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Reminder - Geotech Training: October 4th - 6th, 2022

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Aug 25, 2022 10:00:00 AM

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Alchemy-Spetec HQ in Tucker, GA


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AS-Training-Program---Fall-2021$745 Registration Fee
$665 for each additional participant from
the same company.

Get ready for a thorough education in Slab Lifting, Soil Stabilization, the Alchemy-Spetec Deep Lift® process, equipment, and applications. You’ll get hands-on training from a technical staff with decades of on-the-job experience.

Tuesday, October 4th

  • Geotech Product Line Overview
  • Geotech Applications & Case Studies
  • MixMaster Pro Slab Lifting Gun
  • Slab Lift Rig Demonstration

Wednesday, October 5th

  • Pump Demos & Training
  • PolyShark® / Soil Stabilization
  • Deep Lift® 
  • Ground Penetrating Radar

Thursday, March 31st

  • PolyBadger® Mobile Slab Lifting System
  • Estimating Material for Jobs


Sign Up to Get Notified for Future Training Events

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Deep Lift, Fill Voids

Geotech Training: October 4th - 6th, 2022

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Aug 23, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Geotech Training Fall 2022

Alchemy-Spetec HQ in Tucker, GA


Sign Up to Get Notified for Future Training Events

AS-Training-Program---Fall-2021$745 Registration Fee
$665 for each additional participant from
the same company.

Get ready for a thorough education in Slab Lifting, Soil Stabilization, the Alchemy-Spetec Deep Lift® process, equipment, and applications. You’ll get hands-on training from a technical staff with decades of on-the-job experience.

Tuesday, October 4th

  • Geotech Product Line Overview
  • Geotech Applications & Case Studies
  • MixMaster Pro Slab Lifting Gun
  • Slab Lift Rig Demonstration

Wednesday, October 5th

  • Pump Demos & Training
  • PolyShark® / Soil Stabilization
  • Deep Lift® 
  • Ground Penetrating Radar

Thursday, March 31st

  • PolyBadger® Mobile Slab Lifting System
  • Estimating Material for Jobs


Sign Up to Get Notified for Future Training Events

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Business Tips, Deep Lift, Fill Voids

Why Your Garage Floor Slab is Settling

Posted by Steve Taylor on Aug 11, 2022 10:49:00 AM

Banner - Why Your Garage Floor Slab is Settling

Body - Why Your Garage Floor Slab is SettlingSettling Garage Floor Slab – Causes

As with most slab settling issues, voids and poor soil compaction are at the root of the problem. This is certainly the case with sunken garage slabs. They are typically constructed by backfilling the area after the foundation is poured (or blocked) and pouring the concrete on top. Achieving proper and adequate compaction is often difficult and just not achieved in many cases. This, combined with time and freeze/thaw cycles creates voids under the garage slab. Concrete itself is heavy and can settle, but when we park vehicles on top of a garage slab that has voids under it? It is obviously a recipe for disaster!

Settling Garage Floor Slab – Solution

Alchemy-Spetec can refer you to a contractor for a thorough site evaluation. A qualified contractor takes the time to properly inspect the issue, which generally entails probing the slab to determine if there is indeed a void and/or unstable soil (and to what extent). Gathering this type of information is key to designing a proper repair plan and calculating the amount of polyurethane lifting material needed.

Depending on the conditions found during site evaluation, there are a couple of different techniques the contactor may use (and oftentimes both). If the soil under the garage slab is soft and unstable to a certain depth, they may opt for the Deep Lift® method. The expanding structural foam creates a squeeze effect in the loose soil, essentially forming added support footings under the slab. The other injection method, Slab Lifting, entails going through ⅜-inch holes drilled directly through the slab. The same structural foam described above is used. The expanding foam travels the path of least resistance, therefore, filling all void areas as well as compacting any loose soil. Once the soil is compact, the expansion of the foam creates the power to lift the slab. Our high-density polyurethane cures to 90% in fifteen minutes – which translates to the slab being traffic-ready by the time we are packing up our equipment.

