diversified contractor in the area, but if you want to get that repeat business you have to implement a retention program. Here are a few suggestions...

  • Create an email newsletter. Send out tips and advice that your customer base may find helpful. You can also include case studies or success stories from recent jobs. Holiday greetings are always good as well. Throw in a promotion or discounted service offer every now and then, but make sure your communications are always primarily focused on useful content.
  • Gifts, holiday cards, and birthday cards are a nice way to express customer appreciation. Sending items like this via traditional mail will help you stand out from the crowd a bit, as more and more people are moving towards a "digital only" approach.
  • Take a moment on a regular basis to check up on your past customers' social media accounts. Like, favorite, and share anything you find relevant or interesting. This is just another way to remind them that you're interested in how they're doing and that you're available should they need any further assistance.

Take some time to brainstorm and I bet you'll come up with some unique approaches of your own. If you're too busy to do this kind of stuff, hire a part-time assistant. The jobs you get as a result of these activities may pay for the assistant, and then some. Give it a shot and find out.

Want more contractor marketing tips?

Download an Info-Packed Contractor Marketing Brochure!

Topics: Business Tips

Create an Effective Presentation for Your Contracting Business

Posted by Andy Powell on Jan 19, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Create an Effective Presentation-1

Body - Create an Effective Presentation-1Many of the contractors I’ve worked with over the years have had to give a presentation at one time or another. In some cases, they need to make a pitch to a potential client (for example at municipality or state agency contract meetings). In other cases, they have the opportunity to market their services by giving presentations at trade shows, “lunch and learn” seminars, webinars, homeowner association meetings, professional association events, etc.

Presentation opportunities can sometimes arise on short notice. This is why you can benefit from creating presentations ahead of time. If you’d like, you can ask our marketing team to critique your presentation. You can also inquire about getting a member of our sales team to co-present when an opportunity does come along.

Incorporate the following tips to create a powerful presentation for your contracting business. Some of these suggestions may seem contrary to everyday conventional practice, but who wants a run-of-the-mill presentation? We’ve tested this approach time and time again, with consistently positive results. It will be worth your while to at least give it a shot.

Fewer Words

As a detail-oriented professional, you may be inclined to pack your presentation slides with lots of text in order to get all your important points across. This is not the most effective way to give a presentation. It can lead to information overload and a drowsy, impatient audience. When creating a presentation, you want to condense the information and only include text that is absolutely essential.

Powerful Images

Now that you have seriously scaled back your text use, the next step is to make the presentation livelier. The audience needs to be actively engaged rather than bombarded with data. If you associate a powerful image with each essential point, the audience is better able to visualize and remember the concept.

Engaging Stories

Once you have simplified your text and added visually striking images, you can add extra punch by incorporating stories to get your points across. As a contractor, you probably have many stories from the trenches. Telling a story is a surefire way to make sure a message sticks.

White Paper Instead of Note-Taking

One thing that dilutes the impact of even the most powerful presentations is audience note-taking. This habit guarantees that half their time is spent looking down at their desk rather than paying attention to you. That’s why it’s helpful to prepare a whitepaper (basically a multi-page essay with any essential graphics) that summarizes all the key points from your presentation. Inform the audience up front that there is no need to take notes, as they will receive a written summary afterward. Explain to them that they’ll get a lot more out of the presentation if they provide their full attention.


Since I believe in giving credit where credit is due, I'd like to acknowledge that most of these ideas came from the book Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery by Garr Reynolds.

For more tips on how to create a powerful presentation for your contracting business, or to inquire about co-presenting with one of our specialists, give us a call at 404-618-0438.

Want more ideas for marketing your contracting business?

Download an Info-Packed Contractor Marketing Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Keeping Busy During the Winter Months - Part 2

Posted by Andy Powell on Jan 5, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Keeping Busy During the Winter Months - Part 2

Body - Keeping Busy During the Winter Months - Part 2It’s January. Football is about done, ice fishing is getting boring, it’s so cold that hunting is out, and you’re starting to think about part one of this blog series. It would be nice to be prepared to make money every winter, but you don’t know where to start. So what needs to be done to plan ahead for next year’s winter work?

Engineer and Consultant Outreach

If you have spent any time with me, you will have heard me say that engineer outreach is the key to having a pipeline of projects. Whether it is a geotechnical or a waterproofing opportunity, if it is a significant project there is likely to be an engineer involved. Every factory, every property management company, and every hydroelectric plant has a go-to engineering firm they turn to whenever there is a situation to deal with. It might be a broken water main under a floor that has undermined concrete slabs. Or it could be water getting into a machinery pit or a containment area. Whatever it is, you can be sure an engineering firm will be called.

