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Conference Room – How?

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Apr 27, 2018 10:09:11 AM

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12. Conference Room How - Blog-1Support. I’ve been in the chemical grouting industry for 12 years now. I have been in countless engineer presentations, distributor sales meetings, and contractor training programs during which the concept of support is thrown around rather loosely.

Alchemy-Spetec supports our industry. We have a team of Regional Managers, Independent Sales Representatives, and Field Technicians that cover the United States daily. Alchemy-Spetec team members are considered chemical grouting industry experts. There are no entry-level representatives on this team. The air fare and travel time expenditure within our company is relatively astounding.

When considering a company's commitment to support, the key issue is how much TIME a knowledgeable representative will spend with the customer to make sure they are successful. "Support" is not a cheaper price and a data sheet. Companies producing superior products, and with industry experts traveling daily, do not compete on price. Don’t get tricked by these tactics. Time is money in the construction world. When manufacturers step up and give their customers TIME, they are instantly adding value. True support cannot be quantified in a paper trail in the construction industry. Ask your suppliers HOW they support you post- sale. This is more important than any price.

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Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Conference Room: Why?

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Apr 25, 2018 1:28:48 PM

Conference Room chemical grouting

Conference Room Why- blog-1Perhaps the most profound question we can all answer is our "Why". We all get up in the morning, get ready for work, and go about our day. But why do we work where we work? And, more importantly, why should our customers spend their hard-earned dollars with us? As Simon Sinak so simply states, “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

Any company can search for transactions. We all know the game those transactional companies play. They prospect, identify opportunity, send the me-too samples and info, and play their game on the price court. I call these accounts easy come, easy go accounts. But these aren’t brands with value cultures; these are businesses looking to make a quick buck. Sure, the P&L will always be the scoreboard of the business, but what is the revenue-generating culture, or the "Why" in your company?

In a recent relatively high-stakes situation that most managers would lose sleep over, we discussed ways to change our internal decision-making processes in one particular area. I won't get into specifics here, but in the end, we concluded that we would continue to do the exact same thing. Why? Because our existing process was ultimately better for the customer. And over any monetary consideration, that was the most important takeaway. This situation was a breath of fresh air to me personally. It revitalized my own personal "Why".

Everything is available on the internet. There are no secrets to the "What" and "How" a company operates anymore. The secret sauce is in the "Why". Of course, we’re happy to support the me-too needs of a busy contractor, but we genuinely hope that distributors and contractors have the time to see "Why" we do what we do in the chemical grouting world.

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Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Seeking Feedback: Engineer Presentations

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Apr 6, 2018 11:20:26 AM

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Giving lunch and learn presentations at engineering firms can be a great way for contractors to develop relationships with engineers, get recommended for jobs, etc. But you have to do it right. Let's take a closer look...

You schedule your lunch and learn, get your lunch delivery receipt, wrestle with the inevitable obscure HDMI/VGA/laptop technical difficulty, and present to a team of design professionals on your product line. The presentation goes well, with a couple of the subject matter experts engaging with relevant project challenges and case study feedback. In all estimations, the presentation went well, you gather your sign-in sheet, business cards, and laptop, and head to your next meeting.

What was the takeaway for this lunch and learn with the team you just left? What value was added to their day? (Of course, a good lunch is always of value!) But, did they go back to their desk immediately immersed in the 15 emails they missed during the presentation, or did they walk away with a true impression of the value your company would bring to their job sites? We all like to think that our presentations are well-curated and sharp, delivering relevance and technical insight highlighting quantifiable job site benefits. But, the truth is they are sometimes not. If they were all great, we wouldn’t realize when we saw an exceptional one.

To the engineering community who may be reading this post: what were one or two of the unique aspects that stood out to you in the last exceptional lunch and learn you saw? And perhaps more importantly, what are some of the mundane items that most lunch and learns could leave on the cutting room floor? On the supplier side, I think we could all use this valuable feedback to improve our lunch and learn efforts (and those of our contractor customers). If you found this article through a link on a social media post, go back and post your replies there. If not, please call me at 404-618-0438 with your feedback, so we can further assist our contractor customers with their presentations.

To the contractors out there: would you like help finding engineers and preparing your lunch and learn presentation? Call us now at 404-618-0438 and ask for a technical consultant!