Want more info on the Deep Lift® and Slab Lift methods?

Download an Info-Packed Deep Lift Brochure!

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!


Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Deep Lift

Case Study - Repairing a Leaky Pipe & Sinkhole on a Residential Property

Posted by David Park on Aug 4, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Repairing a Leaky Pipe & Sinkhole

Body - Repairing a Leaky Pipe & Sinkhole

In the city limits of Atlanta, a couple was surprised to see a sinkhole forming in their home’s front yard. They became quite alarmed as within just a few weeks it swallowed their sidewalk and a decent portion of the property in front of the home. They notified the city. 

After the City of Atlanta quickly got involved, some investigation revealed an old brick storm sewer running approximately 25-30 feet under the front of the property. Across the country, there is lots of brick infrastructure that’s still in service and in some cases over 100 years old. These outdated structures suffer from infiltration of groundwater which often erodes soil, as well as causes subsidence above. In this case, cameras revealed that several bricks had become dislodged, creating a pathway for soil and groundwater to get in. The end result was a rapidly forming sinkhole.

The City of Atlanta was already consulting with Alchemy Spetec on some other projects, so they asked us to take a look. After reviewing the available information and making a site visit, it was determined that a multi-step plan would need to be undertaken to seal the pipe and reestablish soil compaction.

Powerful Polymers

The single-component polyurethane AP Fill 700 was selected for the sealing of the pipe and for the compaction grouting of the above soils. AP Lift 430 would be kept on standby in case further grouting was required to stabilize under the home foundation itself. As it turns out, this was indeed the case.

  • AP Fill 700 has an adjustable set time and is highly expansive. It works in wet environments, perfect for this project. It can permeate loose soils and gravel and achieve compressive strengths in excess of 1000 psi.
  • AP Lift 430 is fast and expands 24 times its original volume. It is strong and can support 7,000 lbs per square foot.
  • Both products are NSF ANSI 61 approved as safe for potable water contact. This certification provides reassurance that these products will not leach any chemicals out into the soil.

Painless Procedures

As previously mentioned, there were several steps that had to be undertaken to complete this project. First, the bricks that had become dislodged were reaffixed back into place. Once that breach was sealed, AP Fill 700 was injected through the pipe walls in multiple areas around the breach. AP Fill 700 reacts when it contacts moisture and there was no lack of that at 25 feet deep. Regardless, twin streaming through an F-Valve Assembly was implemented to ensure a good resin/water mix. This approach rapidly filled all of the voids surrounding the pipe and also sealed several other small areas of weeping water infiltration.

The second step was to fill the sinkhole with loose dirt and gravel and then permeate that with AP Fill 700 to squeeze the soil and lock all of the backfill together. Half-inch injection pipes were installed down to the top of the pipe, then soil and gravel were backfilled to the surface. Once the backfill was in place, AP Fill 700 was injected and the probes were slowly extracted to insure a uniform measure of polymer throughout the soil column. When this is done in a grid pattern, the result is a lot of increased compaction and bearing capacity.

Once the sinkhole was repaired, concern remained about loss of soil compaction under the foundation of the home. The steps leading up to the front porch had settled away from the home indicating further bad soil was likely the case.

Alchemy-Spetec is a dealer for Pagani, a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) manufacturer out of Italy. We brought our unit out to the property and did 6 penetrometer tests across the front of the home next to the foundation. Four of the six tests revealed weight of hammer (WOH) readings which basically means zero compaction. The soil could not even support the weight of our machine. The city was on site to see the tests and immediately approved the compaction grouting beneath the front foundation. This is where the AP Lift 430 came into play.

Half-inch injection probes were installed across the entire front of the home next to the foundation. Probes were installed down to 8 feet which is where the soil became much stronger. AP Lift 430 was injected while the crew slowly extracted the probes - until lift was observed on the home. When lift was detected, the grouting ceased. This process was repeated across the entire front of the home on 4-foot spacing.