Alchemy-Spetec has engineering presentations for leak seal, soil stabilization, concrete lifting, and many other polyurethane applications. Most of them are approved for continuing education credits so an engineer can learn something useful and pick up some credit towards their yearly requirements. We like to do these jointly with a local contractor to connect the dots between the supplier, contractor, and engineer.  Help us get them set up and we are happy to present on your behalf.

With proper follow-up, these presentation activities often lead to small project opportunities. A successfully completed small project can lead to a bigger opportunity and so on. Remember, these engineers get called by property owners when something has gone wrong. If you are the contractor they turn to, as long as you are fair, responsive, on time, safe, and get the job done - you will continue to get work that doesn’t go out for bid.

Professional Associations

There are a million professional associations out there for every field and trade you can imagine. Joining an association is a great way to network and find out what opportunities might be out there.

Find out about your local chapter of BOMA. The Building Owners and Managers Association represents one of the largest industries in the world – commercial real estate. Members of BOMA are primarily building owners, property managers, facility managers, and building engineers. Where else could you find a better place to discuss elevator pits, parking garages, tripping hazards, etc. Look for opportunities to present at BOMA events. The very first presentation I ever gave was in front of about 100 building engineers from one chapter of BOMA in Metro Atlanta and I was already looking at a project just an hour after I finished. 

Another good one is IFMA, the International Facility Management Association. As a simple rule of thumb, think of BOMA as the “landlords” and IFMA as the “tenants”. Often it is the tenant that is reporting the issue of concern. Presenting to IFMA gives you the opportunity to let facility managers know about polyurethane technologies that can resolve issues in and around a building.

The ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) is a great place to network with professional engineers. You don’t have to be an engineer to participate in meetings and have access to what ASCE offers; they have a category called Organization Partners for non-engineer participation. Look for opportunities to present at ASCE; we can assist you with that.

DOTs and Municipalities

Sometimes there is no substitute for just grinding out phone calls, computer research, or making some stops at the local municipalities and DOTs. You can find out when projects are coming out for bid, you can attend bid meetings and lettings, and you will likely find yourself networking with general contractors and engineers in the process.

Mass transit authorities also need to be researched as well. Any city with trains/subways is going to have a transit authority. They have their own engineering departments and will put projects out for bid on a regular basis. Outreach to these engineers with offers to present on leak seal and geotech applications could very well touch on an issue they have. You can also meet these kinds of engineers at an ASCE meeting.

Winter IS the Time to Grow Your Business

If you are a contractor looking for work to do in the cold months, contact your Alchemy-Spetec Regional Manager for details on how we can help you expand your business. These efforts are great for finding that winter work but you will find that they will transform your business year-round. 

Want more information on Geotech and Leak Seal products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Keeping Busy During the Winter Months - Part 1

Posted by Andy Powell on Jan 3, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Keeping Busy During the Winter Months - Part 1

Body - Keeping Busy During the Winter Months - Part 1Wintertime IS the Time for Northern Contractors to Grow a Polyurethane Injection Business

So, you think because it’s cold and the ground is frozen, it’s time to hang it up and winterize all your polyurethane injection equipment? Time to start bowling, shooting pool, ice fishing, hunting, drinking, etc.? Okay, maybe that is not the way to start a blog; a guy who has never lived north of Atlanta, telling contractors in the northern USA what they could be doing in the winter. But I implore you; please read on and consider the other fun stuff you could be doing and getting paid for.

Specialty chemical grouting contractors that operate in the northern USA face a more limited window of time to get outdoor soil stabilization and slab lifting work done. They have earned the right to take it easy in the winter because they typically work twice as hard as everyone else when the weather cooperates. With proper planning though, northern poly contractors can stay busy in the cold months as well. In this two-part blog series, we will cover what those wintertime opportunities are and how to make them happen.

What Geotechnical Work Can Be Done in the Winter?

When I talk about geotechnical work, I am primarily referring to concrete slab lifting and soil stabilization/ground improvement.  Here are some winter targets to consider:

  1. Warehouses and Distribution Centers – Interior slab lifting and void filling behind loading dock walls.
  2. Office and Retail – Interior slab lifting and tripping hazard mitigation.
  3. Infrastructure – Below the frost line, groundwater infiltration into stormwater and sewer pipes causes loss of soil density and settling of pavement. Infiltration can be halted, voids filled, and soil density restored through a chemical grouting program.
  4. Agricultural Facilities – Leveling slabs in grain-drying bunkers.
  5. Commercial / Industrial – Filling voids and leveling slabs in plants and factories.

