As a chemical grouting professional, you have to be able to adjust on the fly to get the job done, and doubly so when it comes to grouting. Often, while on a job site, I find myself relying on the numerous skills and tools I acquired while serving in a US Navy submarine.
As one can imagine, waterproofing is a bit of high priority on a submarine! Attention to detail is ingrained into each and every service member. With waterproofing, attention to detail is also king. Remember, 99% waterproofed is still 100% leaking. Focusing on the details, whether on you’re a mechanic on a submarine, or waterproofing a below-grade structure is the very foundation for success.
Another important attribute for service members and contractors is integrity. No one is perfect, and it can be hard to own up to our mistakes. Taking ownership of an issue and making it right for your client is important. In the civilian world, doing things right can be expensive, but the alternative is often costlier. In the military, shortcuts can lead to mission failure, or even more dire consequences like loss of life. Whether repairing a pump, standing watch, making oxygen, or something as tedious as routine maintenance, integrity was an essential characteristic.
I enjoyed the discipline of the submarine service. I am certain this has steered my path in life. It prepared me well for being in a specialized technical industry like chemical grouting.
Fair winds and following seas!