After the compaction under the footing was reestablished, the front steps that had settled away from the house were lifted back into place using AP Fill 430.

Rapid Results

The job was completed quickly without any excavation and dewatering. No curbs, road base, or utilities had to be removed or relocated. This approach saved enormous amounts of additional cost and delays.

Want more information on leak seal and geotech products?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil

Limited Time Offer on the New MixMaster Pro

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jul 12, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Body - Limited Time Offer on the New MixMaster ProSave Time, Hassle, and Money!

Spray foam insulation guns are made for the process of spraying foam at constant pressures. Slab lifting requires a gun that is designed to deal with changing pressures and backpressure without backing up or crossing over.

  • Get the new MixMaster Pro Version 7.0 for $2,450 (that's a savings of $355).
  • Get an "I Am a MixMaster!" T-shirt (while supplies last).
  • Mention the "I Am a MixMaster" promo for the discount and the T-shirt. Offer expires August 31st, 2022. Act now!

Contact your regional manager or call 404-618-0438 to place an order. (Be sure to mention your T-shirt size.)
Find your regional manager here.

MixMaster Pro 7.0 Features

  • New CNC machined handle.
  • Custom machined nipples.
  • Less threaded connections.

MixMaster Pro 7.0 Benefits

  • End-of-day cleaning time cut in half.
  • The handle is built to last through the toughest of jobs.
  • The nipples can be removed easily.
  • Less threaded connections = fewer leak possibilities.

Want more info about the MixMaster Pro?

Download an Info-Packed MixMaster Pro Brochure!

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs

Debunking Myths About Lifting Slabs With Foam

Posted by David Park on Jun 23, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Debunking Myths About Lifting Slabs with Foam

Body - Debunking Myths About Lifting Slabs with FoamWhen parts of a concrete surface sink due to erosion and poor compaction, the resulting trip hazard can be dangerous. If left unrepaired, liability and safety issues linger. Although concrete is tough and durable, unstable soil can cause it to crack and sink. Fortunately, a reliable solution for lifting concrete has been developed and proven over the past few decades. High-strength expansive polyurethane foam is injected underneath the slab to bring it back to level. This method has been used in a wide variety of commercial and residential applications with long-lasting results.

Despite consistently reliable results, some myths about polyurethane slab lifting have cropped up over the years.

Myth #1: Polyurethane Foam is a Temporary Fix

People who assume that polyurethane slab lifting is a temporary fix typically have a general lack of knowledge, understanding, and experience with the process. Common misperceptions supporting this myth include:

  • The incorrect assumption that foam will be susceptible to moisture and degrade under the concrete.
  • The incorrect assumption that the process typically leaves large voids underneath the slab, leading to resettlement.

Water does not cause lifting foams to degrade underneath the slab. In addition, a factory-trained contractor will not leave gaps underneath the slab that would lead to resettlement.

Myth #2: Polyurethane Foam Cannot Support Heavy Loads

Another common misconception is that polyurethane foam is weak and does not have the load-bearing capacity to support slabs with heavy traffic or large structures.

Common misperceptions supporting this myth include:

  • The incorrect assumption that lifting foam is the same stuff used by the insulation guys.
  • The incorrect assumption that because it expands easily, it must collapse easily.
  • The incorrect assumption that the expansion rate is uncontrollable and leads to unpredictable results.

All lifting and stabilization polyurethane foams formulated and manufactured by Alchemy-Spetec are designed specifically for Geotechnical applications. Once cured, Alchemy-Spetec lifting foams are incredibly strong and durable. Easy expansion does not equal easy collapse. Factory-trained contractors can control the final lift level of a slab to within 1/8th of an inch.

Myth #3: Polyurethane Foam is too Expensive

When faced with the dilemma of a sunken slab, you have three options aside from polyurethane slab lifting:

  1. Doing Nothing: If you do nothing, the problem will grow. The longer you wait, the more expensive the repair.
  2. Replacing the Slab: This process will take several days, is often messy, and is typically more expensive than lifting with polyurethane.
  3. Lifting with Cement Grout: This procedure (known as “mudjacking”) requires heavy equipment, large drill holes, and the use of weighty cement grout which often sinks over time. When the cement grout sinks over time, you have to get it lifted again. Eventually, even this process becomes more expensive.