What about other polyurethane injection work? Winter is a great time to learn some new skills like crack injection, slab undersealing, and curtain grouting. When it gets cold, concrete shrinks, and cracks and joints open up and can start leaking. They are actually easier to inject when it’s cold. The market for this kind of work is practically unlimited. Consider these areas where waterproofing work needs to be done:

  1. Below-grade parking structures – Every underground parking structure leaks through cracks, expansion joints, and cold joints. These can be injected with Alchemy-Spetec leak seal resins. If the concrete is in bad condition, a curtain wall grouting program can be implemented to basically create a membrane between the groundwater and the concrete.
  2. Elevator pits – Any below-grade concrete structure can potentially leak. Elevator pits, especially in areas with high water tables, routinely leak. How many elevators do you think are in New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago? These are all cities basically at sea level.
  3. Tunnels (Pedestrian, Vehicle, Mass Transit) - These all suffer from water intrusion and can be injected with polyurethane resins.
  4. Dams – It’s kind of scary to think about huge concrete dams leaking but it is indeed the case. A lot of crack injection work is done in dam galleries during the winter.
  5. Residential and Commercial Building Basement Waterproofing – Cracks and joints leak year-round but when it’s cold they are easier to inject.
  6. Slab Undersealing – This is the same as curtain wall grouting. The difference is that it’s done through the floor instead of through a wall.

Alchemy-Spetec’s Technical Service Team and Regional Managers provide training to get contractors started with these new skills and opportunities. You’re probably wondering how to find these projects though.  Stay tuned for part 2 of this blog series where I cover the leg work that must be done to line up this wintertime work.  

Want more information on Geotech and Leak Seal products?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts

Lifting Slabs in Cold Weather

Posted by Andy Powell on Nov 10, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Lifting Slabs in Cold Weather 2022

Body - Lifting Slabs in Cold Weather 2022It's that time of year again. As temperatures drop, take a moment to review this previously posted article packed with cold-weather tips.

Contrary to popular opinion, as a contractor, you don’t have to put up your equipment and rigs due to cold weather. There are many jobs to be done and many ways to keep your material conditioned. Use this season to your advantage and gain valuable business.

Cold Weather Markets

Seasonal attractions such as theme parks are a great place to start looking for winter work. Many of these parks (the ones that aren’t in Orlando) shut down for the winter and this is the time they do maintenance and repairs. Think of all the concrete lifting and leveling that can be done.

Factories can be less active in the winter months with production slowing down in many industries. This is a good time for them to do maintenance and floor repairs as well.

Warehouses typically operate year-round, so there is always work available. Warehouse floors are used and abused on a daily basis and will sooner or later need some form of repairs done to keep business running at a steady pace. In addition, many warehouses have dangerous voids beneath their floors that require repair.  

Exterior concrete slabs are still worth considering, even in cold weather. These slabs experience the most wear and tear from the environment itself (think erosion) and daily traffic. You’ll need to lift concrete slabs before the ground freezes and only after your materials have been thoroughly conditioned.

Conditioning Materials

Your slab lifting equipment probably has built-in heaters and a heated hose. Each brand and model of pump has different-sized pre-heaters and different ∆T (∆ = Delta and T = Temperature). This sounds complicated but is actually quite simple.  ∆T is simply the change in temperature.  Let’s say your material has been sitting in a cold trailer all night and the temperature has dropped to 40 degrees F. If the required temperature of your B side material is 120 degrees F, then your pump better be rated with a ∆T of at least 80 degrees. However, if your material is preconditioned to 70 degrees F, then your machine only has to be rated for a ∆T of 50 degrees. As I said, every machine is rated differently based on the size of the heaters. What is important to know is that there are limitations to how much heating your machine can do.

Keeping your materials conditioned in the winter months is a lot easier than it sounds. The main point is to keep your AP Lift products above 60 degrees at all times. Keeping the polyurethane at or above that temperature can be accomplished in a number of ways.

If you have an insulated rig, it should stay around 40 degrees warmer than outside temperatures. Most foam rigs have built-in electric heaters that require an extension cord to a power outlet at the job site or at your facility for overnight storage. Alternatively, you could buy an electric radiator heater. Other available heating devices include drum band heaters and heated drum mats (be careful not to scorch the polymers by turning band heaters up too high). For a more DIY approach, you could build a hot box around the material storage area in your rig.

