Spetec PUR GT350 is an MDI based hydrophilic one component flexible polyurethane grout. It is used for many things, most commonly for leaking cracks, soil grouting and joint leaks. This highly flexible grout works very well in wet moving cracks. The flexibility of this grout allows it to bridge cracks if they're still moving. Spetec PUR GT350 works very well in the soils behind leaking walls. This product has a quick reaction time. With very heavy water flows, Spetec PUR H100 Accelerator can be used for faster set times.
One of our customers did a big project with Spetec PUR GT350 for the city of Beaumont, TX. They had 200 manholes that had leaking joints and cracks. The contractor soaked backer rod with Spetec PUR GT350 polyurethane grout to fix the leaking manhole joints. Crack injection was also done on the precast structures. If you're a leak seal contractor, consider going after these very profitable types of large scale municipal jobs. If you'd like assistance in that matter (or any others), call us now at 404-618-0438.