Want more information about polyurethane slab lifting?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs

How to Equip Your Spray Foam Rig for Slab Lifting

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 21, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - How to Equip Your Spray Foam Rig for Slab Lifting

Body - How to Equip Your Spray Foam Rig for Slab LiftingMany spray foam insulation installers are interested in adding slab lifting capability to their rig setup. If you're a spray foam installer considering slab lifting, we have all the info you need right here. With just four additional pieces of equipment and one set of material, you can add slab lifting to your service offerings. Let’s take a look at exactly what additional equipment and material are required to get started...

Slab Lifting Equipment

MixMaster Pro Slab Lifting Gun
The MixMaster Pro is a two-component resin injection gun manufactured specifically for lifting concrete slabs, designed to handle back-pressure. 

Titan Impact 440 (Modified) Pump with Flush Hose
The Titan Impact 440 (Modified) pump is used for flushing the MixMaster Pro gun in between foam injections. (It's also used for pumping one-component material in soil stabilization and seawall repair applications.)

3/8” MixMaster Ports
These heavy-duty ports create an airtight seal for injecting foam into drill holes. 

Dial Indicator Crane
This precision tool is used to measure the lift of the slab within 1/10” of an inch.

Polyurethane Slab Lifting Material

AP Lift 430, AP Lift 440, or AP Lift 475 (100 Gallon Unit)
Sunken concrete slabs can be lifted back into place with these two-component polymer foams designed to work in wet or dry conditions. The expansion force of these concrete leveling foams coupled with the pressure of a specialized pump generate enough controlled force to lift virtually any structure back into position with 1/8” precision.

AP Flush 125 (5 Gallon Unit)
Water-based gun flush specifically used for flushing out the MixMaster Pro impingement gun. Also used to protect concrete from resin stains.

AS Pump Flush (5 Gallon Unit)
High-performance pump flush that is friendly to the environment and does an excellent job flushing out injection pumps.

Want to talk to a spray foam to slab lift conversion expert?

Request a "Spray Foam to Slab Lift" Consultation

Topics: Equipment & Accessories, All Posts, Lift Slabs, Business Tips

Atlanta Contractors Lift It Rite Featured in Spray Foam Magazine

Posted by Kreg Thornley on Jun 16, 2022 10:21:00 AM

Banner - Lift It Rite Featured in Spray Foam Magazine

Body - Lift It Rite Featured in Spray Foam MagazineAlchemy-Spetec customers Matt Chittick and Travis Germick of Lift It Rite LLC were recently featured in a Spray Foam Magazine article. SprayFoam Magazine is an industry-leading publication in the spray foam insulation sector. Because so many spray foam insulation professionals are adding slab lifting to their service offerings, the magazine is now covering this technology as well. The article featuring Lift It Rite is a profile of a sidewalk lifting job that was done in order to save an old tree in Winder, Georgia. The roots were disrupting the pavement. Here's an excerpt from the article...

Cities often hire a third party to take care of sidewalks, potholes, and wastewater management issues and it was this third party who contacted Travis Germick and Matt Chittick. They are the owners of Lift it Right LLC, and they were asked if they could help save Winder’s sidewalks.

Germick and Chittick went to Winder to review the situation and noted that several of the sidewalks around the town were obviously sunken. One of them was next to a very old tree and the roots were impacting the sidewalk. This had happened to another tree in the area, and the town took out the concrete and cut some of the roots of the tree. Once a tree’s roots are cut the tree will eventually die so they cut down the entire tree. After the tree was cut down, the residents of the town clubbed together and had a memorial for the tree. After that unhappiness, cutting down more trees in the future was not an option. There had to be another solution to save the additional old tree. Read more at SprayFoam.com!

Want more info on slab lifting with polyurethane?