Heat Sink

Another consideration when lifting cold slabs is the heat sink factor. AP Lift products come out of the gun hot and get even hotter as they react. However, cold concrete acts as a heat sink and sucks the energy out of the foam as it starts to react. This can slow down the reaction speed of the foam. If you are pumping into a void, it will have little effect because most of the foam is not in contact with the concrete. If you are trying to lift a slab with little void, it will have more of an effect because more of the foam is in contact with the cold concrete and cold soil. More volume = more energy.


Don’t let common preconceptions deter you from slab lifting in cold weather. As noted above, there is no need to shut down completely for the upcoming winter months if you don’t want to. Opportunities still exist and one of them may just be the job you’ve been looking for all year. There are many ways to keep your equipment and materials conditioned to efficiently work in lower temperatures. Have more questions about slab lifting in cold weather? Call us at 404-618-0438.

Want more in-depth info on slab lifting?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Business Tips

CE/PDH Accredited Presentation on Polyurethane Geotech Applications

Posted by Andy Powell on Apr 28, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Accredited Geotech Presentation

Body - Accredited Geotech PresentationThe Geotechnical Applications for Polyurethane presentation explains and demonstrates how concrete leveling and soil stabilization resins can be used to stabilize soil and repair structures. The presentation covers the following topics:

  • Single Component Polyurethane Grout Applications
  • Two-Component Polyurethane Grout Applications
  • Acrylic Grout Applications

This one-hour CE/PDH accredited presentation is ideal for engineers who are interested in learning about next-generation geotech repair methods for pavement lifting and stabilization, excavation support, erosion control, infrastructure infiltration control, etc.

Click here and submit your info for a follow-up call on scheduling an accredited presentation.

Want more information on geotech products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Deep Lift, Fill Voids, Engineer Resources

Slab Lifting Essential to Omaha Warehouse Renovation

Posted by Andy Powell on Feb 3, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Omaha Warehouse Slab Lift

Body - Omaha Warehouse Slab LiftSometimes lifting concrete slabs with polyurethane is about more than just making something structurally sound and level again. In every town, there are buildings sitting empty because the floors are not in sufficient shape for use by a business. Imagine the service a concrete leveling contractor can provide by bringing slabs back into tolerance and allowing an empty space to become a revenue stream for the building owner. This is what one of our contractors in Omaha, Nebraska did.

In downtown Omaha, there are a lot of historic buildings. Located on an old stockyard site, there is a building that was constructed in 1911. It had been used as a parts depot for many years; including parts for World War II-era Jeeps. The owners of the building have converted some of it into a commercial laundry equipment distribution facility, but there was a section with sagging floors that really couldn’t be used effectively.

Some research on the internet led them to one of our contractors. This particular lift was a little tricky because the concrete literally had a belly, or sag, down the center. The owner’s idea was to create an office space with partitions/cubicles for small businesses. However, the current floor condition would have everyone’s office chair rolling to the center of the building. Not good! How would the floor react as they tried to bring it up a couple of inches? I was onsite as a consultant to help them find out!

We gave ourselves a reward to shoot for if the lift was successful; a big slab of Omaha prime rib. With that as motivation, we slowly worked our way across the floor and back. Using zip levels, dial indicators, and instinct developed from other jobs, we gradually brought the old floor back into tolerance. The product we selected for this project was AP Lift 430 and it worked beautifully. The MixMaster Pro injection gun performed as advertised and allowed for an efficient installation of the lifting foam. Although we had to drill multiple holes for the targeted injections, we only used three total injection ports.

Now the final touches are being added to this soon-to-be office space. The owners will have multiple tenants paying rent and a once unusable space as a revenue-generating property. If you’re a property owner with a similar issue, call us to get hooked up with a contractor who can help. If you’re a contractor, keep your eyes peeled for similar opportunities. They are all over the place. Now, about that prime rib…

Want more information on polyurethane slab lifting?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs

Create an Effective Presentation for Your Contracting Business

Posted by Andy Powell on Feb 1, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Create an Effective Presentation

Body - Create an Effective PresentationMany of the contractors I’ve worked with over the years have had to give a presentation at one time or another. In some cases, they need to make a pitch to a potential client (for example at municipality or state agency contract meetings). In other cases, they have the opportunity to market their services by giving presentations at trade shows, “lunch and learn” seminars, webinars, homeowner association meetings, professional association events, etc.

