So now, with X number of leaking manholes identified, it is time to set a plan. Inverts and precast joints are often the biggest culprits. Often, they have been previously repaired with hydraulic cement. But hydraulic cement can’t deal with movement, and thus leaking cracks return. While hydraulic cement is cheap, repeating the repair process over and over is very expensive and means more confined space entries. Injecting the joints and inverts with a flexible polyurethane grout will provide a long-term repair, often longer than the expected service life of the manhole. Spetec PUR GT380 is the gold standard for these types of repairs, but at times a hydrophobic grout might be needed and thus Spetec PUR F400 would be the grout of choice.
But what about older brick manholes? Often they are ripped out and replaced. Replacement is not always necessary, can be disruptive, and is very costly. Spetec PUR Highfoamer is an excellent choice for curtain grouting (the ideal application for sealing gushing leaks in old brick manholes). Its set time can easily be field adjusted and its 50x expansion makes it very cost-effective.
So to review...
The bonus round is to watch treatment costs drop due to less infiltration!
Pro Tip: It is best to waterproof when the leaks are active.