Download an Info-Packed Slab Lift Brochure!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs

Resources for Infrastructure Repair Contractors

Posted by Kreg Thornley on May 31, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Resources for Infrastructure Repair Contractors

Body - Resources for Infrastructure Repair ContractorsAlchemy-Spetec offers a wide variety of online resources for current and aspiring infrastructure repair contractors. Let's take a look at what's available...

Literature Downloads

Looking for polyurethane concrete repair product Tech Data Sheets, Safety Data Sheets, Application Procedures, Case Studies, Environmental Safety Info, or Specifications?  All of these documents are available on one convenient page at Alchemy-Spetec's Comprehensive Download Resource Center.

Educational Videos

Watch brief, info-packed videos on crack injection, curtain grouting, slab lifting, and soil stabilization on the Videos page.

Spray Foam to Slab Lift Conversion

With just four additional pieces of equipment and one set of material, you can quickly and easily add slab lifting to your service offerings. Take a look at exactly what additional equipment and material you’ll need to get started on the Spray Foam to Slab Lift Conversion page.

Training Center

The Alchemy-Spetec Training Center is a password-protected resource-packed page featuring video presentations and product/equipment demos. This page is only available to established customers who have requested access from their Regional Manager.

Injection Connection Podcast

The Injection Connection podcast features in-depth discussions with thought leaders and professionals in the infrastructure repair industry.

Want more information on Alchemy-Spetec products?

Download the Info-Packed Leak Seal Product Catalog!

Download the Info-Packed Geotech Product Catalog!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Seal Leaks, Stabilize Soil

Lift Sunken Slabs & Stabilize Loose Soil Caused by Uncontrolled Water

Posted by David Park on May 26, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Banner - Lift-Sunken-Slabs-&-Stabilize-Loose-Soil

Body - Lift-Sunken-Slabs-&-Stabilize-Loose-SoilMost property owners and managers don’t realize that the greatest threat to their slabs and structures hides underneath the surface of the ground. Water is relentless, and your property is at risk if it is left unchecked. Uncontrolled water can lead to soil erosion, voids, and sometimes even sinkholes. Neglecting these types of soil issues can end up costing significant money, time, and stress.

We believe that every property owner and manager should understand how to prevent these problems from getting out of control. Water must be controlled properly, and with the right solutions. Alchemy-Spetec offers a variety of polyurethane resins for lifting sunken slabs, stabilizing soil, and filling voids underneath foundations and slabs. We are a global manufacturing company certified to ISO9001. Our polyurethane resin technology has been successfully used on a multitude of projects spanning the globe. It's also environmentally friendly (NSF certified for contact with drinking water).

Raising & Lifting Concrete

Sunken concrete slabs can be lifted back into place with our two-component polymer foams designed to work in wet or dry conditions. The expansion force of the concrete leveling foam coupled with the pressure of a specialized pump generates enough controlled force to lift virtually any structure back into position with 1/8” precision. Polyjacking (a.k.a. slab lifting and concrete lifting) can be accomplished at a fraction of the cost and time required for replacement using our AP Lift series of resins. The Deep Lift® process may be necessary if deeper soil issues are undermining the slab or structure.

Polyurethane Slab Lifting Products

Stabilizing Soil

Unstable, eroded, or loose soil around infrastructure can result in settlement and damage to the structure. Voids can be filled, seawalls remediated, soil consolidated, and water migration halted by permeating the soil with our ultra-low viscosity resins

Polyurethane Soil Stabilization Products

3-Step Property Preservation Plan

Eliminate the risk of a total loss to your property and contact our team of experts now to start your Property Preservation Plan. With our support, you can save your property, save your money, and save your peace of mind.

  1. Start a conversation with one of our experts about your specific challenge/property.
  2. We will work with you to create an action plan custom-tailored to your needs.
  3. We will connect you to a factory-authorized contractor who will help you solve your problem.

Sign Up for a Consultation Now!

Topics: All Posts, Lift Slabs, Stabilize Soil, Fill Voids