The dreaded floor/wall leak. Anyone who has seen enough leaks in their time knows that the wall/floor detail can be an injection contractors arch-nemesis. But it doesn't have to be so difficult. Please take a look at the basic detail depicted in the graphic which shows a common mistake as well as a couple of ways to remedy this situation with chemical grouting. Alchemy-Spetec has several products that can be used for this application. For an explanation of when and why you would use
Spetec PUR H100,
Spetec PUR F400,
Spetec AG200, or
Spetec PUR GT500, please call us at
404-618-0438, or click the button at the bottom of this article to schedule a consultation with a technical consultant.
See a close up of the graphic and an overview of the drilling methods below:
Top Arrow: The location of the top arrow in the graphic represents a good drilling technique, but it requires depths that many contractors are not used to drilling for joint injection. Drilling here is very effective when grout is delivered to the positive side of the footer joint.
Middle Arrow: Drilling a shallow hole that does not reach the joint here (see how the arrow stops mid-wall?) is the most common mistake when doing footer details. The contractor thinks they are hitting a wall/floor joint that is not there. Often they damage existing waterstops in good condition if they do reach the joint. However, drilling here can be effective if the joint is actually reached and the grout is injected successfully.
Bottom Arrow: This is the least commonly used drilling location, but when done correctly it seals the under-slab leak path as well as the wall/footer leak path. It's the least intuitive because it requires specific knowledge of the footer construction.
Want to schedule an appointment with an Alchemy-Spetec tech consultant to learn more about this process?