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Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Trade Show Follow Ups

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Apr 4, 2018 5:01:52 PM

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Trade Show Blog-BlogYou meet someone for the first time, have a productive and promising conversation, exchange business cards, rinse, and repeat. As I’m sure the case is with many of you reading this, I’ve had this exchange with hundreds of people during this tradeshow season, and sincerely wonder if the connections that were made in the exhibit hall were carried through optimally.

As I read through daily posts on social media, it’s clear to me that there are some very creative, driven, and competent sales professionals in my network. After reading a particularly interesting LinkedIn post on leadership culture, a lightbulb went off. Why don’t we ask more questions in our posts? There’s a very good chance that a lot of us are thinking and pondering over the same basic sales and marketing challenges.

So, I raise these questions to those who found this post via social media (our posts are shared on LInkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Google Plus). What are some of the creative ways you have personally followed up with trade show contacts? Or perhaps you could share how a vendor has creatively followed up with you. And what is the best way to follow up these days? Phone calls, emails, social media, etc? I would love to hear some of your trade show follow up strategies. I know some of you have some great ideas. If you found this article via a link in one of our social media posts, please go back to that post and reply with your thoughts!

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Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Cold Calling to Generate Concrete Repair Business

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Mar 12, 2018 1:28:17 PM

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Cold Calling Blog-1.pngIf you are a concrete repair contractor, you may at some point want to make cold calls to gain new business. Calling on new prospects can be very frustrating if you are not used to it. Cold calling can be done by phone or in person. Before you even contact your prospect, make sure to do as much research on them as possible. Once you’ve thoroughly researched your prospect, you can make an initial contact.

In this thorough research, ask yourself how you can help their business.  What services does the contractor offer, and how are your products relevant add-on revenue streams and offerings that compliment their current operation?  If calling a distributor, know what product lines they already stock, and educate them on how your product line is complimentary to an their current partners, and why it makes sense for their internal efforts.  Successful cold-calling informs the contact of a new and exciting opportunity for them.  It does not represent a new and exciting opportunity for you.  A successful introduction will leave that person seeing you as a potential value-add partner, and not a slimy salesman.  Aim to be a business partner before a vendor.   Remember, companies see most vendor relationships on the expense side.  Business partners have more effect on the revenue side.  Ask yourself where you stand.  

Helpful tips for your first contact with a prospect:

  • Stay focused on the client and not yourself.
  • Make sure you plan all your questions before you make the sales call.
  • Be very careful to not overwhelm your client with information.
  • Listen to them and get a sense of their needs.

One of the biggest mistakes is to try and sell right away. Never attempt to sell on your first cold call. Gather as much info as you can, focus on the relationship and keep your client very relaxed. Listen to their needs and concerns. After gathering all of your info, set up a time to go back to that client and provide the answers he or she was looking for. Remember this is about the client and not you!

We at Alchemy-Spetec aim to be much more than a simple vendor for your materials and equipment. We provide robust technical, sales and marketing consulting to our customers. If you have any questions about these sales tips or any other marketing or technical information, please call us at 404-618-0438.

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Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Conference Room : F=ma of Partnership Efforts

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Mar 7, 2018 12:02:37 PM

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conference room 2-blog.pngPerhaps even more eloquent than e=mc2 is Isaac Newton’s Second Law of motion, F=ma. For all of those fellow physics enthusiasts out there, we all know how F=ma is the flathead screwdriver in the formula toolbox; and for good reason. The amount of Force generated by any individual object being equal to the object’s mass multiplied by the acceleration of that object has profound proofs across the universe that can also be observed in our everyday partnerships.

Take a minute to consider your own business. How much force do you have in your industry? For most large companies, a considerable amount of force is generated simply from being so big, or having an extreme amount of mass. Any acceleration is extremely forceful in the industry simply because of the mass.  But for a smaller, or less massive, company to generate the same industry force, the acceleration must be much greater. This is why successful startups and new product launches are projected to have extremely high growth rates, or very high factors of acceleration. Without considerable acceleration in a small company or new product launch, the industry force is quite small simply because their masses are so insignificant. I’m not recreating the wheel here, after all, Newton was putting this phenomenon into Law in the 17th century. Another description of acceleration is Disruption, while another description of mass is Scaling. 

But let’s consider this regarding the partners that we choose. We are all seeking industry force. This comes in many canned phrases such as brand awareness, product adoption, market leading, etc. etc. But what we are all trying to say is that we want the market to know we’re there; that we want to be forceful in the markets in which we operate. 