Presentation opportunities can sometimes arise on short notice. This is why you can benefit from creating presentations ahead of time. If you’d like, you can ask our marketing team to critique your presentation. You can also inquire about getting a member of our sales team to co-present when an opportunity does come along.

Incorporate the following tips to create a powerful presentation for your contracting business. Some of these suggestions may seem contrary to everyday conventional practice, but who wants a run-of-the-mill presentation? We’ve tested this approach time and time again, with consistently positive results. It will be worth your while to at least give it a shot.

Fewer Words

As a detail-oriented professional, you may be inclined to pack your presentation slides with lots of text in order to get all your important points across. This is not the most effective way to give a presentation. It can lead to information overload and a drowsy, impatient audience. When creating a presentation, you want to condense the information and only include text that is absolutely essential.

Powerful Images

Now that you have seriously scaled back your text use, the next step is to make the presentation lively. The audience needs to be actively engaged rather than bombarded with data. If you associate a powerful image with each essential point, the audience is better able to visualize and remember the concept.

Engaging Stories

Once you have simplified your text and added visually striking images, you can add extra punch by incorporating stories to get your points across. As a contractor, you probably have many stories from the trenches. Telling a story is a surefire way to make sure a message sticks.

White Paper Instead of Note-Taking

One thing that dilutes the impact of even the most powerful presentations is audience note-taking. This habit guarantees that half their time is spent looking down at their desk rather than paying attention to you. That’s why it’s helpful to prepare a whitepaper (basically an essay with any essential graphics) that summarizes all the key points from your presentation. Inform the audience upfront that there is no need to take notes, as they will receive a written summary afterward. Explain to them that they’ll get a lot more out of the presentation if they provide their full attention.


Since I believe in giving credit where credit is due, I'd like to acknowledge that most of these ideas came from the book Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery by Garr Reynolds.

For more tips on how to create a powerful presentation for your contracting business, or to inquire about co-presenting with one of our specialists, give us a call at 404-618-0438.

Want more information about marketing your contracting business?

Download an Info-Packed Contractor Marketing Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Gravel Wall Solidified with AP Fill 720

Posted by Andy Powell on Jan 11, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Gravel Wall Solidified with AP Fill 720

Body - Gravel Wall Solidified with AP Fill 720When an old brick retaining wall in downtown Greenville collapsed and crushed three cars, Wurster Engineering and Construction was called in to stabilize the embankment and install a new wall system. Based out of Greenville, SC, Wurster is a geotechnical engineering and construction firm that specializes in soil and embankment stabilization. The project would require removal of the remaining brick wall, soil nailing the embankment, installing a shotcrete wall, and then tying in a new brick wall to the stabilized embankment.

However, one problem remained. There was one area where there was a portion of the brick wall that needed removal, but the temporary concrete retaining wall to protect the property had been poured on a bed of gravel that was being held in place by the remaining brick. The gravel under the temporary wall footing was contained by the remaining brick, which when removed would cause all of the gravel to run out. This section was about 30-35’ long, 2’ high, and 4-5’ deep from the face of the wall to the back.

Powerful Polymer

In order to solve this issue, Wurster Engineering and Construction selected AP Fill 720 to permeate the gravel and hold it in place while the brick was removed. This polyurethane resin was the ideal choice because of its ability to thoroughly permeate the gravel, lock it all together, and then cure to a high compressive strength. With the gravel locked in place, Wurster Engineering and Construction was able to install supplemental support jacks under the temporary retaining wall. After the jacks were in place, they were able to install the soil nails followed by the shotcrete.

Painless Procedure

Approximately 50 gallons of AP Fill 720 were used to build this solidified wall of gravel behind the remaining brick wall. Injection probes were spaced 18” apart to ensure proper permeation and coverage needed to create one solid mass. The crew came in at a steep 20 to 30-degree angle behind the brick and put in about 2 gallons of polyurethane per probe, with 5% catalyst mixed in. The crew then installed more probes at a shallow 60-degree angle in the areas that needed further permeation and coverage. These extra placements of approximately 2 gallons per probe were essential to keeping the gravel in place from side to side and front to back. This entire process took one day to complete with a small crew of three people.

Rapid Result

The day after grouting, the site work demolition subcontractor chiseled off the remaining brick from the solidified AP Fill 720 gravel wall - and the project was determined to be a complete success. The entire job was finished quickly with minimal mobilization costs. We appreciate our friends at Wurster Engineering and Construction for trusting Alchemy-Spetec’s material and consultation for geotechnical projects such as this one.

Want more information about soil stabilization?

Download an Info-Packed Soil Stabilization Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil