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Lift Sunken Slabs & Stabilize Loose Soil Caused by Uncontrolled Water

Posted by David Park on May 26, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Lift-Sunken-Slabs-&-Stabilize-Loose-Soil

Body - Lift-Sunken-Slabs-&-Stabilize-Loose-SoilMost property owners and managers don’t realize that the greatest threat to their slabs and structures hides underneath the surface of the ground. Water is relentless, and your property is at risk if it is left unchecked. Uncontrolled water can lead to soil erosion, voids, and sometimes even sinkholes. Neglecting these types of soil issues can end up costing significant money, time, and stress.

We believe that every property owner and manager should understand how to prevent these problems from getting out of control. Water must be controlled properly, and with the right solutions. Alchemy-Spetec offers a variety of polyurethane resins for lifting sunken slabs, stabilizing soil, and filling voids underneath foundations and slabs. We are a global manufacturing company certified to ISO9001. Our polyurethane resin technology has been successfully used on a multitude of projects spanning the globe. It's also environmentally friendly (NSF certified for contact with drinking water).

Raising & Lifting Concrete

Sunken concrete slabs can be lifted back into place with our two-component polymer foams designed to work in wet or dry conditions. The expansion force of the concrete leveling foam coupled with the pressure of a specialized pump generates enough controlled force to lift virtually any structure back into position with 1/8” precision. Polyjacking (a.k.a. slab lifting and concrete lifting) can be accomplished at a fraction of the cost and time required for replacement using our AP Lift series of resins. The Deep Lift® process may be necessary if deeper soil issues are undermining the slab or structure.

Polyurethane Slab Lifting Products

Stabilizing Soil

Unstable, eroded, or loose soil around infrastructure can result in settlement and damage to the structure. Voids can be filled, seawalls remediated, soil consolidated, and water migration halted by permeating the soil with our ultra-low viscosity resins

Polyurethane Soil Stabilization Products

3-Step Property Preservation Plan

Eliminate the risk of a total loss to your property and contact our team of experts now to start your Property Preservation Plan. With our support, you can save your property, save your money, and save your peace of mind.

  1. Start a conversation with one of our experts about your specific challenge/property.
  2. We will work with you to create an action plan custom-tailored to your needs.
  3. We will connect you to a factory-authorized contractor who will help you solve your problem.

Sign Up for a Consultation Now!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Fill Voids

Classic Sewer Failure (Guidance from the Grout Geek)

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on May 24, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Classic Sewer Failure

Body - Classic Sewer FailureRead through this list:

  • Manholes
  • Catch basins
  • Drop inlets
  • Wet wells
  • The Grand Canyon

This is not a game of which one doesn't belong, as they all channel water and can cause erosion. The Grand Canyon is breathtaking. Likewise, washouts or sinkholes caused by leaking and neglected infrastructure are breathtaking - but in a completely different way. They're breathtaking in regard to the high costs of emergency repairs and the potential damage they cause.

This quote, from an article on KCCI.com, sums it up nicely...

“At first, crews resurfacing the pavement thought a large piece of machinery had fallen into a sinkhole 10 feet deep… It turns out an original clay storm sewer pipe had disconnected, leaking water for what appears to be a long time, eroding the earth around it.”

There is no downside to fixing these common infrastructure issues before they get out of control. Any repair costs are quickly offset by the reduction of sewer water requiring treatment. Who is not for lower sewer rates, a healthier environment, longer-lasting infrastructure, and fewer manmade washouts/sinkholes?

So why don’t we address infiltration more? It is as simple as the old adage "out of sight out of mind". Infiltration is a preventable and treatable sewage collection system problem. We have neglected our infrastructure for too long and we need to raise public awareness of the issue.

We at Alchemy-Spetec not only manufacture quality polyurethane chemical grouts for these types of repairs, but we also provide top-notch training and support for leak seal crews. Call 404-618-0438 and let us know how we can assist you in raising awareness about or repairing infiltration. We are all in this together.

Want more information on leak seal products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks

Introducing the PolyShark Version 2.0

Posted by Kreg Thornley on May 19, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Introducing the PolyShark Version 2.0

Body - Introducing the PolyShark Version 2.0The new and improved PolyShark 2.0 is here! 


  • Stacked hose reels.
  • Smaller footprint.
  • More portable.


  • Easy access to hose reels.
  • Can be shipped on a standard 40" x 46" pallet.
  • Easily fits on a barge, van, or trailer.

A Geotech Pump System Like No Other

The PolyShark system includes injection hoses, suction lines, flow meters, a custom solid steel frame, a skid-mounted setup, and top-of-the-line components. It is a complete turnkey unit, ready to go upon arrival. Let's take a closer look...

  • Two 350 feet injection hose reels are included, allowing an exceptional amount of additional reach for limited access and/or remote location jobs.
  • Suction lines make it easy to pump material from totes, drums, or even pails if needed. This type of flexibility is not common to all geotech pumps.
  • Flow meters make it easy to accurately track the amount of material pumped.
  • The custom solid steel frame, polyurea coated for excellent chemical resistance, is built to last and weather all types of environments.
  • The skid-mounted setup keeps all system components together, allowing for easy transfer from truck to trailer to the ground on a job site if necessary.
  • The Honda gas motor, Titan hydraulic pump, and Titan hydraulic fluid ram are top-of-the-line, tried, and true components. This means less maintenance and downtime when compared to competing systems.

Want more information on the PolyShark?

Download an Info-Packed PolyShark System Brochure!

Topics: Repair Seawalls, Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Stabilize Soil

Introducing the MixMaster Pro Version 7.0

Posted by Kreg Thornley on May 17, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Introducing the MixMaster Pro Version 7.0

Body - Introducing the MixMaster Pro Version 7.0The new and improved MixMaster Pro Version 7.0 is here, built with the now-standard stainless steel gun block.


  • New CNC machined handle.
  • Custom machined nipples.
  • Less threaded connections.


  • End-of-day cleaning time cut in half.
  • The handle is built to last through the toughest of jobs.
  • The nipples can be removed easily.
  • Less threaded connections = fewer leak possibilities.

Save Time, Hassle, and Money

Exclusively available to customers buying Alchemy-Spetec lifting foam, the MixMaster Pro slab lifting gun provides you with significant advantages over your competition.

Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight! Sprayfoam insulation guns are made for the simple process of spraying foam at constant pressures. Slab lifting requires a gun that is designed to deal with changing pressures and backpressure without backing up or crossing over. Issues like leaky port connections, constant cleaning, and constant fumbling around with a clamp can drastically reduce production - adding a lot of man-hours to each project. Not to mention long nights spent rebuilding and cleaning the gun after EVERY job. Did we mention that feeling in the pit of your stomach every time you have to call in yet another expensive replacement parts order? 

Want more information on the MixMaster Pro?

Download an Info-Packed MixMaster Pro Brochure!

Case Study: Leak Seal in Water Treatment Plant Pump Station Manhole

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on May 12, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner-Case Study-Leak Seal in Water Treatment Plant Pump Station Manhole

Body-Case Study-Leak Seal in Water Treatment Plant Pump Station ManholeThe Central Davis Sewer District (CDSD) is a publicly owned collection system and water treatment plant that serves three local cities in Northern Utah. With a new highway being constructed just outside their facility, a new pump station had to be installed on the premises. After installation of the new pump station, a large leak appeared in the manhole which caused it to fill up with about 10 feet of water. The CDSD contacted PolyFoam Solutions to see what could be done to seal the leaks. The PolyFoam Solutions crew pumped all the water out of the manhole and discovered that two of the manhole’s horizontal joints had large leaks. These leaks were allowing about 10-15 gallons per minute (over 20,000 gallons per day) of water to infiltrate the pump station.

Powerful Polymers

PolyFoam Solutions worked closely with Charlie Lerman, Alchemy-Spetec's Director of Technical Services for the Leak Seal Division. Together, they devised a plan to seal the large leaks using Spetec PUR F400. Spetec PUR F400 is a solvent and phthalate-free, water-reactive, hydrophobic, closed-cell, low viscosity, shrink-free, flexible, one-component polyurethane injection resin designed to stop water leaks. It is also certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 (approved for contact with drinking water).

Painless Procedures

The crew drilled four holes around the lower manhole joint and then installed injection ports. As they pumped the polyurethane grout into the ports, it began to travel around the joint, sealing the leaks. Once the grout had traveled as far as it could from one port, the technician moved on to the next port until the entire joint had been sealed watertight. They used oakum to temporarily seal some of the larger leaks until the grout had time to cure. The upper joint only required 3 port injections due to the speed at which the grout traveled.

Rapid Results

The crew only took about 3 hours to completely seal all of the leaks and return the manhole to service. There was no way the leaks could have been left un-repaired due to the water treatment cost and the potential damage the erosion would have caused. Replacing the manhole would have easily cost three or more times the price of grouting. In this case, the community wins as many tax dollars are being saved.

Want more info on leak seal products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks

Prevent Property Damage Caused by Uncontrolled Water

Posted by David Park on May 10, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Prevent Property Damage Caused by Uncontrolled Water

Body - Prevent Property Damage Caused by Uncontrolled Water

Most people don’t realize that one of the greatest threats to their property’s infrastructure is unseen water eroding away its structural integrity little by little. Water is relentless and all types of structures and sewer collection systems are at risk from cracks, spalls, and large voids. If left unchecked, uncontrolled water intrusion and infiltration will end up in massive rehabilitation and repair bills costing significant money, time, and stress.

We believe every municipality, facility, and property manager or owner should have access to cost-effective and long-term solutions to these issues. Water is unforgiving and must be controlled properly with the right materials and repair methods. Alchemy-Spetec offers a variety of polyurethane resins for sealing leaks in structures and sewer collection systems. We are a global manufacturing company certified to ISO9001 and offer dedicated service and support with decades of experience. Our polyurethane resin technology has been proven in use around the world and is certified to be environmentally friendly.

Learn More About Our Solutions:

From hairline concrete cracks to gushing leaks, virtually any defect can be sealed with the Spetec series of polyurethane resins, optimized for leak seal applications.

Leaking concrete structures can be permanently repaired with concrete crack injection & curtain wall procedures using water-activated polyurethane foam. Pressure injection of these liquid polyurethane resins forces the material into cracks and joints, behind walls, pipes, manholes, and any kind of infrastructure in need of controlling water intrusion and leaks. After the polyurethane injection is complete, the polyurethane resin rapidly reacts with water to form a watertight gasket to seal off the affected areas.

The products offered by Alchemy-Spetec deliver the ultimate solution for hairline cracks, gushing leaks, and other leak seal issues.

Polyurethane Leak Seal Products:

Start a Property Preservation Plan in 3 Simple Steps:

  1. Start a conversation with one of our experts about your specific challenge/property.
  2. We will work with you to create an action plan custom-tailored to your needs.
  3. We will connect you to a factory-authorized contractor who will help you solve your problem.

Sign Up for a Consultation Now!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks

Case Study: Deep Soil Stabilization at Shopping Center

Posted by Joel Bryant on May 5, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Deep Soil Stabilization at Shopping Center

Body - Deep Soil Stabilization at Shopping CenterCity Creek Center is an up-scale shopping mall in downtown Salt Lake City. While under construction a five-foot-wide trench, located between two underground parking garages, was back-filled with pea gravel, and then a sidewalk was built on top of it. About ten years later the gravel began to settle enough to cause underground power lines to stretch and finally tear, knocking the power out for many of the local businesses. Engineers determined that the trench could be stabilized with the installation of polyurethane grout at depths of 30 feet below the surface. PolyFoam Solutions, a local geotechnical services contractor, was called in to perform the work. 