So, what would Isaac Newton say if he was a business consultant in the 21st century?  Shortly after lamenting about the shame of our youth paying more attention to the Kardashians than to Kinetics, I think he would call for the ole’ flathead, F=ma. Perhaps your organization can acquire a unique technology and give mass to their acceleration. Or maybe your unique technology needs a distribution partner with nationwide outlets giving it more mass. This may sound very simple, but how often do we see partnerships thinking that mass+mass = increased force? When in actuality, they are just cutting their acceleration in half. 

Next time you have a vendor detailing their service pitch, or you're reviewing your own pitch to prospective clients, take a minute to consider Newton’s Second Law. Who offers mass, and who offers acceleration? If you get this formula right, you’ll be on the path to creating force the way the rest of the universe does. 

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Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Conference Room:  Uncertainty Principle

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Mar 5, 2018 11:36:24 AM

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Untitled design.pngIn 1927, a German physicist, Werner Heisenberg, introduced what would become the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. In short, his theory maintained that two very distinctive properties when examining any particle, location and momentum, could not be accurately measured at the same time. The more one knows about one value, the less it knows about the other. So how does this relate to business? 

By multiplying the deltas of position and momentum we arrive at a value that is equal to Planck’s constant/2pi. Planks constant is relevant here as it’s essentially a measure of granularity in the world around us. And there is the magic word: Granularity. How often do our Strategy teams discuss granularity? It’s turned into one of those jargon words that seem to carry more form in conversation than any function in execution. But nonetheless, everyone in Strategy wants granularity.

Untitled design (1).pngThe physical world around us is made up of particles. You, me, the buildings we work in, and the computer screen you’re looking at; all made up of particles. So, let’s be careful on the amount of granularity that we all aim to achieve in decision making processes. The often-quoted phenomenon of analysis paralysis lies in the Uncertainty Principle. The more you examine one aspect of any given part of the physical world, products and opportunities included, the less you know about another aspect. There’s no way around this.

To find the spin of a particle, or the angular momentum, light is often shined on that particle. But true to Heisenberg’s Principle, the energy from the light makes the particle spin faster, thus harder to measure. So next time you tell your team members to ‘get more granular’, remember Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. You may be far more effective by identifying an opportunity, and creating your own spin. Or taking an existing spin, and find your own location. Werner Heisenberg has well shown us that it’s not possible to strategically measure both. The more light you shine on something, the faster it spins. So be careful with how granular you get.

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Topics: All Posts, Business Tips

Conference Room: Pioneering Brands

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Feb 19, 2018 1:43:15 PM

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conference room 1-blog (12).png"No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time.  You can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.”
– Warren Buffet

In my career, I have never worked for the 800-pound gorilla. My 12 years have been spent pioneering brands and eating elephants one bite at a time, as a good friend of mine always says. In a lot of ways, my DNA is programmed for the daily grind required to promote a brand and climb the ladder to one day become industry-leading.  

When assuming a new role with Alchemy-Spetec, I was very intrigued by the amount of technical expertise that the team offered. Having longtime industry experience in every facet of the business is very appealing to all of us. We have all come from well-established industry brands, with many of our team members being a part of the industry-leading chemical grouting manufacturer for decades. Now two months in, it’s very clear that all of the experience in the world does not substitute for the daily grind process required to achieve company-wide goals.  

The partnership of Alchemy-Spetec will be celebrating its 1-year mark as of March, 2018. It has been an exciting time for everyone on both sides. However, a long road of specification work and project support lies ahead. One of the things I like most about the building materials industry is that it is very grounded and straight forward. There are no shortcuts in our world. The path is clearly paved for what needs to be done to create a well-known brand.

  1. Develop and manufacture quality products
  2. Clearly define performance benefits
  3. Market products to design professionals and end-users
  4. Deliver on supply chain
  5. Provide top-notch on-site support
  6. Repeat

There is no way to skip any of these steps other than to hustle more than the next company (who may be ahead of, or coming after, us). I’m confident that wherever you find an Alchemy-Spetec team member, you’ll find them hustling through the process outlined above. And in the event that you are unaware of our team's technical capabilities, not to worry, we are confident that you will soon work with us on a chemical grouting project. We welcome all constructive criticism to improve as we aim to be the industry-leader in chemical grouting solutions...but after all, some things just take time.   

