Please Note: This message is not intended as a sales tactic. We are genuinely trying to educate the construction industry on the current state of hand sanitizer scarcity and to let them know that we are a source - as long as our current suppliers provide us with raw materials and packaging.
As all of you know, Hand Sanitizer is very scarce, and we're thrilled to offer our customers a source for it during these unprecedented times. We have secured stock to produce the isopropyl-based WHO-formula (Made in USA - Tucker, GA), and are fully registered with FDA as a manufacturer with a National Drug Code (NDC) of 74826-812. It is also important to note that this formula does not include gel thickening agents. It can be used with a small amount applied to the palm, or as a spray or wipe.
We have our first production run tentatively available to ship on or before April 24th. Despite challenging market conditions, we have been able to secure raw materials and packaging for future supply as well, and as they are received, we will do our best to reflect market pricing changes in our pricing. For our limited first production run, we are streamlining the pricing as detailed below in an effort to supply all of you with solutions for not only your business interests, but for your family, friends, and neighbors. Our first objective is to supply each and every one of you with high quality and reliable sanitizer. Secondary to this, is to provide those who expressed distribution interest a few volume options as listed.
We strongly encourage pre-orders through the link here as the stock is moving quickly. (Note that Ground / LTL freight to the lower 48 states is included in these prices. There are volume packaging options available in the drop down menu for 1-gallon cases.)
Available Sizes:
- 1/2 Gallon Pack (2 Quarts)
- 1 Case (4 Gallon Jugs)
- 1 Pallet (256 Gallon Jugs)
- 5 Pallets (1,280 Gallon Jugs)
Additional packaging options may become available, but we are focusing on 1/2 gallon and gallon volumes to allow us to ensure continued supply of packaging. As other options become available, we will update you all. If you have any questions about your order, please email orders@Alchemy-Spetec.com.
Thank you all for your overwhelming interest in this product. And, as always, we appreciate your support in allowing us to continue offering products you need. Please stay safe and well through these difficult times, and we genuinely look forward to when we can thank all of you in person much sooner than later.
Jim Spiegel
V.P. Sales & Business Development