What is erosion?
In geological terms, erosion can be defined as an exogenic process that moves a portion of the earth’s crust from one location to another. This includes a range of different processes, including water flow, wind, and even human action, that move dirt, soil, rock, etc. They are called exogenic processes because they originate outside of the earth’s crust, or externally. In more practical terms, erosion can best be described as the way in which the earth is worn away by water, wind, or ice. So when a river carves a canyon out of stone (such as when the Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon in Arizona over the course of so many years), that is an example of erosion. The formation of sand dunes by the wind moving across the desert is also an example of erosion, as are changes in rocks along a shoreline due to the constant thrashing of waves.
Why does erosion cause unstable soil?
You’ve probably heard that erosion is dangerous because it causes unstable soil. It is important to remember that the consequences of erosion can potentially be dramatic, causing landslides and structural damage. After investing money in the construction of a building, the last thing you want is for unstable soil to put the whole project at risk.
How can erosion be repaired?
Voids can be filled, soil consolidated, and water migration halted with Alchatek soil stabilization products. Once the bearing capacity of the soil has been increased with this process, then the structure can be lifted if necessary.