Powerful Polymer

AP Fill 700 is a single component, water-activated, hydrophobic, low viscosity, closed-cell polyurethane injection resin. This polyurethane material was selected because it is ideal for both permeating soil and filling voids. It also provides excellent strength and stability.

Painless Procedure

An Alchemy-Spetec technical consultant worked closely with the geotech contractor to develop the injection plan, detailing exactly where each of the injection points would be located. The plan was then communicated to the engineer and approval was given to move forward with the project. The geotech crew installed 10 injection tubes 30 feet deep into the soil. They then pumped approximately 1 gallon per vertical foot of AP Fill 700, as they pulled the tubes up 1 foot at a time. The injection points were spaced about 36” apart.

Rapid Result

After only two days the site work was completed, and the general contractor was able to move forward with filling the trench and repairing the sidewalk.

Want more info on geotech products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Stabilize Soil

CE/PDH Accredited Presentation on Polyurethane Leak Seal Applications

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on May 3, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Accredited Leak Seal Presentation

Body - Accredited Leak Seal PresentationThe Specialty Waterproofing with Chemical Grouts presentation explains and demonstrates how polyurethane chemical grout can be used to cut off leaks in structures. The presentation covers the following topics:

  • Chemical Grouting Primer
    • History
    • Safety
    • Characteristics
  • Utilization & Applications
    • Identifying Applications
    • Selecting a Chemical Grout
    • Epoxy & Hydraulic Cement
  • Installation Techniques
    • Crack and Joint Injection
    • Curtain Grouting
    • Oakum Soakum
    • Equipment Overview

This one-hour CE/PDH accredited presentation is ideal for engineers who are interested in learning about next-generation leak seal repair methods for sealing leaks in structures, controlling inflow/infiltration, and more.

Click here and submit your info for a follow-up call on scheduling an accredited presentation.

Want more info on leak seal products and equipment?

Download an Info-Packed Leak Seal Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Engineer Resources

CE/PDH Accredited Presentation on Polyurethane Geotech Applications

Posted by Andy Powell on Apr 28, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Accredited Geotech Presentation

Body - Accredited Geotech PresentationThe Geotechnical Applications for Polyurethane presentation explains and demonstrates how concrete leveling and soil stabilization resins can be used to stabilize soil and repair structures. The presentation covers the following topics:

  • Single Component Polyurethane Grout Applications
  • Two-Component Polyurethane Grout Applications
  • Acrylic Grout Applications

This one-hour CE/PDH accredited presentation is ideal for engineers who are interested in learning about next-generation geotech repair methods for pavement lifting and stabilization, excavation support, erosion control, infrastructure infiltration control, etc.

Click here and submit your info for a follow-up call on scheduling an accredited presentation.

Want more information on geotech products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Deep Lift, Fill Voids, Engineer Resources

Ask Your Distributor to Schedule an Alchemy-Spetec Grout Lab

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Apr 26, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Ask Your Distributor to Schedule an Alchemy-Spetec Grout Lab

Body - Ask Your Distributor to Schedule an Alchemy-SpetecAlchemy-Spetec grout labs are a great way to learn about industry-leading polyurethane leak seal products and applications. These are usually half-day events featuring...

Classroom Polyurethane Leak Seal Training

  • Safety Considerations for Polyurethane Leak Seal Work
  • Crack Injection Products and Application Procedures
  • Curtain Grouting Products and Application Procedures

Live Polyurethane Leak Seal Demos

  • Concrete Crack Injection
  • Curtain Grouting
  • Pump Startup and Maintenance

Contact your local distributor of polyurethane leak seal products and ask them to schedule an Alchemy-Spetec grout lab at their location. To find a distributor stocking Alchemy-Spetec products near you, click your state on this interactive map

Want more information on leak seal products and equipment?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Seal Leaks, Business Tips