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Topics: Business Tips

Conference Room: Updating Your Personal Brand

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Feb 16, 2018 11:29:18 AM

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conference room 1-blog (11).pngThere’s always a better way to do it – find it.” – Thomas Edison

Our personal brand is an app that our network uses.

It’s professional human instinct to hide behind our product line. If we lose a deal, we tell ourselves it's due to a number of variables ranging from inability to deliver on timeframe or specification, pricing constraints, etc. etc. Ask yourself how often you critically observe perhaps your most impactful brand and product: Yourself. What if your interaction with your industry was analogous to a smart phone user’s interaction with their apps? How sticky is your experience, and how often do you fix bugs?

There’s always a better way to do it. I couldn’t agree with Thomas Edison more. In this technological age, downloading applications, and updates for them, is second nature. Again, consider yourself an app with your brand being your name. How often do you release updates?

According to SaavyApps.com:

- Most successful apps release 1-4 updates a month.
- Update frequency will depend on user feedback, data, and team size.
- Most feature updates should be scoped to be no more than two weeks.
- Balance faster bug fixing updates with longer feature releases.
- Plan 2-4 updates in advance but keep attuned to market demands.
Why App Updates Matter
Although most don't know it, app updates are one of the best marketing tools app developers have at their disposal. With the number of apps people have installed on their devices today, regular updates can help an app get more mindshare relative to other apps on a device. Releasing regular updates keeps an app top of mind because it will show up in the updates list like the App Store or Google Play Store. Apple and Google also like to see app updates, especially with their major OS releases, which is why we recommend to have your app updated on major OS launch days.

Now read the paragraph above thinking of yourself as the app and updates being how you improve yourself. What updates can you share with your network (users)? Did you get your MBA, gain an industry accreditation, support a milestone project, get a promotion, or lead a successful product launch? Share these updates with your network. In my opinion, humility is one of the greatest skills one can harness to achieve goals, but it can also be detrimental if you’re hesitant to share accomplishments or self-improvements with those around you. View each accomplishment and improvement as one of your app updates. And always ask yourself when you released the last one.

In this day and age, our own personal brand is everywhere in social and professional media. People are interacting with our personal app every day. Remember that your personal brand can, and does, win and lose opportunities. Be sure to update frequently, and to share those with your end-users openly. There’s always a way to improve – find it!

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Topics: Business Tips

Conference Room: World of Concrete Partners

Posted by Jim Spiegel on Feb 9, 2018 5:46:34 PM

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A week removed from my 12th consecutive World of Concrete, I’m finally getting my head above water.  We all know that overwhelming feeling following a week-long tradeshow as you cut through your follow ups while juggling that full-time job you had before you went.  It can certainly be a bit stressful, but in many ways, it’s the exact jolt in the arm we need to shake us out of any year-end lull that may still be lingering.  It’s definitely 2018, and the reality of new goals is upon us all.

My 12th show was a bit different this year.  It was my first year with a new company, and in a new role.  It was met with a bit of nervous anxiety about the conversations and interactions that lie ahead as I gel with my new colleagues and catch up with familiar faces.  The week came and went, and another week has passed, and I have now been able to reflect on my experience at the show with a clear mind.  And the only thing I can come up with is a feeling of appreciation for the industry and people we surround ourselves with in our concrete world (how fitting to coin the show World of Concrete). 

The quote below rings truer than I perhaps have ever given it credit:

“Your network is the people who want to help you, and you want to help them, and that’s really powerful.” – Reid Hoffman

All week, I was met with open hands and genuine well-wishes for myself and my new role.  Many people commenting on how small of a world it is, and how you never know where you will end up.  And after a few minutes catching up, the conversations led seamlessly into, ‘so tell me what about your products.’  I owe a big thank you to my partners from all sides of the business, including customers, distributors, and vendors, for making the industry we work in perhaps one of the best out there. 

The construction industry is for a certain type of person.  It’s a bit raw, can be rough around the edges, and certainly doesn’t require a designer suit to achieve excellence.  It’s a real industry, with real people, trying to make a decent living for their own families as well as for those with whom they partner.  So, I salute those partners who wished me, and our company, well at the show.  It is great to know that my partners want to help me, and that only makes me want to help them more, and that’s really powerful. 

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Topics: Business Tips